Saturday, November 3, 2012


TAST for this week is the Woven Picot Stitch. I decided to combine my TAST with my November CQJP.
Here's my naked block.
That beautiful red ribbon with the embroidered Merry Christmas in gold stitching was created by Debra of The Tuesday Stitchers. Thanks Debra!

You can see her blog here. She creates beautiful quilts.

first, three flower petals in the woven picot stitch  using  variegated red pearl cotton thread, size 8

a trio of faux pearls were added

sorry this is a little fuzzy
using  6-strands of embroidery floss, another 5 petals were added with more faux pearls
the November CQJP

here's a shot indicating the height of the flower petals

That's it so far..........

no WIPs progress to report

Company arrives today for the week, so I may not be around very much, though I hope to get in some more stitching.

Hope you all have a wonderful week enjoying your favourite things!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. The embroidered ribbon is beautiful, but the floral fabric at the top is what really caught my eye!

    When reading blogs, I get so excited for retirement. I'll be able to try all of the wonderful techniques that my blog buddies have been posting about! 3 1/2 more years!

  2. Your picots and pearls look good!
    Enjoy the week with your visitors!

  3. oh yes your picots look very much at home on your christmas ribbon

  4. What a lovely square. I love the top bit of fabric too. Your picots are wonderful. I'm way, way behind in my TAST stitches. I can't MAKE myself do something on a schedule like that. I'm going to have to learn and practice the stitches when I can as I have too much else going on. I thought I could do this, but was wrong.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely work.


  5. I love that fabric, too, Diane, and bought a whole bunch when I only needed a little bit. I'm going to have to think of a special project for it. At the rate you tat now while still working, I envision a whole mountain of tats the first month you retire!

  6. Thanks Margaret. I hoped they would. Now, to add more red to the block......


  7. FlowerLady, thank you for those lovely words. I struggled a bit with making time for all the different things I'm into, but I'm retired which makes more of the time my own. I understand, though, about trying to juggle too many things at once. Did that, and got all stressed out........
    Just enjoy stitching when the time is available.....

  8. yikes!!! everywhere I go people are talking about Christmas!!! I am prep, not even thought about it yet. You are so organised.

  9. Suz this block is pure Christmas joy. The embroidered ribbon is perfect. Your flower with pearls and petals is beautiful. Enjoy your company and make lots of wonderful memories. Blissful Dear...

  10. what a wonderfull idea ! this stitch can be perfect to embroider chrismas sujects.

  11. Hi Isabelle.
    I've used this stitch for leaves and flowers, but I bet there are lots of other ways to use it, too. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment.


  12. Oh Suz, I just love the way your little picot leafs are standing up all dimensional like. A great idea for holly and the Christmas theme is lovely. Di.

  13. Thank you, Di. I found that some threads stood up much better than others, and with a soft thread, I had to pack in the weaving quite tightly. Happy Stitching!


I love to read your comments!