Thursday, February 28, 2013

Internet Impossible

Hi everyone. I’m back online temporarily, and scheduled to get a new satellite system installed next week. Hopefully that will resolve my intermittent internet connection, and I’ll be able to post whenever I want. Yay! During the past week, I've been unable to upload pics, when the system was working, so I haven't posted anything. If possible, I’ll post this weekend.......if it’s working....sigh.
My body is tired from all the shoveling over the past few days. We received over a foot of more snow....grumble, mumble. Where's spring?  lol...well, sort of.....
Hope everyone is well and enjoying some sunshine.
Hugs from Suz


  1. We have been getting lots of rain and today we had a clear day. No rain but very cold wind.

  2. Rain can make for a gloomy day, Wendy, but at least you don’t have to shovel it! lol I’m glad the rain let up for the day. Who knows, maybe some sunshine for tomorrow? Hope so. Have a good one.

  3. Suz we have sunshine here in Northern California and I will try to send it your way. We actually need rain. NO SNOW! All your shoveling should allow you to eat some extra yummy delights. Warm hugs and creative joy...

  4. Poor Mr. Turtle looks really cold out there on that lake! I admit I like the warmer weather view better! We're holding our breath here in Western PA, hoping we get through March with little snow, but we know better than to let down our guard. Hope you get all connected up again! I depend on the internet especially to get me through the winter months!

    All of your stitching projects amaze me!

  5. I feel for you with all that shovelling....a foot of snow! that is a lot. Hope your body recovers soon, and the warmer weather is on the way.

    have a nice weekend and also hope the new satellite internet is great and works better for you.

    sending hugs across the miles

  6. Take care with all that shovelling, Suz! Hope your Internet is sorted soon.

  7. I hope you are connected again and have no further troubles -seems to be a problem all over the world - we were without phones or internet for a week and it was really awful. We have no snow (ever) but we have had lots of very heavy rain and I would like some days of sunshine now. Cheers

  8. I feel your pain, Suz. About the internet - not the shovelling. We've had so much rain, we're starting to mold over. I'm out in the boonies too and have satellite internet service. Used to be just awful, but we recently upgraded to their latest and greatest and so far, so good! Hope you are able to get the kinks out soon - in every way!

  9. Poor you on both counts, make sure you have a relaxing warm bath & do your gentle stretches!See you soon x

  10. we have had three days of sunshine...I am thinking we will pay somehow! It has been lovely to take good pictures...sorry about your internet, we miss it so much don't we and I wonder how we ever managed without it.

  11. Thanks everyone for your nice comments and commiserations. I'm now back online, but have lost my satellite phone with this new modem. sigh.

  12. Spring is here! ;-)
    15 C degrees yesterday and sunshine after the grayest winter ever.

  13. Oh, lucky you, Marjolein! We had sunshine, but there’s still 2 feet of snow on the ground! Guess I’ll have to wait quite a while longer for spring.


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