Saturday, November 24, 2012

TAST & Redwork

It's been a busy week here, so I only have pics of my TAST and RedWork to show. I'm still working on the Jewel block, though, so I hope to have more to show next time..
Portuguese Border Stitch

I'm not sure how much I would use this stitch

It's fairly easy to do, but, besides borders, I'm at a loss of how best to use this. No doubt someone creative will come up with several ideas

I had more fun playing with a simpler stitch

Also created on rungs.......this simpler wrapped stitch......

Single wraps around the rungs, and then I began to weave with a variegated thread
part way along, I covered the places where the original wrap meets the weaving with a dark thread x. But it covered up too much and just looked a little messy
side by side
StitchMAP  RedWork Course Completed!
Most of the motifs I've stitched have been turned into weights

all finished and stuffed with lentils

They look a little funny since I scanned them, and the edge stitching doesn't show up very well
I finished my 'bird' bag, adding some different elements. It's ~ 8.5" x 11"
I think it's cute!
The completed bag filled with the weights

I had so much fun on this course, and I learned quite a lot!

Hope you have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Susan, You know I love your variation, it looks beautiful, the small weaving - it had to come from you.

  2. Thanks Anneliese. I did have fun with the weaving.


  3. Thanks Margaret. It's always nice to learn new skills and techniques, but to finish a course with a useful and pretty item makes it even better!


  4. You've been busy once again. I'm sure you'll find lots of uses for your pattern weights and the sweet 'bird bag'.

  5. Thanks Magpie! i do have something in mind for the weights and bag.


  6. Great job on the Redwork Suz, I'm still working lesson 4.


  7. Interesting ladder stitch. Your little birdie bag and weights are wonderful with your hand stitching on them. You really are getting projects completed. Fabulous finishings...

  8. as usual a Suz a lot to admire on your blog, like your stitching for tast and your redwork work is lovely, as for the bird bag I think it is delightful

  9. Love the work on the weights, but especially love the blue birdies on the bag!

  10. Thanks Arlene. Lesson 4 took me a loooong time to do, but it's worth the time to create those nice motifs. I look forward to seeing your finished bag and weights.


  11. I love seeing your stitching experiments. And I really love that sweet little bluebird bag. It's nice to see how you turn all that beautiful stitching into a lovely and practical item.

  12. I learned quite a bit on this course, and now I have a nice gift for my quilting friend. TAST has been great for learning new stitches, and playing.
    Have a wonderful week.


  13. Me too, Jenclair. The birdies are my favourite, well, except for the bonsai. I guess they're tied. Thanks.


  14. I can't take credit for the project planning, Starr. That was the RedWork Course at StitchMAP, where course material was written for us by members. They did a fabulous job, and I learned a lot. Now I have a special gift for a friend. Neat!


  15. As always ... Just lovely and so different x

  16. Suz, as usual you have shared some fun stitching. I like your variation on the TAST stitch and the redwork items. That bag is really sweet too.

  17. Thanks Connie. I hope my friend thinks so, too.
    Happy week wishes.......


  18. the green edge stitches are very beautiful......

  19. I had my doubts about portugese border stitch too.
    The bag and weights look super cute.

  20. Thanks, Karen! I have been drooling over your stitch magic!


  21. It's an okay stitch, I think, Marjolein, but it just didn't inspire me to try anything different. I really like that bag and the might be hard to give them


  22. Nice Portuguese Border stitching Sue. I quite liked it too but am not sure if/when I'll ever use it. One never knows though right? Your wrapped stitch looked really neat and your lentil filled weights turned out great! You did a beautiful job on your bird bag as well :)

  23. Great post your alternative woven stitches are very creative. Tell me what do you use the weights for. Love the bag you made to keep them in.

  24. your work is wonderfull ! I love the little things you done for the StitchMAP RedWork Course

  25. Thank you so much, JPP! The PB stitch makes a great border, but so far I haven't thought of any alternate use for it. Have a great stitchin' week!


  26. Hi Shirley,
    Thanks for the nice comments! I've made the weights and bag as a gift, but I was told the weights are useful in quilting, to hold pattern pieces in place as well as pieces of material so they don't blow away or shift out of position. In a pinch, they could be used as a pin cushion, although the lentils I used might dull the pins. They can also just be hung as decorations, I suppose, or used as paperweights.


  27. Thanks Isabelle! The patterns and the course belong to StitchMAP but I sure had fun doing the stitching.



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