Monday, January 21, 2013

Playing and CQJPs

A few days ago, the icy lake surface was beginning to melt, and swirls of mist wrapped around Turtle Island.........
and seemed to make the far shore disappear now and then....

We've had rain, ice and snow since then, and today the cold is back. It was -24C!! when we awoke this morning. Brrrr! 

There's colder weather in the forecast.........
I played around a bit more with the lace......
placed on backgrounds of blank stencil plastic and watercolour paper, I sprayed with acrylic paint.....
the result looked great, I thought....
I've been wondering about cutting out some bits to create a stencil from this......
black marker was added to define the pattern......

almost finished with the marker.....

what now?
shall I paint it and attach it to a card?

 CQJP 2012 is in the process of being joined with sashing I've reclaimed from an old, lace patterned looks like filet lace.
I have to claim another strip between the second and third rows, and then I hope to have enough left with a zig-zag edge to place around the outside.                 Does it give the illusion of snow? I'm wondering about making some snowflakes to add to the area where the vertical and horizontal rows of sashing meet......

 CQJP 2012:         I added this braided rope made of three braids, one in each of the three colours of thread I've used on the block so far.......there are 18 strands
some delicate pink added to the earth tone buttonhole rings
pink French knots
and the block looks like this:       it's a bit bright, and the colours are a little washed out......sorry

I have this beautiful piece of dyed lace  to add.........I think it picks up the tones already in the block and the stitching. I haven't decided just where to place it.

What do you think?                     Hoping your day is filled with creativity!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz



  1. Oh Suz! So cold!!I have never experienced cold like that!!Brrrr!!!
    I love what you've done with the lace, and your stitching with the pink is lovely!

  2. I am enjoying your lace experiments. And your CQJ12 is coming along nicely. The soft colors for this year is going to be pretty as well. I am using deeply saturated colors for mine. I am a little behind due to health events, but am hoping to have the rest of the blocks pieced this week.

  3. Hi Suz, I am loving everything about this post. Firstly, Turtle Island looks beautiful shrouded in mist. The lace stencilling worked really well and I am kicking myself that I have thrown out much of this type of lace in the past!!! I love the sashings in the Christmas CQJP and I think the snowflake would be a good addition. Go for it! Loving the spider web seam treatment and have saved it in my ideas folder. Well done Suz. Di.

  4. Well, Judy, it’s going to get worse-- -32C! Can’t stay out too long in that cold, that’s for sure. I’d have icicles hanging from my
    I have to find the perfect spot for that lace piece.....

  5. Thanks, Wendy! I shall look forward to seeing your colour! Hope you’re okay.

  6. Thank you so much, Dianne! I’ve thrown out some of that lace, too, so don’t feel bad. I’ve even thrown out failed paintings, and I could kick myself for tossing the canvas and the water colour paper! arrgh. Well, we learn.......thank goodness. I have to decide whether the snowflakes will be tatted, embroidered, or done in a raised embroidery.........hmmm, maybe I’ll find 9 or so pre-made ones.....or I could use ‘crystal’ ones I have in my stash...or make beaded! lol

  7. Wow you are busy with so many fabulous projects. I remember way back when I was young car customizers would spray paint through lace onto the cars and I loved the look. Your CQ lace sashing really does look like snowflakes. I vote for simple stitched ones so as not to take away from the blocks. Love your soft pink stitchery. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts my friend...

  8. Cold! Love the photos and your piece of lace is beautiful,sounds as if you are having fun inside.

  9. I cannot imagine the temperatures you are experiencing, here it is just below freezing and we are all complaining. Looks a picture we have had lots of snow the whole world is white outside.
    Like the way your blocks are coming together, fingers crossed the lace will stretch around the outside too.
    Lovely delicate colours for this year`s challenge,the dyed lace is wonderful. sorry did not comment on your first piece, lots of work gone into your creativity with the lace and acrylic paint.

  10. Your CQ is coming along very well. I like your painting experiments. Maybe you can add some embroidery to it before you attach it to a card.

  11. You're well on the way with finishing CQJP 2012 and starting CQJP 2013.
    Earlier you talked about adding tatted snowflakes, I think some scattered snowflakes would look great.

  12. Thanks, Sherry, I have been having some fun. Staying inside tomorrow to stitch....went to the city today for a lunch visit and then went to see “The Hobbit”.......hope you have a good one, too.

  13. I have been staying inside and having fun in my ‘studio’. Too cold to be outside for long. Thanks Penny and hope your day is a good one.

  14. Hey Margaret, well I’m bundled up in my long undies, sweatshirt, slacks and a vest, and trying to stay warm. It’s fine inside, but too cold outdoors for me to stay out too long, unless I pull on a snowsuit, botts, hat and gloves, a scarf.........I’d look like the goodyear blimp’s sister!
    Thanks for the lovely comments. How are your quilting blocks coming? (comp was out due to bad weather so I haven’t been round for a bit)

  15. Adding embroidery to it is a good idea, Annet. I’ll have to think about that for a while. Thanks.

  16. Thanks so much, Max! Sorry I haven’t been round to see you lately....bad weather has been interfering with my computer satellite signal. Hope to be round soon.

  17. Thanks Marjolein. I’m still thinking about those snowflakes, but I’m waiting to see how the wall hanging looks once all the lace is added. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve been stitching.

