Sunday, December 30, 2012

December 29, 2012

I hope everyone has had a safe and Merry Christmastime!
We had a wonderful time with DS and DDIL even though I had a bad fall on the ice the Saturday before Christmas, and some things just didn't get done with the hydro outage. Still, being together is what it's all about, and enjoying and appreciating each other.
We've had more snow and everything looks like a winter wonderland as the flakes stick to the icy covering on the trees, twigs, and plants

It's been so cold, even these three sought the warmth of the, they won't melt.....
the afternoon shadows grow long on the lake ice
Even our visitor, Mr. Milkers, got into the holiday spirit
my December CQJP 2012 block is complete

I added a dorset button, and some simple seam stitching in red
here are all the blocks, in no particular order.....

I'd thought they might look too busy all together, but they don't look too bad here, it seems.......What do you think?

I've chosen 9 of my faves to make a wall hanging, (12 is too big) and think a white lacy sashing between the blocks would add a snowy look. Then, perhaps, some white tatted snowflakes to sprinkle around .........
I'll post pics when/if it's finished

plans are underway for CQJP2013.............
Jewel's block is still in the works, and I hope to complete it soon.
TAST was missed due to my fall, and I'll pop in and out of TAST 2013 and fill up my fabric stitching book.
Thank you all for the last year of visiting and taking the time to leave such wonderfully supportive comments. Your comments make my day and are most appreciated.
                                            Wishing everyone a very
                          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
May you travel safely, and share happy times together.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have a Happy Healthy and completely Wonderful New Year, Suz!
    Fox : )

  3. Wow you are in a winter wonderland, hope you don't get snowed in completely,
    Lovely stitching they look lovely together.
    Thank you for all the lovely comments you have left on my blog this year
    I wish you and your family a very happy new year and an improvement on 2012

  4. Beautiful snow! Keeps one busy though.
    I especially love your CQ blocks. I don't quilt but I admire how lovely what you do is and how you always add just the right thing. Your hanging of 9 will be stunning with white "snow" between.

  5. Gosh Suz ~ I hope you weren't badly hurt in your fall on the ice.

    The winter pictures are lovely.

    I love your blocks and like the idea of white lacy sashing between the blocks. It will make a wonderful wall hanging.

    Have a wonderful 2013.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  6. Happy New Year Suz.I have loved swinging by your blog this year and I do intend to do so again in 2013.

  7. Are you ok after that fall Suz?I would think ice would be terribly dangerous.
    Glad you had a lovely Christmas. What a beautiful snow scene.

  8. Suz Dear I am sorry you fell and pray you are feeling much better. All that winter wonderland is beautiful but way too cold for me. I really like your red, green and white Christmas CQ blocks. They are beautiful and I look forward to how you put them together for your wall hanging. You could make a small table runner with the extra three blocks. Healing Hugs my friend. Blessings with Peace and Joy for all of 2013...

  9. Lovely pictures! So glad you had a good visit. Take care of yourself after that fall, sending you warm healing hugs!
    Wish you a very Happy New Year's Eve and wonderful 2013!

  10. Dear Suz,
    May the coming year and all the years ahead be full of joy and prosperity for you and your loved ones!!

  11. your blocks look great together, thank you for all your inspiration and advice you have shared with me these past few months.
    Hope you are now fully recovered from your fall and able to get about okay in all that beautiful looking snow.

  12. Love the pictures...enjoy your blog. Happy New Year...May the coming year bless you and your loved one with everything that your hearts desire together with loads of laughter and joy.


  13. Hi Margaret. DH plows the driveway. There was only once in the last 6 years that we were snowed in, but help is only a phone call away, usually. All the Best,

  14. Thanks, Lorraine! I’m moving gingerly, but at least I’m moving around. It’s improving daily, so I hope to be back to myself real soon.
    I’ve been looking through my laces trying to find the right fit for my blocks. Fingers crossed.
    All the Best,

  15. Thanks Doreen! I’ve so enjoyed your blog posts this year. Thanks for all the eye candy!
    Happy New Year!

  16. Beautiful winter wonderland pictures.
    Your blocks look good together. I like your idea of a white lacy sashing and tatted snowflakes.
    I wish you all the best for 2013.
    Hugs, Marjolein.

  17. Oh that gorgeous snow makes me swoon! It does look like a wonderland (and I oughta know! heehee) Your quilt blocks look wonderful together - and no, not too busy. The colors you used throughout make it very cohesive to my eye. Can't wait to see it finished with snowflakes!

  18. Thanks Marjolein. Hope the New Year is good to you.

  19. It might take a while for me to finish the wall quilt, Starr, but I’m excited by the possibility of having a pretty wall hanging for next year. Happy New Year!

