Saturday, February 2, 2013

CQJP 2012 , CQJP 2013 and More Playing

Our satellite equipment broke down, and it took a couple of days for the serviceman to arrive to repair the problems. Add that to a hydro outage from the recent wind/rain storms, and I've been off the internet for several days. It's good to be connected again!
We had mild temperatures for 2 days, and a layer of water formed over the lake might be able to see the ripples in the foreground
Yesterday there was some colour in the sky
I liked the reflections on the ice. It's solid again as we've plunged back into the winter freeze
CQJP 2012 has the lace border sewn and I've begun adding stitched and beaded snowflakes, but they don't show up very well. Even the tatted blue one just looks like a little blob....So I shall have to make them bigger and bolder so they can be the cut glass and tatted one in the lower left of center

here it is.......

   Once all the snowflakes have been added, I'll sew the lace border to the dark green fleece

CQJP 2013 January block has a seam treatment of  knotted fly stitch (last week's TAST) and I added 'pearl' beads
V's beads and more french knots
tatted JK flowers and curly stem
tea-stained lace with a cast-on stitch border
chain stitching
and the January block is finished!
I started the February block with a few cast-on stitch roses in a variegated rayon thread.......
Debra (of Tuesday Stitchers) sent me a pile of doilies (thanks again, Debra!)

this one is very pretty, though it has a hole, and is stained in a few places

I thought I might use it for the center of my CQJP 2013 wall hanging
I'd use this beautiful machine embroidered rose picture ( hey, thanks Debra!) that Debra included with the doilies to cover the doily hole and stains
I finished the last three blocks

pretty rose fabric (thanks Debra!)
and another pretty rose fabric (thanks Debra!)

This third rose fabric came from my stash

hmmm, lots of roses

that's because my CQJP 2013 wall hanging will be called Lace and Roses!

 More roses were added to the February block with some pale green leaves, some of which are created with the woven picot stitch for a 3-D effect

I've begun a bit of other seam work, and plan to add more to both. Here's how my February block looks now.

a trip to the second hand shop in town yielded this wonderful book for creating lace!
I've been creating some more cards

This was a painted background over which I added a layer of lace, then painted through with a second colour

it was a little boring, so I added some more paint .......

this will make a fab background
I used a technique from Creative JumpStart 2013 to create this layered paint effect
then I used a some sequin waste as a stencil........
does it look like a fish to you?

BIL likes to fish, so it may just become a Birthday card for him......
gesso and acrylic liquid paints
a spritz of water  .............and.......Fun!

I sure hope you're having fun this weekend.

oh, yeah, Happy Groundhog Day! and
Happy February!
Wishing everyone lots of wonderful hearts this month.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Your blocks are so lovely. Your Christmas quilt is going to be stunning when finished. I know you are so happy to be this close to finishing it.

  2. I am looking forward to being able to tuck this baby away until next Christmas. I just hope it doesn’t take me that long to do all the tatted snowflakes. lol! Thanks Wendy.

  3. Sorry to hear you are having bad weather problems, hope you stay connected now,
    Thank you for the lovely comments you have left on my blog recently.
    Your stitching is beautiful, your wall hangings will look beautiful next Christmas.

  4. I love the colours of your blocks Sue. That cast on edging against the dyed lace is lovely.
    Your xmas quilt is a stunner. I like the lacey borders.
    It is awful being without internet..what did we do before it.
    You live in a winter wonderland with those magical colours reflecting on the ice.

  5. You have been so busy and your work is so inspiring. I look forward to seeing the progress of your Lace and Roses wall hanging for this year. I love the color scheme.


  6. Thank you, Margaret. I think the repairman fixed the connection breakdown-it’s working faster and better than it has for a while, so fingers crossed there aren’t any other problems with the connection. I’m looking forward to seeing both wall hangings on my walls.

  7. Well, those few days without internet meant I was able to do a bit more stitching, Shirley. So, in a way it was good, but I sure missed being connected to family and friends. When we lose the internet, we also lose the phone, so it gets pretty quiet........
    Thanks for the lovely comments!

  8. Thanks Lorraine. I think because I had no internet or phone that I was able to get that much done this week. (doesn’t mean I’m going to turn it off, though,!) This colour scheme came about because I wanted to go monochromatic for 2013 because we hope to sell our home this spring. I’d like to go more neutral in the next home, and what better way than to create a wall hanging to suit? ( I just hope it fits...if, and when......) Well, that’s the plan anyway. We’ll see.

