Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fun Fabric Flowers

These fun fabric flowers arrived all the way from Australia!

 Using felt, pieces of material, fibers, beads and buttons, they were created by Judy.
Aren't they big, bold and beautiful?  I shall have to find a special project to showcase them.

Thanks so much Judy!
a light layer of snow on turtle Island
another dusting has the trees dress in white lace

I like the reflection of the clouds in the water
In the bay, ice is forming on the lake

soon it will creep across the surface

but not just yet.......

warmer weather is on its way for the weekend!

Hope wherever you are, you're warm and healthy.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I'm not sure how big the buttons are, but wouldn't they make fun brooches?

    I love seeing the snow. There's none in the forecast here. In fact, we're expecting to be in the 50s this weekend... not weather to inspire me to get ready for the holidays!

  2. Instead of brooches (a delightful idea, btw) my first thought was to sew them onto a casual top, around the neckline for a brilliant splash of color. But I don't know if these beauties are safe to toss in the washing machine?

    And of course it is prudent to assume they are not. So there goes that idea. LOL!

  3. Gorgeous flowers, I think I might turn one or two into brooches.
    We have already had some snow, see my blog, that went rain, rain and yet more rain arrived causing floods in the UK, it's cole today with a frost overnight, not good with surface water still on the country lanes, forecast says staying cold with frost at night but rain coming back in next week may have some snow as it hits the cold air. Thank you for sharing those lovely pictures

  4. Oh, how I envy your dusting of snow! Snow is a very rare treat in the deep South. Send me some?

  5. You're right, Diane, they'd make fabulous brooches. The red would be perfect for the holiday season.
    The snow does look pretty. Shoveling snow is something else. lol
    Have a good one!


  6. Hi IsDihara,
    I do like your idea, and I think they might be hand washable, but I would wonder about the felt....whether the colour would run, and whether it could stand up to multiple washings.......maybe a big necklace would work better instead.


  7. That's a good idea, Margaret. They're just in time for the festive season, too.
    That's some nasty weather you're having, especially the freezing temps with all that rain. Lots of slippery ice. I hope the rain stops soon.

  8. Starr, I'd love to send you some snow........especially when it starts creeping up over the 3 foot mark.........then it's just not fun your shoveling muscles all toned up?


  9. Hi Suz...I just posted about my flowers from Judy. They are such fun and very beautiful. Yours are gorgeous. I pinned mine to a styrofoam cone for a little holiday tree on my desk. Beautiful wintery photos of the snow dusting. Joyful Garden of Flowers Dear...

  10. Createology, what a good idea for those fab flowers! I shall pop over to your blog to see your tree. The snow dusting always reminds me of lace.......


  11. They are so colorful and vibrant! Cant wait to see what you do with them! Your surroundings is so beautiful!

  12. Thank you for such a lovely comment.


  13. Wow! That Romantic.You can guess we don't get snow here except for Mt.Lofty which has a few flakes once in a while.
    Glad you like your flowers Suz.

  14. Those flowers are very neat! I love all the embroidery. The snow is just perfect too...just enough to be pretty and not too much!

  15. I do, Judy! Thank you again. The snow does lend an ethereal look to the forest. Hugs

  16. You're right Deb. There's just enough snow to look Christmasy, without needing shoveling. There's been more falling all day,


  17. lovely buttons and yes they would make beautiful brooches. Snow is lovely to look at from indoors but not so nice when deep and even worse when it gets slushy ugh not for me, fingers crossed we do not get much this winter.

  18. Gorgeous flowers Suz. A brooch sounds a fabulous ides,what about an ornament? Lovely photographs of the lake...

  19. I hadn't thought of an ornament, Anita, but that's a good idea!


  20. Love your buttons and they would make great pins to wear....I really enjoyed seeing the snow and wished we had snow....

  21. I do hope you manage to stay has been cold here this week but we don't get as cold as you do

  22. The flowers are fantastic! The snow and ice...not so much.

  23. Thanks Wendy. Our snow is gone again, and warmer temperatures have arrived with lots of rain.


  24. I tend to hide in the house a lot more in the winter Karen. The heating, long underwear (oh, how sexy!) and wraps help to keep me warm. Today we have a warm spell happening, and all the snow is gone thanks to all the rain. ha
    Wishing you some sunshine......


  25. Thanks Connie. The snow is all gone today with a warm spell and lots of rain. We still have some ice on the lake, but if the temps stay warm for the next few days, it will all probably disappear, too. yay!
    Hope you're having better weather.



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