Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Beginnings and WIPs


Well, here's a pic of the 9 blocks I'll be using for my CQJP 2012 wall hanging. The Merry Christmas block will take center stage, but I haven't decided on placement for the rest, yet. I've been searching through my lace, and now it's time to get sashing!
 I've had some great suggestions from The Tuesday Stitchers about block placement, and I'll be switching them around to see what looks best.
While I was waiting for my material order to arrive, I began creating the memorial heart for Sandy Hook.

Once I've finished stitching the heart, I'll position it on the CQ block below so I'll know just where to embellish those block seams.

There's still lots of time to participate in the Memorial Quilt and Hearts for Sandy Hook. You can find all the information here

CQJP 2013                               Once my material came home from the mail box, I got busy, and I've created 8 of the 12 blocks for CQ2013. You can see it's quite a departure from the red/white/green of 2012!
I think this is my fave block so far........
cottons and silks, damasks, and velvet are just some of the fabrics I'm using........
Most are solids, but with lots of texture.

The idea is for lots of surface embellishment in the same palette as the fabrics with light pinks and greens thrown in for a little more interest.
Well, at least that's the plan right could change

I'd love to read your thoughts on my 2013 palette, and my beginning........
 Two days ago the branches were laden with snow, which sparkled in the sunlight
Now, it's warming up for a January thaw, and the snow has been whooshing off the steel roof, and thundering as it cascades to the ground below.
I wonder how warm it will get.
I hope that wherever you are, you're safe, and warm, and the sun is shining.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz



  1. Your Christmas blocks are beautiful Suz. How wonderful to be finishing your wall hanging. The new palette for 2013 is very elegant. The soft colors with the rich textured fabrics is stunning. You are smart to pre-sew the CQ blocks and have them ready for the monthly embellishing. Lovely Sunshine Snow photos. We are having rain right now. It is cold and supposed to snow a little. Your memorial heart is so beautiful in blue. Every stitch holds your healing prayers and love I just know. Bless You Dear!

  2. Love the new, soft palette. And that heart is lovely...
    Fox : )

  3. your 2012 blocks look so so good, hurray and get them put together oso we can admire the finished piece.

    Your 2013 colours are wonderful.
    Your memorial heart will be greatly admired for the memorial quilt.

  4. You are warming up and we are getting colder, with the forecast of snow at the weekend, will make a change from rain.

    Your Christmas blocks look beautiful, I look forward to seeing them finished. Your memorial heart is lovely and will look beautiful on the memorial quilt.
    Your 2013 colours also look beautiful, look forward to seeing what you finish up with

  5. Hi Createology,
    Thank you for such a lovely comment! I’m pleasantly surprised how nice my Christmas blocks look, and I hope the lace sashing works to bring it all together. I’m really looking forward to the challenge of 2013, though, as these colours remind me of the pebbles I made last year and how much I enjoyed all the hand-stitching to create the surface designs. Maybe I should think of it as creating a beach!
    The prediction is for rain here today and tomorrow, so maybe you’ll have some sunshine.

  6. Thanks Fox. I hope to have a good finish on both.

  7. Suz, I LOVE the fabrics and colors you have chosen for your 2013 quilt. Me thinks thou art dreaming of spring? I too find myself drawn to soft pastels right now. And the sumptuous fabrics are just delicious. Can't wait to see how it all turns out :)

  8. Great work Suz. Your 2012 blocks all look Christmassy to me! I like the contrast in colour now, with your 2013 blocks.

    Your snowy scene is very pretty - pity it's all melting. It's turning colder here now, but no mention of snow, thank goodness. We don't cope too well with it here in the south of England!

  9. I love your choice of pallet for CQJP 2013. You have been busy lady. I won't start CQJP 2013 yet. First I want to do some other things.

  10. You've been very busy! Love the new blocks for CQJP 2013.

  11. Me either, Starr! I have sort of a picture in my head, but that sometimes changes as I
    I go along. You are so right-I am dreaming of spring. la la la de da..........( dancing in the spring forest flowers)

  12. Thanks Janet! I sure hope to have a nice Christmassy wall hanging for December 2013!
    I’m not sorry the snow is’s just making room for the next onslaught! It’ll be warm for only a few days, then back to the cold and white stuff. brrrr
    Hope you get some sunshine.

  13. Thanks Marjolein. I had to make a start on my blocks as I’m running 2 weeks behind thanks to my fall. I’m fine now, but I’m juggling several projects- one being a Christmas present I haven’r finished yet. Aaaccckkk!
    I shall look forward to seeing your palette for 2013. You do such beautiful work.

  14. Thanks Annet. I loved the palette I used for the pebble adventure, so this is a little similar. I’m very happy with it so far. Are you doing CQJP 2013?