  9. Wow - you've been a busy girl this week! Enjoyed seeing all the fun things you've been doing.

  10. that’s what not having internet or a phone does.....have to fill the hours somehow, and it was either stitching or housework, so,.....I stitched! lol

  11. Hi Suz...thankful you are back with us and able to share such amazing photos. The mist and ice are very ethereal. Too cold for me. Love the lace sashing and edging for your Christmas CQ. Your snowflakes will really add just the right element. Gorgeous February CQ block. Such soft colors and your seam stitchings are bliss. Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

  12. Wow Suz, you are making me look bad ~ lol. I need to shut my electronics off and see if I can get that much done! Great finish on the January block and beautiful start for February. Your painting experiments are looking like lots of fun.

  13. your satelite dish being out of use has given you lots of time to be so creative, The Xmas hanging is great and the added tatting well finish it off perfectly. Your jan block is gorgeous and the feb one is coming along a treat, also like the creative cards, the last one being my favorite

  14. What a lovely post - so much to read and look. The "water-on-ice-photos" are superbe. And I love the delicate colours of your crazy rose blocks.

  15. Thank you so much, Createology, for your lovely comments. I must admit I’m getting tired of the cold, even though the pics are pretty. -20C when we got up this morning. Brrr. I’m looking forward to spring. Happy creating!

  16. You've been very busy! Love your new CQ blocks.

  17. Thank you, Connie! It’s amazing how much one can accomplish without any distractions......doesn’t happen that often, though.....I am enjoying playing with my paints. Now, if I only had a maid, a cook, and a laundress, (oh, wait-that’s me! lol) think how much I could stitch in a day!

  18. Thank you, Anneliese. The colours in the sky and ice are so fleeting here that it was just by luck that I saw them. Good thing I keep the camers handy. Hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend.

  19. Thanks, Annet. It’s a bit of a challenge for me to have such a limited palette, but I’m really enjoying it.

  20. Fun is where it's at! Love the tea dyed lace - your block is beautiful - & the spritzing water & paint about, wonderful fun.

  21. Thanks Emma, it’s all about having fun, isn’t it? If school had been this fun, I might have been a better student......maybe I might have even taken art class!

  22. I love the pink bloc with embroidered roses.

  23. Isn't it good to have friends like Debra!!

  24. It sure is, Karen! Such generous friend are one of life’s blessings.

  25. Lace and roses looks yummmmy!

  26. Your blocks all look fabulous! I especially like the piece with the stitched bullion roses which is just lovely! All of your painted pieces look great too and will make into very nice looking, unique and one of a kind art cards. The groundhog didn't see his shadow so apparently we're in for an early spring. Yeah!

  27. Thanks Cathy. I sure hope it is!

  28. I second that cheer for an early spring, JPP! Thanks for the lovely comments.

  29. You really have been busy with some lovely work, Suz. It is an excellent illustration of how much more I could get done if I didn't spend so much time online! But then again, the Internet does give us the inspiration we need, from blogs like yours, for instance!

  30. Such lovely things you write, Puppet Lady! Thank you. I do love to surf and see what everyone else is doing. How is your daffodil?

  31. ooops, I meant crocus! not daff. I'm daffy. lol

  32. You have been busy! Your Jan. block is gorgeous!

  33. thank you, Angela. I’m so pleased with how it turned out, and hope I don’t get bored with the limited palette. Have a great week.

  34. Hi dear Suz,
    thank you for your sweet comments about my blog problem, luckily it is solved.
    Your blocks are looking so gorgeous, love all the whiteness and all your embroidery on them- so beautiful.
    Wish you a lovewly weekend friend.

  35. Thank you Dorthe! I’m enjoying this palette so far. Have a great weekend, too.

  36. Your blocks are so elegant and lovely! Your work is so intricate! What a wonderful book find! It is hard to find great books like this especially on lace making!

  37. I’ve been quite lucky finding several Erica Wilson books as well Workbasket mags, in addition to this one at my local second hand shop. I think I must have been there just at the right time, or someone’s library and thread stashes are slowly being introduced. I keep going back and finding new treasures.
    Thanks for the lovely comments.


I love to read your comments!