Sunday, February 17, 2013

CQJP 2013 and WIPs

I finished my February block!
Here's how it looked last time:

I added some cream gimp cast-on chains to the dark brown trim

and a bit of sparkly thread to a short seam

although I didn't like covering that nice lace pattern, I think adding the gimp repeats the colour in the gimp- and-pearls-trim, as well as the 'pearls' in the combination seam treatment. It also picks up the colour of the fabric beneath the trim, and lightens the whole effect. I felt the darker trim was too heavy .
 What do you think?
The other seams will be left bare until the blocks are joined together.

the block for March
center block for my CQJP has been prepared. I sewed Debra's embroidered roses to the large crocheted doily, then edged the rose motif with some of the tea-dyed lace.
Heart for Sandy Hook
I completed sewing the gimp trim to the heart, added some stuffing, then attached it to the block.
Some of the seams have beginning embellishments, and work will continue on this.

at StitchMap, we had a Fun Friday Tute, and the challenge was to create a needlebook decorated with  sashiko embroidery.

sashiko:  a form of decorative reinforcement stitching (or functional embroidery)
This was challenging, as my pattern kept disappearing. I had used a new-to-me wax-free tracing paper and the white tracing rubbed off as easily as if it were chalk. sigh

So this meant that my pattern wobbled here and there.....and the individual designs are not as well defined as I'd like
the stitching was very meditative, though, and this pattern creates a nice geometric design. I may just do some more in future

Still no TAST. Guess I shall have to play catch up next week. maybe... ;-}

That's it for now

Hope you've been having a great weekend!

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz



  1. Your block for this month is so pretty! The center block is so amazing and will be great surrounded by all your other blocks. I will be waiting to see how this develops.

  2. Such beautiful soft colours...
    Fox : )

  3. Your blocks and stitching all look terrific and the sashiko stitching looks great!

  4. I havent tried sashiko, and have always meant to but its the tracing that puts me off.
    Thanks for showing it.

  5. I love the delicate look of the blocks you are doing this year, it has worked so very well. You have been busy with other pieces too, especially like your sashiko, a technique I have yet to try.

  6. your February block is amazing!!!

  7. Thanks Wendy. I’m excited about this project, and the stitching is happening rather quickly. No agonizing what to do next, so far, and I hope that continues. Have a great week.

  8. I am really enjoying these colours, Fox, and stitching the embellishments. How’s the honey napkin coming?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thanks JPP! I’ve been having lots of fun! Hope you are, too.

  11. Well, I did find it a challenge using that tracing paper, but the tracing wasn’t difficult. It did take a little time to do, though. Still, I think it’s worth the results, Penny. Hope you’re having some cooler weather.

  12. Margaret, the sashiko is rather meditative in the stitching as it’s just a running stitch. The patterns can be fun or challenging, but it has a nice effect, I think. These blocks are the most subtly coloured ones I’ve done yet, so that is something a little different for me. Happy stitching.

  13. Thank you, Karen. I’m enjoying. Happy stitching!

  14. Love the soft colors in your quilt blocks. It has a very Victorian feel to me. And I love sashiko! I've played around with it some, and I just love the texture it gives. Very nice!!

  15. Thanks Starr! This was my first time doing sashiko, but I don’t think it will be the last. It was more fun than frustrating, and it does add a nice look.
    I thought I would really challenge myself with the muted palette for CQJP this year, but so far, it’s been so enjoyable!

  16. The cast ons lighten the dark trim, good decision!
    Sashiko? I have a book about it, still another thing I want to do ;)

  17. Thanks Marjolein. I found some sashiko patterns online. I bet the book would have been a help to me! I think I’ll try some more in future. Have fun!

  18. Yes, I agree - it pulls it all together nicely and balances the lightness - a beautiful block Susan!
    Looking forward to March....

  19. I love the delicate look of your block. The pink cast on roses on that lovely trellis design of the fabric is beautiful. I agree with your comments re the light coloured cast on stitches on the deeper background Sue, it does bring it all together.

    It is obvious that your artistic knowledge is coming to the fore here.

  20. Wow, that Sashiko looks great from here, no wobbles on my screen! The pearly 'pick up' color lightens the darker color perfectly & blends it in with the rest. The darker bits give some depth, lovely.

  21. Thanks Jillayne. So far, I’m still loving the pale palette, which does surprise me, but I’m happy about it!

  22. Shirley, thank you for your lovely comments. I felt that the darker lace looked awkward sitting there, and my eye kept going to it and stopping, I guess because the colour was too intense for the rest of the block. Shame to cover up the lace design, but it does feel better this way.

    Hope you are doing well.


  23. Sashiko was new to me, so, I’m happy with the result, even though I know where all the wobbles are! lol Thanks Emma.


  24. Suz dear your February block is bliss. I like your addition of the light gimp over the dark. This Sandy Hook Blue Heart is stunning. Bless You! Sashiko is new to me too. Susan of Plays With Needles told me about the needles and thread and pre-printed fabric available at Your stitching is wonderful and your little needlebook is precious. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  25. I am really liking the colours you're using on these blocks - so soft and pretty.

  26. Thank you, Createology, for your lovely comments. I’m trying to finish the heart so I can send it off in the mail, but I have too many fingers in too many pies.........variety is the spice, they say, right?
    Hope you’re having a good stitching week.

  27. Me, too, Magpie. That’s rather surprising since I like colour. I’m finding this palette very soothing. Thanks.

  28. Thank you, Isabelle. I love it.

  29. Lovely block Suz. The light color cast-on stitches on the dark lace is a wonderful addition. Sashiko needle book is beautiful!

  30. Thank you, Anita. I think I’ll be seeing more sashiko in my future.

  31. What great work! I especially like the heart...definitely 'my' colours 😉
    Thank you for your very kind comments today. X

  32. Thank you, Linda, for your visit and lovely comments.
    Hugs from Suz

  33. enjoy visiting your blog - you are such an inspiration!!!!

    Wow ... enjoy the weekend

  34. What lovely stitching and choice of fabrics

  35. You write such nice things, Lelia, thank you! Hope you had a wonderfully creative weekend.

  36. Thank you, Naida, for your visit and kind comments.

  37. Love that February block, Suz. I've been working on my SH block too but aren't as far along as you are. I like how you did the heart!

  38. I think your Sashiko looks terrific! I was too busy trying to focus on my BCQC to try this particular FFT, but I was much inspired by those who did. Your CQ block for February looks terrific, too! I love the soft combinations of creams. Very pretty! :)

  39. Thank you Denise. For such a simple-looking stitch, I found the Sashiko challenging. It took me a good week to do this FFT. Thanks for your visit.


I love to read your comments!