Tuesday, March 19, 2013

CQJP, TAST and Heart

I've added a few seam embellishments to my March block:
I thought these cute buttons looked like roses
there's a row of bullion stitches, too
but maybe the silk ribbon ones look more like wild roses...okay then, more like a daisy..lol..
 French knot fun with added beads
 on one side of the line of alternating rectangles with chain stitch is last week's TAST- woven detached chain stitch Almost visible on the opposite side-detached chain stitches
a closer look at the woven detached chain stitch
and my March block is almost finished!

The Sandy Hook Heart is completed, and on its way.

one  amaryllis  is getting ready to open and there are four flowers on the stalk!
day 2 shows the flowers open a little more
I wonder how open they'll be tomorrow?

Hope you've had a good week. Right now it's storming outside, and the snow is falling.......aw,  c'mon, where is spring?
oh, well, at least I have a pretty flower to admire.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. your block looks great, must try that detached chain stitch ;)

  2. I'll have to check out the instructions for that detached chain too. I don't even think about TAST lately. I like those buttons and your silk flowers are very elegant. Great work on that Sandy Hook heart as well. You've had a pretty darned good week!

  3. Love that flower. Still snowing! Incredible, we are slowly cooling down. I love those blocks, you are very clever.

  4. I love those buttons! Your embroidery is beautiful! I've pulled out my CQ stuff several times, but the call of the tatting is stronger!

  5. Love your blocks, they are turning out beautiful! I miss having an amaryllis blooming. My Mom always had at a red one that bloomed for her every year around this time, after she passed away I could never get it to bloom. Gorgeous flower!

  6. Ah, but Diane, you can add tatting to the CQ’s!!

  7. Thanks Emma- it’s fun and easy to do.

  8. Yes, Connie a good week. And I’ve started my course with Karen! Yay! More fun!
    I haven’t been keeping up with TAST either. I think this is only my second stitch for this year...ooops. Happy Stitching!

  9. Thank you Isabelle. I’m really enjoying this palette.

  10. The lace one, Penny? I love it, too.
    And it’s still snowing......grumble. At least I can stitch some spring, right?
    Hope you’re well.

  11. lots to see gain, the silk ribbon roses rally caught my eye, as you say they are wild rose looking

  12. Lovely pieces do stitching, I love your heart cushion,
    Your flower is beautiful, I love those bulbs, I have two which I have had for many years and I am hoping they will flower again this year, people say they only flower once and that's it, but I keep mine going throughout the year and they seem to love it and flower again and again.
    We have been having snow on and off for the last couple of weeks, I wish spring would come

  13. Hi Suz! Your block is beautiful...all the trimmings and stitches are so elegant. And the amaryllis is wonderful!! I've never had one, do they have a scent?

  14. Hi dear Suz,
    I alwayes so admire your white emborideries mixed with a little beige- they are beautiful, as is this, with the silk roses, and french knots and pearls- what a fantastic and big work.

  15. Very pretty work! Your Sandy Hook block is just lovely. Hope you amaryllis will cheer you up - I think everyone's had enough of winter for this year!

  16. Thanks Margaret, I really had fun making those silk ones.

  17. You and me both, Margaret. It’s still snowing, here...sigh. It’s been a long winter. Thanks for your lovely comments. My amaryllis is about 5 years old...maybe more, and each year it blooms for me. Mind you, one has to follow the proper steps not just to have lots of leaves. That’s easy though, and the blooms are so beautiful. I wish for sunshine, and warmer temperatures!

  18. Thanks so much Dorthe for your lovely comments. Hope you are having a wonderfully creative week.

  19. Hi Starr! You might think that such a large and beautiful flower would have a fragrance to match, right? Unfortunately, there isn’t any perfume aroma at all, just a slight chlorophyll smell. Disappointing. Perhaps they have an aroma where they grow naturally-I don’t know. Still, they are pretty, and brighten the house in winter, so that makes up for the lack of perfume. Happy almost weekend.

  20. Hi Puppet Lady. I think the older I get, the less tolerance I have for winter-they seem to last a lot longer than when I was little. ;-^ So the amaryllis does cheer up the house for sure. How’re the puppets coming along?

  21. Your March block looks gorgeous Suz! Lovely lace flower and buttons.Your woven detached chain looks good!

  22. Hi there, just found your blog through Margie.
    I see you have changed to bloglovin as I have but really I'm not too sure what its about, just following like a sheep me.
    Will I still keep blogspot to put my post on, Help
    I would love an email if you could help me at all.
    Keep warm

  23. Thanks Wendy! I’m still enjoying this limited palette (good thing as there’s 9 more months to go!)

  24. Thanks Anita. I’m enjoying every moment I spend on these blocks. Such fun! Hope you’re having lots of fun, too.

  25. Oh Suz it all looks so beautiful - did you make those buttons too? Love the silk daisy like flowers and the detached chain stitch.
    The colours are so soft and beautiful.
    Those Amaryllis are so gorgeous too - this looks like the red one which we have a few of but lots and lots of the pink ones - they spread so easily.
    Hugs from here Suz,

  26. Thank you so much Suzy for popping over and leaving such nice comments. No, I didn’t make the buttons-just bought them as I thought the colour would go well with my muted palette. I haven’t done anything with this restricted a colour choice before, so I’m finding it very interesting and fun!

  27. beautiful flowers, beautiful embroidery and we have snow too. Do you want it back????

  28. No! I have enough of my own snow, thank you very much! It snowed again last night.....sigh....not too much, but it was snow. snow is a 4-letter word?
    Maybe it’ll melt. soon.

  29. Oh Suz your Sandy Hook Heart is beautiful. I know you put a lot of love and care into this piece. Your block is really lovely with all the details of stitching and elements. I have never had an Amaryllis with four flowers on one stem. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts...

  30. Hi Sherry. My amaryllis is at least 5 years old, so I think that’s why it has 4 flowers. It’s doing well, but the other one doesn’t look as though it will bloom right now..... Thanks for your lovely comments. I tried to infuse each stitch with thoughts of love, healing and hope, so I hope whoever receives the heart will feel that. Now I’m off to do some stitching on my ‘wrapping cloth’. Happy weekend.

  31. Suz-- your stitching is just exquisite. Your March block is absolutely gorgeous- those colors-- and the detail-- omgosh-- I'm just in awe of your talent.

    Your heart block is lovely as well- what a special gesture- your blog is truly beautiful-/

  32. Thank you so much, Vicki! I am really enjoying this limited palette, and I’m having fun searching out some additions for my blocks. I find the colours so calming, and I think more surface embroidery can be added without it looking too busy. Have a wonderful weekend.

  33. Amaryllis's (amarylliii??) are such pretty flowers but I've never had any success with getting them to reflower. Good for you for having the magic touch!

  34. I think part of it has been pretty much ignoring them.....lol... It seems to work for me. They do get lots of natural light in the sunroom, so perhaps it’s what does the trick. I think the plural is just amaryllis, but I’m not positive.


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