Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August into September

Hi everyone! I hope you've been enjoying nice, sunny weather. The last couple of days were spent sitting out on the patio with my good friend Shirl.
It was a fun four days visiting with Shirley. She brought me these wonderful placemats she made for our new home:
  6 placemats in a crazy quilt pattern in different, rich green fabrics.
The greens are darker than they seem here, and look wonderful on our wood dining table. I love them! Thanks so much Shirl!
 We chatted, and stitched, and laughed, and I made her a pair of earrings and a new bracelet for her upcoming birthday.
I love to bead, and I hadn't made anything for quite a while.
Shirl loves to wear costume jewelry, so I got out my bead totes, and we sorted through them until her choices were made.

The prototype:

She loved it but decided it was just too much for casual wear.....
so, out came the pliers, and it was demolition time....... Most of the white was removed, but I left in the black, silver, and the bling. Some of the dangles remained. 

gee, it looks rather like the summer bracelet I made for her a couple of years ago.....

The earrings? They disappeared onto her ears the moment they were finished, so I didn't have a chance to take a photo of them...........

There was some time for stitching, and I finished my August Block ahead of schedule. whew!

cast-on stitch edging in a soft beige
french knots

and with a simple seam treatment, August is complete

It has subdued, pale warm tones with little touches of pink

I wondered how it might look with the other blocks.....

in no particular order, the first 8 months

I like seeing the harmony
of all the blocks, the theme of  Lace & Roses, the soft palette

I think my blocks will make a nice wall hanging.......
September has a dark rose center which may need a bit of softening....
Wrapping Cloth piece #7 has been completed
Piece # 8 naked

 bullion edging
layers and rows of buttonhole lace
bullion scallops
with the above additions, the top section of piece # 8 is progressing

there's lots more planned for this piece, but I'm not sure how much progress I'll be making on my wrapping cloth or my CQJP blocks in the next few weeks.

In 2 days our daughter and granddaughter arrive from Australia for a 6 week visit. I expect I shall be very busy playing in the garden and having fairy tea parties. How wonderful! I am so excited to see my beautiful  daughter and my adorable DGD, Jewel, again!
So, if in  the coming weeks you find I've disappeared, you know it's because I'm playing dress-up in the Secret Garden, reading fairy tales, and having squiggly hugs!
Best wishes to you all, and be good until I return.
Happy stitching

Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz


  1. That sounds wonderful. Enjoy every minute and we. Will all be here to enjoy your posts a bit later on xxx

  2. Squiggly hugs - oh how I envy you! Enjoy every possible moment with your family!

  3. Ah I always feel like I went to a candy store looking at all the fun things you do!

  4. Your bracelets are totally fun and I too love beads. All eight of your CQ blocks are very soft and beautiful. They will look lovely all together. White cloths are spectacular with your divine stitching details. The hint of bright color is quite intriguing. How sweet of your friend to make you those placemats for housewarming. Blessings and enjoy your DD & DGD. Tea parties and bubble wands and dressing up playing in the Secret Garden will be happy memories forever. Hugs Dear...

  5. have a wonderful time with the family visiting, what joy it will bring you. Lovely jewellery you made for your friend Shirley. Your 8 blocks will make an amazing wall hanging.
    Wrapping cloth coming along well beautiful stitching on it.
    Love the table mats too, green is my favourite colour too.

  6. Your beading and your blocks are just beautiful. I don't expect to hear from you again till your daughter and granddaughter return home - have a wonderful time with them both and make the most of your GD while she is still small enough to believe in fairies! Cheers

  7. Your quilt blocks are soft and romantic - they would look quite at home in a Victorian style boudoir. I didn't know you also made beaded jewelry! Those are gorgeous too. You are wonderfully multi-talented!

  8. you have been really productive Susan and how wonderful that your family are coming to visit. Have an amazing time with them and don't even think about us!

  9. Thanks everyone for leaving such wonderful comments. I'm sorry that time does not allow for me to reply to each of you. I'll miss you during the coming days, but, I shall be enjoying those hugs and playing with my Jewel, and visiting with my daughter! Blessings to you.
    Hugs from Suz

  10. Table mats are very pretty! beaded bracelet. is beautiful.I love anything which has got black and silver in it:) Your wrapping and CQ block looks gorgeous.You've made lots of progress...Have fun with your family Suz!

  11. Hi Suz, Enjoy every moment with your family. Your stitching is beautiful and the crazy blocks are divine. Have a wonderful time playing, best wishes Di.

  12. Lovely gifts & beautiful blocks. Your new garden looks like it's got some beautiful things in it to discover - you'll whip it into shape over time & enjoy the process of making it your own.

  13. I love your cast on edging Susan - what a wonderful stitch. And the placemats Shirley made for you - they are so pretty, and the simple design is just the right graphic - what a terrific idea!

  14. You certainly have been busy. The necklace turned out very nice and I'm sure your friend is very happy with what you made for her. A handmade one of a kind necklace with earrings is such a wonderful gift. Your blocks all look great and so does all the stitching on your wrapping cloth! Have a wonderful visit :)

  15. Your CQ blocks area all most lovely. It is always great to see your stitching magic. Hugs Judy

  16. nice work

  17. Love the soft colours in your blocks. You certainly have a lot on the go at the moment I love the whitework project. Sounds like you had a great time with your friend Shirl


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