Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tatting, CQJP, and a Garden Visitor

Yesterday, this visitor was spotted in the front yard

nibbling here and there

spotting a succulent plant further up the hill
past the dying hosta and along the patio stone path
and finding nothing else to eat, wandered into the trees.........
she/he had a friend who stayed hidden in the brush


some ribbon leaves with gold seeds
gathered ribbon couched with seed beads
completing the knotted loop with double thread really shows the knot much better
rick rack and thread
wrapped chain stitch
variegated threads woven onto long and short stitches
blingy ribbon, a 'MOP' sequin, herringbone and french knots
 and my October block is finished!
I was tatting some seam treatments for my Jewel block, and tried Mary Konior's "Baby" edging

aptly named, I thought

since this is supposed to be a straight edging, I need to concentrate more on my tension

but I'm going to use these bits, anyway........

the top one was tatted in DMC pearl size 12, the pink ones in a found thread which is like a size 30, and the green beginning is tatted in Lady Shuttlemaker's Rainforest, size 20

Hope you all have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. What a lovely visitor , of course your plants perhaps did not enjoy his/her visit but lovely sight of wildlife, they don't normally stay long enough for pictures.

    Nice stitching its going to look a very nice piece of work,
    Have a nice weekend

  2. Thanks, Margaret. Our visitor was around for a good 15 minutes. It was quiet, so I guess they felt safe. Have a good weekend!


  3. Nice looking visitor. Hope he/she doesn't eat too much from your gardens.

    Your needlework is wonderful as always.


  4. Wonderful wonderful wonderful 4-legged...

    Fox : O

  5. Oh Suz the deer really are sweet and silent...if only they weren't so destructive to plant life. I always try to remind myself they were here first. Your CQ block is stunning with all the amazing seam treatments. I adore your "baby" edging for Jewel's CQ block. Blissful Stitching Dear...

  6. yet again you brighten my day with the gorgeous colours you use in your stitching....

  7. Thanks FlowerLady. I fence off the few plants I don't want the deer to eat, and, so far, they haven't eaten my gardens....I guess there's sufficient food in summer for them........


  8. A delight to watch their graceful heart breaks when i remember hunting season is almost here......wish I could pen them and keep them safe until the season was over......


  9. I've been quite lucky, Createology, as they aren't too destructive here.....must be sufficient food in the forest during the spring and summer for them not to bother with my plants. Hope you're following orders and resting.......


  10. Thank you for those lovely words, Karen!
    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.


  11. Nice looking stitches you have made there. And I was entertained by your visitor. Funny indeed.

    barber chair

  12. how good was that deer to pose long enough for you to get those great photos.

    You have so many ideas on your crazy blocks, very inspiring and the new tatting is looking good.

  13. You are well on schedule with your CQJP blocks!
    I like your tatted edgings.

  14. What a sweet visitor, as long as they don't eat everything! Lovely seed beads & stitching.

  15. Thanks Marjolein!

    Thanks, Emma. So far my 'guests' have had very good manners. ;-D


  16. It looks like you may not need to worry too much about those dear - that one looks so well fed so, as you say, there must be plenty for them to eat in the forest! Well let's hope - they look so beautiful how could anyone hunt them!
    Love your stitching and especially your tatting Suz,
    Thanks for your kind comment - yes bloggers are just wonderful in their generosity!
    Hugs dear friend,

  17. Your October block turned out beautifully. I love all your various treatments on the seams and the tatting you've done.

  18. What a beautiful visitor! It's hunting season here right now and I must admit that I harbour great hope that the deer manage to escape. Beautiful tatting btw - a talent I have never mastered.

  19. Thank you Magpie. It's hunting season here, too. My visitor returned on Sunday afternoon and I hope she'll be safe from the hunters, and come back to see me again once hunting season has ended. She is so graceful and beautiful.



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