Sunday, December 2, 2012

This Week: Tatting, CQJP, TAST, and more........

Happy December!
Here's my naked December block:

That cool red ribbon with the sparkles and the snowflakes is from Debra.

Thanks Debra! I love the diagonal line the ribbon creates on this block (and it very nicely covers up a jumble of seams ;-D)

I think I shall be adding lots of snowflakes, and maybe a little silver......

I did my TAST stitch on my Jewel block

some arrowhead stitches along a seam trim

interlaced arrowhead variation on a second seam trim where I also added a selection of french knots and some lazy daisy stitches

the seam now looks like this

more embellishing added to Jewel's block:

seed beads added to an off-white organic tat

another JK cluster

a small spray of silk ribbon flowers with bead centers

lace flowers with lazy daisy leaves

tatted seams

a wee lace flower

My Jewel Block now looks like this:
I've begun to add some beads....Jewel loves bling!
this is a wee fairy I've made for granddaughter Jewel, and will be sent to Australia with a Christmas card.

She adored my kitchen angel, and I promised to make her one.
fun fur for hair, lace wings, and heart trim
2 1/2" wide x 3" long
this little tat was supposed to be a star......
"Tatting Pattern and Designs" by Gun Blomquist and Elwy Persson
there were a couple of design elements I didn't like, and when I got to this point, I needed to add more thread
I rather liked the shape as it was
and decided to start the pattern again......

it morphed into this tree decoration first

the swarovski crystals add a nice sparkle, although it's difficult to see......
and my second attempt at the star was changed slightly with the addition of extra chains to both the top and bottom arms

sorry about the blurring on this scan

the center is filled with a circle of faux pearls matching those at each arm

I added a swarovski crystal drop to the bottom, too

it needs blocking, but I'm pleased with the result

There's been more stitching, but no pics yet

Hope you've had a wonderful week.
The weather has warmed up, the snow is gone, and the ice is receding on the lake
Maybe we'll have sunshine. Hope you do, too!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I look forward to seeing your December stitching, your star looks lovely should be lovely on your tree,
    We have had frost at night and very cold by day, just a few days of no rain, some of the floods are beginning to go down but on the Somerset levels there are still people cut off including a complete village, their supplies are bring taken to the village by boat. It's raining again here now so it's back to rain just a bit more to add to the floods. We are dry here as we are high up on the mendips, if we flood most of the UK will be underwater.
    Happy sewing/ tatting

  2. Wow, you've been very busy! Love the fairy you made for your granddaughter.

  3. Thanks Margaret,
    We've had rain here, too, today, and more in the forecast......It's a shame there's been so much in the UK this fall, causing so much flooding. We're up on a hill, so flooding isn't a worry for us, thank goodness, but I understand how horrible and destructive it can be.
    Hope you have better weather soon.
    The star is a gift for a friend, but I think it would look very nice on any tree. DH does, too, and has requested several for ours!
    Wishing you happy stitching/tatting/card creating.


  4. Thanks Annet! I think that fairy is so cute, and I even have enough for another. Maybe Jewel and I will share twin angels.


  5. so much to take in with your block, lots of lovely tatting and love the silk ribbon flowers. Have just tracked down some silk ribbon on the internet to have a good a dyeing ready for the CQJP 2013.

  6. I love the colors of the threads you used for the TAST, and the whole work is wonderful !

  7. Every time you show it, the Jewel block is more lovely. The tatted items really add something special.
    Jewel will love the cute little fairy.

  8. You're quite busy with all your EXQUISITE stitching, and making cute fairies, and tatting! This is a wonderful sparkly star - nicely done!

  9. Hi Margaret! I'm rather a newbie when it comes to silk ribbon. I hope you'll post pics of your dyeing results. Thanks.


  10. Thanks Isabelle.
    The thread I used is a Caron's Wildflowers, but I've lost the tag, so I can't tell you the name or the number, sorry.


  11. Thanks, Marjolein. I'm almost finished the Jewel block: a little beading, a little lace and/or ribbon trim, then sewing the pillowcase. I think she'll have fun feeling the different textures. The angel goes in the mail tomorrow, so I hope it arrives in time.


  12. Thanks so much Kathy! I'm gradually learning to tat other peoples' patterns, but I often get carried away or follow along a sideways path and veer off course. I'm pleased with how this one turned out, though, and will be sending it to a friend with her Christmas card.


  13. I always enjoy seeing your tatting and certainly envy you your talent. I tried to learn a couple of times and can't seem to get beyond the basic ring. Your star is beautiful!

  14. Thank you, Magpie. I do needle tatting, which I've been told is easier than shuttle tatting. Which have you tried? I'd be happy to help, if you want to try needle tatting.


  15. Just goes to show that busy fingers makes the most lovely things! Such a cute fairy!

  16. Thank you! It's on its way to Jewel: I hope she likes it!


  17. snowflakes on the red ribbon is pretty and tatted star is gorgeous. I love fairy's cute expression, Jewel will be very happy when she receives this wonderful angel from you.

  18. Thanks Anita. I hope my friend likes the star, and Jewel loves her little angel. She loved my kitchen angel so much, and played with it every day.


  19. Your block looks wonderful and of course I love seeing your tatting.

  20. Thank you, JPP! I'm hoping to get more tatting done come the New Year.



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