Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Treasures From The Second Hand Store

I hadn't been to the local second hand shop for a while, so I popped in one day last week.
What did I find?

an interesting book showing how to use a creative approach in other mediums to enhance and inspire one's embroidery
a second book
Looks rather boring, doesn't it?
It's "Crewel Embroidery" by Erica Wilson!!
this lace piece was in a bag with the following laces, and is a small shawl with a lace border
a pretty and delicate design
(shown on a dark purple background)
3 lace collars!

a little too small for me.........sigh.....
but I could use the lace in my CQing if I dare to cut them up.......
close up
I like the 'netting' in this one

my fave of the three

such a pretty design
a lace bow

a 'gold' bow hair pin with a 'pearl'
and 2 little bags of buttons!

What lovely treasures I found!

The books will be added to my embroidery library, and all the other items are great for CQing!

I can't believe I purchased all this
for $10.00!!!   Wow!!

Have you found treasures in your local second hand shop? It can be a wonderful resource for fabrics, books, jewelery, threads, and all kinds of things.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Good haul, well done. So many beautiful things for such a low price. Enjoy.

  2. I LOVE shopping flea markets and "thrift" stores as we call them down here in the South. My last big score was a set of 4 crewel embroideries of seashells. (I blogged about them way back yonder) They are beautiful! A prized possession. I find wonderful old books and assorted doo-dads all the time. Have to hide it from the hubby, but oh well! When I say, "What? that old thing?" I'm not really lying!!!

  3. Well done, wonderful pieces of lace, and great books,

  4. I love going in second hand shops and fleamarkets dear Suz-
    And I can tell you do ,too- especially when being so lucky, as you was finding all those treasures.
    So beautiful, is all the lace- congratulations, on coming home with so many goodies.

  5. What a lovely shopping trip Suz. 2nd hand shops are much better these days aren't they.You just never know what you'll find.
    Buttons, lace collars...sigh!!

  6. Thanks Jane. I'm sure I shall.

  7. Oh, Starr, that is so sneaky--I love it! Now you've made me laugh!


  8. Yes, I've been reading and enjoying the books, Margaret. I'm saving t he lace until it speaks to me....
    Have a great week.


  9. Thanks, Dorthe. I have been lucky. I can't imagine anyone tossing out such pretty laces, though, can you?


  10. So true, Judy. I think it's the surprise of finding something special that keeps me returning. Hope you have fun and good luck on your next treasure hunt.


  11. You found great treasures! My absolute favourite place to shop is the thrift stores, particularly in the book section. I've found some really great needlework books. Then I hit the area where I might find some lace and then it's off to the dishes. I rarely look at the clothing now, but it was where I found probably 90% of my crazy quilt 'fabric' stash.

  12. such a collection you have, we do not seem to get any stitcy stuff in our local charity shops these days and can`t remember when I last found an embroidery book, I keep looking and maybe one day!!

  13. I hope you get lucky the next time you go searching, Margaret.

  14. It's so much fun to go searching. It's the surprise part that I like, uncovering something beautiful I can use. I check the jewelery first, since it's on the way to the books, and then the crafting items. This shop doesn't have any clothes ( there are 2 others which do). What fun.
    Are you looking for particular dishes?

  15. What wonderful finds Sue! I haven't been to a 2nd hand shop for ages but now I"m itching to go and hopefully find a treasure of two.

  16. Best of luck on your treasure hunt!


  17. Wonderful new treasures for your beloved stitchery and CQing. The lace collars are beautiful. I have been avoiding my local thrift store but miss it very much...instead I am donating to it for now. Blissful Dear...

  18. Createology, I usually take in a bag or two, or a box, and then go 'shopping'. This way I'm making room for all the new treasures I'll find by giving away items I no longer need or want. Everybody wins!

  19. Second hand shops (or charity shops, as we call them here in the UK, because they are mostly run for the aid of some charity) are my main source of wool for my charity knitting. I can't pass by one without going in for a look!

  20. Ah, you'd have such fun in ours....there's always yarn of one kind or another. I've several storage totes of yarn already, so I have to pass it by. This shop assists the seniors in the district, so I like to support it. Happy yarn hunting!

  21. Sue you have really been busy with your stitching. I really like the basket done with the buttonhole cup stitch. The curves on the tatting will look good on your crazy quilting.with some silk ribbon flower sprays in the curves.

    What wonderful bargains you found the books look interesting I am sure you will get much inspiration from them.
    Your purchases are great fancy all that for $10 lucky you.


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