Saturday, March 23, 2013

White Cloth Beginnings

My online class with Karen Ruane has begun! Yay. I'm having so much fun creating my wrapping cloth!
I began several months ago by searching the local second-hand shops for cloths, table runners, lace and clothing.
just 3 of the many items I was lucky to find.......
a table runner with tatting! There are holes in the runner, but the ends with the tatting look to be in pretty good shape
I like the roses in this subtle pattern
gathering portions of different cloths, I constructed the first piece for my wrapping cloth, including my first ever prairie points

The section in the lower left corner is part of the sleeve from my daughter's public school graduation dress. I made it for her over 22 years ago!
This was fitted for the elbow, and shows up better in the pic below.
I had first thought to create an all-white cloth, but I saw some photos of other people's beginnings and was inspired to include a little colour.
So I placed a piece of one of my fave fabrics beneath the beautiful lace strip
the colours show through the delicate patterns of the lace quite nicely

so then I made some prairie points with the same fabric and some fabric strips

it's a little bold, isn't it? But I love it!

I've begun some stitching on the seams, but there's lots more to do. Here's how the first piece of my wrapping cloth looks now.
I'm eager to get back to more stitching!

Hope you've had some fun stitching time, too.

Thanks for visiting.
 Hugs from Suz


  1. Very pretty- but what is a wrapping cloth? (For wrapping something, I assume...)

  2. You are going to love this class. I am still working on my cloth and hope to have it finished soon. I love that you have added color. And I am swooning over the colored fabric you chose to use. I love it. My next wrapping cloth will have color as well.

  3. Suz your wrapping cloth is going to be so lovely. I adore the pieces you have searched and collected to use. The colorful fabric and prairie points will be such a bright cheerful addition to your cloth. I don't want to miss any progress you make. Blissful Stitching Dear...

  4. This is going to be fun to watch!

  5. You have some wonderful fabrics! I really like your bold prairie points. I can hardly wait to see how this turns out!

  6. Loving your pops of color on that white! I will enjoy seeing how your wrapping cloth progresses. I miss stitching more than I thought I would. Maybe I will start a very slow cloth to work on as things permit. Have fun stitching!

  7. Please, I've never heard of a wrapping cloth, what is it?
    Looks very interesting though and I shall look forward to the end result.

  8. Hi Michelle. A wrapping cloth is the name Karen gave her cloth: it’s to wrap someone you love-basically a cloth they can use like an afghan, to keep themselves warm on cool evenings. Since it’s all stitched by hand, it’s created with lots of love, in which the recipient wraps themselves. Thanks.

  9. Wendy, I’m already loving this class. I knew I would, being a fan of Karen’s work for several years now. I wish I’d bought more of that fabric--it has a wonderful weight and drape to it, and the colours are fabulous. That spark of chartreuse really appeals to me.
    I’ll look forward to seeing your finished cloth.

  10. Thank you, Sherry. I’m already in love with the stitching part of my wrapping cloth, and have to push myself to do my chores-I’d much rather be embellishing my cloth and my blocks. tee hee
    I’ve had such marvelous luck finding beautiful items to use, too, and I’m still searching for more. Hmmm, there may be more than 1 cloth......
    Hope your weekend has been wonderful.

  11. But much more fun to do! lol

  12. Me too, Diane! It will be slow, but fun every step of the way, I think.

  13. Thanks Stacie! A slow cloth sounds like a wonderful idea. I think my wrapping cloth will evolve slowly, too, but that just extends the stitching fun! lol Happy stitching.

  14. Thanks Briony-sent you an email.

  15. I was about to ask what was a wrapping cloth, but Mitchell got there first, and thanks for give the answer.
    I look forward to seeing how it works out, you have some very old items do cloth, and some damask which I recognised, The tatting looks so lovely I hope you can save it or use it in the design.
    Hope you are little warmer than we are, no snow here yet but it tried yesterday some parts of the UK have drifts of twenty feet, We just had the rain on top of the rain we have had, today it freezing with the bitter wind again, spring seems a long way off its more like January

  16. Hi Margaret, and thanks for your comments. I’ve been saving found cloth for quite a while, while waiting to take Karen’s course, and I’m so pleased I found the tatted edged table runner. This will be slow fun.
    We had cold and flurries yesterday, but it got up to +2C so we hope things are looking up. Today we’re supposed to get to +3C, so maybe the warming trend is beginning. I sure hope so- it’s been a long winter. We still have snow, but nothing like 20-foot drifts! My goodness, that’s a lot. Hope you warm up soon, and the rain stops for a while.

  17. This is going to be sensational! I love what you are doing so far. Of course, I am partial to white anyway!
    Fox : )

    1. Thanks Fox! I like the purity of the white cloths, and all the rich texture from the stitching, but I must admit that I love colour, too. I think- well I hope -that the pops of colour will make the white all the more beautiful.

    2. I'm going to be watching because I wonder how you will treat all that white without some color!

  18. Your wrap cloth is coming along so beautifully Suz. I love Karen's work especially the buttons.
    The colored fabric under the lace looks great.Have fun! looking forward to see your progress...

    1. Thanks Anita. Karen’s buttons are beautiful, aren’t they? I hope to learn on this course how to make them. Have a great week.

  19. what a nice idea ! these online classes teach so many things ! what a shame I have no time to do it.

  20. Perhaps one day you will Isabelle. I had to wait a couple years to be able to take Karen’s class. It’s my first online class (except for StitchMAP) and I’m loving it!

  21. Glad to hear you're loving the class - I had no doubt you would. I'm going to be happily watching your cloth develop (working on the finishing touches on mine and then I'll start the second one).

    1. Wonderful! How large did your cloth become? I was thinking of 4x5’. It may take me forever.....;-D

  22. Oh you are in for a treat and a great fun time! The linens you have chosen are beautiful! I will be looking forward to seeing more of this!

    1. Me, too, Deb! lol...I am having a fabulous time learning from Karen and playing with thread. A lot of the fabrics I’m using are found ones that other people have given to the second-hand shop, so it’s fun to know they are finding a second life in my cloth. I need to find me a maid so I can stitch, stitch, stitch!

  23. Thanks for explaining what a wrapping cloth is, I was wondering too. Yours will be beautiful, I'm sure, and made with lots of love - and talent!

    1. I hope so, Janet! So far I’m loving all the surface embroidery......such fun!


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