Saturday, October 20, 2012

There's Been Stitching!

Hi everyone. Now that my company has returned home, I've gotten the house almost back to 'normal', and there's been some time for stitching. Yay!
First, though, a few pics of the yard and Turtle Island. Although many of the trees are now bare, there's still some colour around..........

I like the reflections

my naked October block for CQJP 2012

 A beautiful tat by Fox  is pinned into place
red lazy daisy buds with  fly stitch stems
then I added TAST knotted loop stitch

and my block looks like this, so far

lots more to do, yet

Here's the Italian Border Stitch for this week's TAST, with lazy daisy buds added. The knots on the bottom of the V don't show up too well in this doubled thread

perhaps I'll try it again in a thicker thread
here's a better shot of my beaded hedebo stitch and the blingy ribbon I posted last week
 I tried it a bit thicker here, with little heart buttons instead of the beads
then I played with double rows of chain stitch
I completed the bullion row couching down the pale pink lace, and topped it with a pink glass bead which sort of looks green, here
 some buttonhole circles

and my Jewel block looks a little more complete, although there's lots more stitching and beading to do.

 over at StitchMAP I am taking a Redwork Course. It's a lot of fun (and sometimes frustrating) learning and practicing new skills.
this music note was one lesson practicing satin stitch and padded satin stitch
and I completed a little teapot, too. These motifs are quite small ~ 1.5" square
My next lesson is awaiting my attention.

I hope you've had some time today to enjoy doing something that feeds your soul and brings you pleasure.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz.


  1. Hi, Suz,

    It is always interesting if not a bit confounding to take a peek at what you are quilting - it is such foreign territory to me.

    Today, while strolling through - what is that? - a little tat I do not even recognize!

    Had you not named it I would have been interested, but never identified it as my own. Looks very pretty in there with the sweet hare. Perfect!

    Thank you. It is a definite honour.
    Fox : ))

  2. You have been busy!
    I'm sure Jewel will love all the bling bling you have added.

  3. I think it's just perfect in the little spot I've chosen for it, Fox. It's beautifully tatted, and I love adding those special pieces you've shared with me. Thank you!


  4. I think she will, too, Marjolein. She does like bling. I just hope she doesn't try to pry it off of the pillow, like she tried to pull my rings off my fingers! Thanks.


  5. Lovely photos of the autumn colours. As usual lovely stitching. I am stitching but slowly.

  6. You have been very busy Sue, the Jewel block is looking good. I am very envious of your excellent satin stitch too. This is going to be a perfect heirloom for Jewel.

  7. Thank you, Penny. I hope you're feeling well today and having some sunshine.

  8. lots to see on your blog today, such good reflections in the water, must be very clear and clean.
    Yes you have been busy with your needle so much to see and admire.Some lovely edging on your block and your red work is coming on, have bought a book on it but not enough hours in the day to do all I want.

  9. Your blog is always interesting and I love your pictures, just one thing can you tell me where you are in the world, winter seems to be coming fast to you, our trees have not all turned yet here in the UK
    Your stitching looks lovely and your October stitching looks hard but is going to look delightful when finished.
    The padded musical note is brilliant and the teapot well done

  10. Hi Margaret, and thank you for the lovely comments. Yes, I'm afraid winter is on its way....we've even had a few little $#@! flurries coming down, but now this week is a bit warmer with temperatures in the low teens. So, that's nicer.
    I live in Ontario, Canada, almost half-way between Toronto and Ottawa, and in the forest by a small lake. It's a beautiful spot, but quite remote, as we are the only year-round residents at the lake. There is a town about 30 minutes away, but small towns seldom have everything one needs, so we travel to the nearest city, which is 1 3/4 hours away. sigh. If I could plunk this spot down 10 minutes from the city................
    Just this past week we brought in the raft, and put up the canoe for the winter, and tucked away the outdoor furniture, and I've done some transplanting of perennials, and have a huge pile of mulch to apply to some of the garden beds.......
    The air is crisp in the mornings, with many days of grey skies and rain. I prefer the rain to the white stuff, but, come winter, no one listens to me! lol I don't like shoveling tons of snow, so perhaps this year, we'll only get three feet or so......
    Hope you're having a lovely autumn day.

  11. Thank you, Margaret. The lake is quite clean and the water clear when it's not being disturbed. Some of the summer residents drink the lake water, although, we have a well.........don't want to be slogging through the snow to chop holes in the ice for water during the winter.....( although DH has done that in the past when the hydro failed during a bad storm)'s not fun carting buckets of water up the hill in the snow.......
    I'm enjoying the Redwork course at StitchMAP very much, and will probably pick up a book on this type of embroidery once I've finished my lessons.
    Hope you're having some stitching fun.


  12. I like the Hedebo with the hearts!

  13. Dear Suz,
    such beautiful autumn photoes,-looking almost the same here,now.
    And so many different and wonderful stitches in your works- I can imagine how many hours ,these pieces takes to finish :-) happy hours!

  14. Lovely Autumn pictures, Suz, and great creative stitching. Just one little niggle - aren't your musical notes the wrong way round??;)

  15. Thank you for telling me where you are, I hate snow, I am not a snow driver and I have no idea how I would manage with three foot of snow. We do get snow and thankfully not that much although we have had bad snowy winters during my lifetime, my husband lived though the longest snow winter in history they had so much they had to air lift food into the villages back in 1962/63. I was living on the edge of London so for me we did quite well at least we could get around which was more then him they used to walk out of the bedroom window as the ground floors were completely covered.
    If a few flakes of snow fall in here the whole country seems to come to a complete stop, so it's a good job we don't get too much of the white stuff.
    I really hope you have a reasonably mild winter and I look forward to hearing about your wonderful place you live, I have often wondered where you were and I am so glad I asked.
    Thank you. Margaret

  16. So true, Dorthe, stitching hours are happy ones! Hope you're having lots of happy hours, too.


  17. I thought so, too, Janet, but the pattern isn't mine.....a course design. Maybe I should mention it?

  18. Oh! Your photos are heavenly. How lucky you are! What is that lovely silvery double-trunked tree on the right side of the photographs? It's luminous!

  19. I love yout stitching. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  20. Those are white birch trees, Starr. They do brighten up the pic, don't they? I've always liked birch and maple trees........and then I found out I'm allergic to both! hunh.
    I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.


  21. loving your red buds....

  22. Thanks Karen, for peeking in at my blog! As always, loving your embroideries!


  23. Hi Suz
    Even though you are 1.3/4 hrs away to the nearest city I bet you wouldn't change that beautiful spot for anything else in a hurry! - I know as we live in a similar situation and just love it but, of course, few people have a lake view as beautiful as that in Autumn or in any season.
    Love your stitching on your crazy patchwork!
    Thank you so much for visiting and leaving such a nice comment on my dyed handspun mohair from our goats.
    Hugs to you girl,

  24. Thanks, Suzy. Sent you an email.

  25. Lovely pictures of the lake and your island. Have you taken in your dock yet? Your CQ block looks really good and all the stitching looks great. So nice that you can combine your love of quilting, stitching, tatting and granddaughter altogether :)

  26. Hey, JPP, we've brought in the raft, but the dock is permanent......since it's a small lake, we don't get the high waves and ice buildup that would destroy the dock.......lucky us.
    having some stitching fun?



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