Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday Inspirations January 15, 2013

I thought it was time to get out my paints and mixed media supplies since there are two very special Birthdays coming up.

I've been following Creative Jump Start- a series of videos by various artists to help JumpStart your creativity organized by Nat Kalbach. You might like to join up. It's free, and there's lots of great ideas!
 I've learned different ways to use techniques I already knew, but I've also learned lots of new stuff, too! It's fun seeing mixed media projects from a variety of artists. Creative Jump Start runs for the month.
Having been inspired by the daily videos, I thought I'd have some fun playing and making some birthday cards.
Here's the
sequin waste used as a resist with acrylic paints
once dry, I stamped over top the paint
adding colour with watercolour paints, w/c crayons, and markers
using black to pop the design

This card is going in the mail today
I had this piece of lace

I love the pattern, and wondered how it would look if I used it as a stencil with gesso
on the card and ready
gesso drying
adding acrylic paint once the gesso dried....the pattern seems too subtle
well, maybe some green stripes......
 blue acrylic and a heart pattern might help......
um, yucky!
drips don't help either.........hmmm......

it's really ugly, hunh?

should I toss it?.......maybe I'll just play and add some more........
let's try another layer of gesso through the lace.....

once it's dry to the touch, I added some marker to outline the design........
more marker
watercolour on top of the gesso.......
and more black for definition

This card is still drying...........but I like it!  There's lots and lots of texture from the gesso.........

it may need additional layers of water colours and black once it's completely dry

Hope you enjoyed my play day. I sure did!

May you have some fun doing something you enjoy, today, too.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. You are SO talented! I'm constantly in awe, these cards are just beautiful. Lucky, lucky recipients!

  2. Wow Suz you really persevered with all the layers on your cards. They turned out beautiful. Play day really resulted in some wonderful gifts. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  3. can see here Suz you really enjoyed your play and have come away with 2 very creative cards. I liked the way you did not give up on the second one but carried on and produced something wonderful. Might pop over and look at creative jump start but do not need any more distractions at the moment!

  4. Thank you, Michele. The thing about this type of technique is everyone can do it! A stencil, some gesso, paints and/markers, and voila! A card!

  5. Ah, Createology, this is so much fun to do! I so enjoy splattering paints, and getting all messy.
    Thanks, and

  6. You’re so right, Margaret! Play day is fun, and messy, and sometimes has surprising results! I think JumpStart is accessible until the end of spring, so there should be lots of time for checking it out.

  7. Your cards turned out so great! It looks like some fun techniques. I've been thinking I needed to get out some paints and supplies too, but hadn't been inspired until now. I'm going to check out the link. Thanks!

  8. Playing leads to an one-of-a-kind piece of art, that's obvious.
    I sure like the results.

  9. I think you’ll have lots of fun playing with the stuff on the vids, Connie. I look forward to seeing some of your painting creativity!

  10. Thanks, Marjolein-I do, too. I thought for sure I was going to have to toss the second card.....sometimes getting past the ugly stage works out!

  11. Wow! Thank you for showing all the steps, and I'm so glad you persevered, because you've done something pretty cool.

  12. Aw, thanks Magpie! Well you know what ‘they’ say about “ if at first you don’t succeed”..........
    Gee, I wonder how many layers it would take.............lol

  13. Lovely cards! Interesting techniques .

  14. Thanks Anita! They were fun to do.

  15. You're so creative Suz! The cards are great. I love how you persevered with the second one, and turned it into something lovely. And, thank you for showing the methods behind the magic. It really helps me to understand how these wonderful layered works come together.

  16. Thank you, Starr. I like to see all the steps used in getting to a result, as it makes it not only more interesting (I think), but it sparks different ideas, too, at each stage of a project. I also like to show the ‘ugly bits’ to share that sometimes things might not work out, and sometimes a different approach can make an ugly duckling into a swan. lol.. Thanks for the great comments.

  17. Great experiments, Suz. It's always fun to play with gesso and paint.

  18. It is, Annet, and I plan doing more again real soon.

  19. Great art Suz. The cards have turned out beautifully. How lovely that you can spend this creative time doing what you love.

  20. That’s the blessing of being retired- the time to create. Thanks Dianne.

  21. It looks like you had a fun play day. I look forward to seeing what your creative mind comes up with next. :-)

  22. That's the best thing about mixed media, you can just keep going till you like where to stop, lovley cards.

  23. Thank you, Bonnie. I’ve been working on some more cards, as well as my CQJP 2012 finish, and my CQJP 2013. What I need is a room dedicated to each creative pursuit: right now I have a small table in the sunroom, and \I have to put away all my mixed media supplies in order to get out the sewing machine........sigh. That’s what comes from living in a smaller house, I guess.

  24. Now, knowing that, and working with mixed media, I sure wish I’d kept all those watercolour ‘paintings’ that didn’t work! I cry thinking of all that 300 lb watercolour paper that found itself in the bin! wail and sob.

  25. these are beautiful surfaces...backgrounds. You are so clever!

  26. You’re so kind! I admit it was fun playing around with mixed media- something I hope to do more often! Thanks Karen. Hope your muslin thingy is soon completed-can’t wait to see it.

  27. These are wonderful sue, you are so creative, and what you do with paint and textures is amazing.

  28. ooh..Iam in love with the sequin waste card..BEAUTIFUL!!

  29. Thanks Deepa. It turned out to be the nicer of the two....well, I ruined the second one...boohoo. I hope my friend liked it.


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