  20. Hi Judy. I’m getting better slowly, still hobbling, but moving is good even if I’m slower than Ice can be treacherous for walking, and it loads down the tree branches so they block the driveway, or break off. Lots of windshield scraping, too. Ah, winter in Ontario.............
    Wishing you wonderful new adventures in 2013!

  21. That fall happened so fast, I was on the ground before I realized what happened! It must have looked real funny...........getting a little more mobile every day so that’s good.
    Hope all is well with you and yours. Warmest wishes for the New Year. May it be kind to us all.

  22. Thanks Stacie. I’m taking it easy. Hope your Christmas was wonderful, and I’m wishing for a great New Year for you and yours.

  23. Thank you, Deepa! May the same be returned to you tenfold.
    Blessings and hugs

  24. Hi Margaret. I’m feeling better, but not doing any trekking about in the snow. I go out to feed the birds, and to shovel the front deck and stairs, but that’s it so far. Maybe next week.........
    Sharing is one of the wonderful benefits of making bloggy friends. I’m glad you’re one of mine., and I hope we continue to find wonderful inspiration in blogland in the New Year!

  25. Thank you Usha, for visiting my blog and leaving such lovely wishes. I hope they return to you tenfold, and the New Year brings you much happiness.

  26. Hi Suz, the snow looks beautiful, but can be treacherous. I hope you get over your fall and wish you all the best for 2013.

  27. So sorry you fell - hope you're feeling better now. Happy 2013!

  28. I am so sorry you least I know it isn't just me who does that. I hope you are all mended now? Your pictures of snow are magical!

  29. Suz- your snow photos are gorgeous! Love the kitty!!!
    Those quilt blocks are simply stunning--

    All my love and best wishes to you as we enter this bright new year--

  30. Dear Suz,'hopefully you have recovered from your fall, now that everyday life have started again!
    Your garden looks beautiful in snow and it rains every day!
    Your wish for us is very beautiful, thankyou so much. I wish you too, a most safe and happy,beautiful year .

  31. I'm so sorry you fell,my prayers are there for you and I hope you are better now Suz. It's lovely to see all your CQJP blocks together.cute snowmen! Wishing you a happy,healthy and magical new year with lots of stitching!

  32. I hope your health is better, and I wish you an happy new year.

  33. Thanks so much Vicki!
    May the New Year bring you many blessings!

  34. I’m getting around better every day, thanks, Dorthe! Rain can be dreary, but you don’t have to shovel it! lol

  35. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind wishes, Anita. They must be working-I’m feeling better today! I’m not ready to do any running
    Happy stitching!

  36. All your CQ blocks are absolutely beautiful. I love seeing your world in all its seasons and especially during the winter. You have such a lovely view of the Lake. Here in Michigan we are having again another very mild Winter with very little snow. Very strange. I wish you and your family a Very Happy and healthy New year. Hugs Judy

  37. Thanks, Judy! Seeing the blocks on the comp.- they seem to look different, or maybe it’s just having that little bit of distance.......I’m looking forward to seeing how the 9 work out with the lace.
    It’s a real pretty place where we live. Now, if I could just pick it up and move it closer to the city, it’d be perfect! Ah, well, we’ll enjoy it while we’re here.

  38. Dear Suz, Glad you had a nice Christmas with family despite the fall. All mended, I hope? The winter wonderland is truly magical to see in your photos. All the best for 2013 Di.

  39. I’m not quite mended yet, Dianne. I’m still having some problems, and have an appointment to see the Dr. next week. My friend thinks I may have fractured my pelvis, so I’ll ask for x-rays to find out. At least then I’ll know for sure what I’m dealing with, and what I shouldn’t do. Do you suppose the doctor will write a note saying I’m not supposed to do housework, or dishes?!
    The winter wonderland still looks very pretty, though we’re expecting a couple of days with warmer temperatures (right around the freezing mark) so if the sun’s out, there may be some melting. I haven’t been able to walk about to take winterland pics of the woods--it’s gorgeous with bowing trees layered in ice and snow.......but maybe later in the winter once I feel I can handle the walking......
    Wishing you a wonderfully creative, Happy New Year!

  40. You poor thing! Not a happy new year for you, yet, but as you said, you were all together for the celebrations. Take it easy (specially on the washing up!) & mend soon. Plenty of blog hopping for you!

  41. Hi Suz,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for becoming a follower too :)
    Thanks also for the nice welcome message on Stitchmap.
    I love your festive CQ blocks and think they will make a beautiful wall hanging.
    CQ is something I am hoping to learn.


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