Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fun Fabric Flowers

These fun fabric flowers arrived all the way from Australia!

 Using felt, pieces of material, fibers, beads and buttons, they were created by Judy.
Aren't they big, bold and beautiful?  I shall have to find a special project to showcase them.

Thanks so much Judy!
a light layer of snow on turtle Island
another dusting has the trees dress in white lace

I like the reflection of the clouds in the water
In the bay, ice is forming on the lake

soon it will creep across the surface

but not just yet.......

warmer weather is on its way for the weekend!

Hope wherever you are, you're warm and healthy.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Saturday, November 24, 2012

TAST & Redwork

It's been a busy week here, so I only have pics of my TAST and RedWork to show. I'm still working on the Jewel block, though, so I hope to have more to show next time..
Portuguese Border Stitch

I'm not sure how much I would use this stitch

It's fairly easy to do, but, besides borders, I'm at a loss of how best to use this. No doubt someone creative will come up with several ideas

I had more fun playing with a simpler stitch

Also created on rungs.......this simpler wrapped stitch......

Single wraps around the rungs, and then I began to weave with a variegated thread
part way along, I covered the places where the original wrap meets the weaving with a dark thread x. But it covered up too much and just looked a little messy
side by side
StitchMAP  RedWork Course Completed!
Most of the motifs I've stitched have been turned into weights

all finished and stuffed with lentils

They look a little funny since I scanned them, and the edge stitching doesn't show up very well
I finished my 'bird' bag, adding some different elements. It's ~ 8.5" x 11"
I think it's cute!
The completed bag filled with the weights

I had so much fun on this course, and I learned quite a lot!

Hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Christmas Stocking Swap and Treasures

I participated in a Christmas stocking swap, run by Lyn and on Monday, my new stockings were in the mailbox. I thought I'd show them off.        The theme : Silver
Aren't they gorgeous? I love them.

Thank you, stocking swappers!

And treasures found at the local second-hand shop:
I found another Erica Wilson book!
Lots of ideas in here for embellishing.

the baggie contains some eyelet trim.

 there's a beautiful crocheted pansy doily

and a lovely lace-edged hanky

a stained glass angel pin.......I think it could easily become a Christmas tree ornament, or a fabulous gift tag for someone special

these butterfly earrings are so pretty, even though only 1 butterfly has a single came off easily
I can see these showing up on a CQ with new antennae stitched onto the fabric..........

definitely treasures!

I seem to have the best luck when it comes to our local second hand shop, don't I?

I hope you find some treasures, too.

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to everyone celebrating and giving thanks tomorrow. May you have a joyous time with family and safe travels!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Saturday, November 17, 2012

This Week: Stitching and Tatting

I did some stitching this week:
some geometrics added to my CQJP
so my November block  just might be finished

At StitchMAP, I'm taking the Redwork Course, and here is my Modern Redwork project in colour

Traditionally, Redwork was done in red, or green or blue, but the modern style is not limited to one colour.

It was fun choosing my pattern, stitches and thread colours to create this

The Jewel block is still in progress

more material was added, and the block was then squared
auditioning different trims and bits
hmmm, choices, choices
some organic tats

the top one is in a thread called 'Enchantment' size 20

the bottom is done in an ivory, softer thread and I attached it to the  Jewel block
a mini test tat with some pretty Finca thread Fox so kindly sent me. Thanks Fox!
Turtle Island was shrouded in mist yesterday morning

I just caught the last bits before they wafted away
later the sun appeared and shone on the frosty grass in the bay

TAST this week was the Magic Chain, a chain stitch variation

That's my stitching for the week.
I did get a little more painting done, but, .......well, maybe next time.

Hope you've had a good week.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

And There Was Painting

Last week my good friend Shirl was up for a visit, and we painted! Yay!
Unfortunately, the pics of her painting were blurry..........sorry about that.
my inspiration:
a photo I took years ago......

the sketch
the following pics were taken under changing light conditions, and vary a lot in the colouration, depending on the time of day the photos were taken.

beginning washes
adding background and touches of water
more colour

this is quite reddish........
building up the water
more realistic colour

laying in the lily pads
darkening the water
reddish light


an experiment darkening the background ..... um, yuck
the darks in the background were removed
more water and plants added
taken in the sunlight, this pic is more true to the colour
lots more work needed on this yet
the water needs greying, and I plan to add a grey-blue wash to the background since it appears too yellow

Hope you enjoyed the 'pics in progress' of my painting. More next time.....

Last week, the hairy woodpeckers were tapping above our windows on the vinyl siding......we chased them away several times each day. I wonder what they were looking for..........
I caught one later on this red pine
The sun came out of hiding and created diamonds in the water
but later in the afternoon, the pink sky was reflected there
here's the view from the west deck..........
the sunset lasted only about 10 minutes.....

Hope you have some spectacular sunsets.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Saturday, November 10, 2012

In Remembrance

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day  November 11, 2012:   11/11/12

On the 11th Hour, Of the 11th Day, Of the 11th Month......

 Our freedoms today came at a high price, and we should never forget that wars shatter lives, families, and communities. 

In Remembrance and with Gratitude.  For those who have served, those serving now, and those yet called to serve. Bless you and Thank you.


I've added a bit of stitching to my November CQJP.

I tacked down the woven picot flower petals here

and here
beads and fiber leaves for the poinsettia center

red veins
red, then gold thread adorn this seam
green fiber rings have dark green fire-polished crystals added to the center for a wee sparkle
 my November block so far

I want to add some more to the existing seam treatments

I'm working on my RedWork Course at StitchMAP and I've created these little stitcheries from their patterns:

this bonsai is my favourite so far

That's all for this week

Hope you've all been having some stitching or tatting fun!

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz