Saturday, December 8, 2012

December 7, 2012

Yesterday there was a layer of ice on the lake, and a rainbow.
Here's a close up. You can see the rainbow colours on the ice ripples

For TAST, I created a little bouquet.....

and added two cast on petal flowers

white 'pearls' on polka dots
and silver beads on the snowflake ribbon add some texture and bling
 That's all on the December block so far
 This morning it's grey and snowing
everything wears a dusting of white

so far we've had about an inch of snow

 I'll be busy and away much of the time this weekend as we have our choir Christmas Concerts.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh, what pretty pics, I can just imagine the silence. Lots of lovely stitching, too.

  2. I think your snow looks so much nicer than my dry paddocks.

  3. Love the rainbow! The block and the embroidery is so pretty. Love the snow photos!

  4. Snow and rainbows. Magical and beautiful.

  5. Thanks Emma. The snow seems to add a blanket, muffling any sounds, and the starkness of the dark trees against the white is broken by bits of colour in the birds' feathers. Their calls as they enjoy the bird seed is a welcome sound.


  6. There is a beauty to soft layers of snow smothering the ground and softening the world. Thanks Penny.


  7. Yes, Starr. Hushed and pristine white with a splash of colour. It is a magical place. Thanks.


  8. your tast has worked very well, lovely photos, you have caught the rainbow well and the snow looks wonderful, to look at anyway not so nice to be out in it.

  9. Lovely rainbow, oh boy you made me feel cold, but lovely to see your lake with the snow
    I hope you have a great time singing at your concert

  10. Beautiful pictures,lovely rainbow.The colors of your buttonhole eyelet flowers reminds me of Indian flag Suz. Hope you had great time at your concert.

  11. Hi Margaret,
    I don't mind being out in the snow, as long as I'm dressed properly. It does make for lovely pics, though, and has a delightful hushed effect on the forest sounds, as though everything is muffled. My footsteps are quieter (unless it's really cold and the snow squeeks underfoot) so I can walk unheard through the woods.
    Have a lovely Sunday.


  12. Thanks Margaret. Saturday's concert went quite well and we had a larger turnout than at first expected, in spite of the busy time, and the falling snow. Today's concert should have an even fuller house. Hope your fair was a success!


  13. Thanks, Anita. The concert went well Saturday, just one more this afternoon. Have a great Sunday.


  14. Your ice picture is amazing! I don't like winter but it does have it's pretty moments, and you've certainly captured one of them.

  15. Thanks, Magpie. It was so fleeting-here one moment and gone the next. One had to be on just the right angle to 'see' it, too. Thankfully, DH spotted it, and called me.
    I never liked winter much until I started snowshoeing and x-country skiing, and then I felt better about it. Since my knee is now so bad, I just take long walks, when I can.


  16. This weekend there must have been at least 50 ice shacks and trucks on the lake with men ice fishing. Do you have any one coming to ice fish on Bradley Lake? Very nice looking TAST bouquet :)

  17. Since Bradley Lake is so small, and access is by a private road, we seldom have more than 1 or two ice fishing, and that's usually only for a couple days. It's usually just the two of us at the lake all winter long....very peaceful and quiet. I can't imagine looking out the windows to see hordes of men and fishing huts cluttering the view.
    We are spoiled.


  18. Back from our weekend away and catching up. Suz dear your photos are so lovely. The December block is really coming along beautifully. Holiday music is so wonderful. Blissful days dear...

  19. Hope you had a wonderful time! Glad you liked the pics. Have a good week!


  20. It sure looks frosty in your parts, Suz but very pretty photos. I love your TAST bouquet.

  21. your lake is sooooooo beautiful.

  22. Thanks, Karen, we think so,too. We've been coming up to this lake for 31 years--first as the family cottage, then as our cottage, and now as our home. It wasn't until we moved here to make this spot our home, that I saw the lake in it's winter cloak. Have a lovely week.


  23. Thanks, Dianne. It was a little cool at -15C this morning. Definitely frosty, as the snow crunched underfoot in the cold air. There was a thin layer of ice on the front deck, too, which made for some slippery bits.
    I had fun playing with my TAST stitches, so I'm glad you liked it.
    Hope you're having a good week.


  24. You're colder than we are. Nice TAST sample. I seem to have fallen behind. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  25. Thanks Sandy. I look forward to seeing more stitchy goodies!



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