  15. Hi Suz, Am just catching up after coming home. Love your new colours for 2013. The textures are lovely too and create a nice contrast.
    The snow pics are like a picture postcard. Sorry to hear you had a fall before xmas hope you recovered quickly.

    I like your 3 snow ladies, they are really pretty.

  16. There is some lovely work here Suz.Love seeing those Crazy patch pieces.Some delicate works here.Lovely Suz.That snow picture is sooo inviting.I wish I could dive through the screen and roll in the snow! Hmm...perhaps not! But 45 degrees C is quite a sizzler!

  17. That is a sizzler! I think you might be shocked diving into a snowbank when it’s -20C! I don’t know how you manage with temps that least when it’s cold I can add more layers of clothing to get warm..........Thanks Judy, for those lovely comments.
    Hope it cools down for you soon.

  18. Thanks Shirley! Welcome back home. Hope you had a wonderful time away with the wallabies. I’m feeling much better, thanks. About 2 weeks to the day, my pain started going away. Pretty much all gone, now, thank goodness. For a while there I thought I’d fractured my pelvis, but I guess it was just a bad bone bruise. That’ll teach me to body-slam the driveway, won’t it?!
    Have you been doing some of your gorgeous stitching?

  19. It's a pleasure to look at all your 2012 blocks.The heart is coming along beautifully,looking forward to see the progress.You've must have been busy stitching all those blocks for 2013,the palette is totally different and I love that.Incidentally I chose a similar palette for my CQ and almost finished embellishing,will show you soon:)

  20. Thanks, Anita. Yes, the fabric arrived Saturday afternoon, and I spent the whole next day cutting and sewing 8 of my blocks.
    I’m looking forward to seeing your finished block!

  21. I like watching people do the CQ challenge, but I'm not part of it. There are only 24 hours in a day!

  22. That’s true, Annet, and it’s always too few, isn’t it?

  23. Well, if you must know.... I absolutely love it! It is so pretty, and delicate and will be neat to try your hand at something different for the New Year.
    The one you did for 2012 is fabulous - it will be marvelous to see this one unfold.

  24. Thank you so much Jillayne! I think I love the softness of the palette, and dealing with mostly solids will be a new experience for me.

  25. Suz ~ I love your Christmas blocks. The heart block for Sandy Hook quilt is wonderful.

    I love your color scheme for your 2013 blocks. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

    Thank you for your kind comment and support that you left on my blog. It means a lot to me.

    FlowerLady Lorraine

  26. Thank you, Lorraine.
    Thinking of you, and sending prayers.

  27. Thank you Anne, for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
    You know, I have fond memories of Woolworths growing up, too! I just visited your blog, so thanks for the time machine trip back!

  28. I do so like the Christmas theme, but THEN I saw what you'll be working on in pretty!! So different from what you did last year.

  29. Love your new color palette,delicious textures. The heart is beautiful.

  30. Thanks Magpie. It is quite a change, isn’t it? It’s like giant pebbles!

  31. Emma, I think this palette will be somewhat of a challenge since it’s a departure from my usual colourful choices, but I hope to create a very textured piece. Have a great week.

  32. nice beginning, I can't wait to see the rest

  33. Thank you, Isabelle. I’m enjoying playing with this month’s block.

  34. I bet you could guess that the white block would be my favourite!!

  35. I can't quite figure out all the techniques you've used on your heart but the dimensionality and color choices are just AWESOME. You are nailing that design, my dear.

    Your CQ for 2012 is AMAZING and I am so very impressed that you've gotten it done. Love love that Merry Christmas block that ties it all together.

    I'm always amazed at your pictures of turtle island. You live within such a beautiful landscape. Thanks for sharing it.

  36. Thank you, Susan, for your lovely comments.
    The heart has a base from a wool sock! (Recycling) the very center is a hand-dyed lace heart (NickiLee’s Ravioli Dreams) that I’ve embroidered into place with a variegated thread and then stitched out from the open pattern to a heart of metallic thread in turquoise. Next a length of dyed decorative ribbon surrounds the turquoise heart and is itself surrounded by gold metallic threads. Turquoise gimp trim is the last addition, attached in buttonhole stitch with a variegated thread. I still have the inside seam to complete, and then I can begin the seam treatments on the block the heart will adorn. I’m itching to get back to it.
    It’s amazing to watch turtle island and the surrounding lake (or, as now, the ice) as the scene changes by the moment. Many an hour has been spent watching the motion of the waves and the sunlight as it dances across them, the waterfowl that visit, and the resident beavers. In winter, the lake is far from silent as the ice groans and speaks, and cracks. It is a very special place.


I love to read your comments!