Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Memorial Quilt and Hearts

                                                                      Memorial Quilt and Hearts
the graphics

I wasn't planning to post again before Christmas, but I did want to share this:
I received a group email from Crazy Quilt Embellisher's about a memorial project  being organized. I signed up to participate.
What's it all about?

"This project is to be a tribute to those people who lost their lives in the unspeakable shooting tragedy in Sandy Hook, CT in December, 2012." Participants " will choose to create either (or both) a diamond shaped block or a heart in memory of a victim. The diamonds will be pieced into a quilt to be donated to the Sandy Hook, CT government as a tribute and memorial for the victims. More specific details on the exact agency will be published at a later date. Others may choose to make a completed heart that will be donated in memory to each of the families of the victims."

I wanted to share this information.
If you would like to be a part of this project, please email me at susancuss(at)yahoo(dot)com and I shall send your info and email address to the project co-ordinator.
or you can read all about it here:
Blessings to all.
from the Graphics

Hugs from Suz


  1. Terrific Susan! Thank you SO much for posting here! I'm a follower of your blog and LOVE your work!

  2. I'm glad to see this happening. Thanks for the notification, Susan

  3. what a good idea to do this following such a tragedy, I still have not got my head around what has happened those poor families they stay in my prayers.

  4. It's terrible tragedy why do these happen, We have such laws in the UK and guns are not readily available. I hope the US changes their laws and they stop having guns then perhaps these things will never happen again. I feel so sorry for the parents leaving their children at school for the day and then the worse happens and they never hold them again. What a lovely project and I hope the raise plenty from the quilt.

  5. a more than worthy heart just breaks....

  6. What a wonderful cause. Thank you for sharing the details. Thank you also for your support of CHalky's World. I love that our lives are somewhat entwined as we start our lives as Grndmothers together. Thank you also for your kind concern re my mother in law. I think it may be a very long haul!
    I would like to wish you all the best for a happy and creative 2013. Love Linda

  7. Thanks Linda. Have a Happy, Healthy 2013!

  8. Thanks everyone for your comments. Hope your holidays were happy ones.


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