  18. Regarding snow, I think snow as a unifying theme for your quilt is a GREAT idea. My two cents...the snowflakes will transform your lace into a "ground" of snow whereas without "snow", the lace may fall flat.

    I LOVE LOVE the idea of adding tatted/beaded or crocheted snowflakes...I might vary the sizes and scatter them randomly similar to snowfall. Using some other color other than a hard white...grays, ecrus, taupes might give them some dimension so that they will POP when placed over the stark white. Some beading might also help with that. In my mind, I can see the finished quilt with your tatted snow and it's it contains tatting made by you!

    As for that gorgeous piece of lace in the bottom. I love it's curve. Curves are great for breaking up straight lines and for leading our eye to points of interest. I like the idea of using the lace to curve over many of those straight seams on the right corner of the block. Or curving up on the left side opposite but I wasn't sure if the lace was double sided.

    Oh my, I wrote a lot...I'm sure when you asked the question you didn't expect a book!! xoxo Susan

  19. Susan, I hadn’t thought about the snow looking flat without the snowflakes. Thanks for mentioning that! I do have some ‘crystal’ snowflakes I might add, and I have a ton of white/clear/silvery seed beads to add for some of that sunlight-on-snow sparkle. Maybe even a little pale blue or purple for shadows.
    I had auditioned several placements for the pretty lace piece (NickiLee’s) and last night decided on the perfect spot. The stem begins in the v formed by two fabric pieces on the bottom and curves up on the right side to cut through the chain stitched line, and reaches to the row of buttonhole circles. It really does soften the look of the block.
    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and ideas! I really appreciate it.

  20. I could feel the cold by looking at the picture,stay warm and enjoy stitching Suz! very pretty dyed lace! I like the idea of adding a tatted snow flake and enjoyed seeing your painting experiments.

  21. Thanks Anita for your comments. I think most are for snowflakes and I agree with Susan that they’ll add dimension to the wall hanging. I just need to decide on the style of snowflakes and the size.......that lace is by NickiLee (Ravioli Dreams) she does wonderful pieces!
    I shall stay inside and get up to some mischief!

  22. I haven't started on any of the Creative Jump Start projects yet. It is hard to find the time...and energy, but I love what you have been doing - especially with the lace. I like your sashing choice for the 2012 blocks and agree scattered snowflakes would be a great addition. I love, love, love your colors for the 2013 project! Did I mention how much I love those colors? That is the polar opposite of last years huh. Lovely stitching and the dyed lace is to 'dye' for.

  23. Hey Connie, thank you for those nice words. I am having fun playing with lace, and getting ideas from the JumpStart vids. I thought I needed a change after the red, white, and green of 2012. Something a bit calmer..... it’s a change for me, but I’m enjoying the challenge

  24. The scene of the lake is so pretty, it must be wonderful to be able to have this at your doorstep.

    I like that piece of pink guipure on your quilt next to that clever seam of buttonholes with the weaving in the centre. Those colours are so nice and so elegant.

    I have a fair bit of that sort of lace, so must give some to Di so we can experiment.

  25. The lace is looking great now, specially the drawn into one - some for a card or 2 some to 'save' for a bigger collage/textile piece. Love the pale addition to your piece & beautiful snow pics. After crisp cold days - no snow ;( we're back to rain ;)

  26. Hallo, I love your experiments with the lace! And the crazy quilt is geourgous with the sticherey!

  27. there are so many beautiful surfaces being created in your house!!

  28. Oh what beautiful images of the lake and Turtle Island - magical!
    Love your beautiful stitching and those pretty dyed lace pieces Suz.
    Thanks for your visit and you are now in the Giveaway too.
    x Suzy

  29. Suzy, when the mists roll in around Turtle Island, it can look a little eerie at times. But I think that adds to the mystery and magic. Thanks.

  30. Thank you so much Karen! I can’t tell you how excited I am that I’ve signed up for the next EEC course! More surfaces to encrust and embroider!


  31. Suz -- your photos are amazing. As is your work. So talented. Very different than the WET days we are having just now. Thanks, as always for popping over to Chalky's X

  32. Your playing with lace and paint turned out really neat and would look so nice as a card. Your crazy quilt block looks lovely and the soft colours look wonderful. Hope you have a warmer week!

  33. Thanks Linda. Our day today is full of snow, but tomorrow we’re expecting freezing rain, snow, and rain. What fun. Thankfully, I can stay at home and stitch or paint. Hope your wet days end soon, and the sun pops out to dry it up and make some warmth.

  34. Thanks JPP! I think I may cut that lace pic down and make 2 cards for my card stash. It’s supposed to warm up dramatically for a few days this week with rain and freezing rain. I shall hide indoors and do creative stuff! Have a good week.

  35. what a nice idea to use lace in this way.

  36. Thanks Isabelle. It was a pretty pattern, probably from on old window curtain I found at the second-hand shop, but the material wasn’t one I would use in my CQing. I’d been watching videos from JumpStart 2013 and they were using stencils, and the light bulb turned on! lol

  37. I think your crazy quilting is amazing! I love the colours, even if they are washed out - they look just beautiful, and the stitching is terrific.
    Sorry to hear it's cold where you are, but the saving grace is that it is gorgeous - Turtle Island looks beautiful and mysterious with the fog swirling around; summer has warmth which is certainly an advantage, but winter has much beauty methinks....

  38. Thank you, Jillayne. I know you like to cold, but I’m not a big fan, although I agree that snowy scenes are beautiful.


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