Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Surprises and Stitching

In the mail this week, there were two wonderful packages! I love to find delightful surprises in the mailbox!
a package from Jillayne !

She had a Christmas Card swap last year, and then made beautiful books to hold the swap cards.
She wrote a bit about it here 
 Isn't my book gorgeous?!

I love the buttons she used with the binding
here's a peek inside at some of the pretty papers, and one of the cards I received
I shall record Christmas memories on the pages.....and this wonderful book will become a treasured part of my Christmas celebrations.
Thank you card swappers!
Thank you so much Jillayne for this lovely gift!

I sent in cards for the swap-- 3 green and 3 red fabric cards. That shine is the gold trees on organza fabric, in a fabric sandwich. The hand-braided trim encircles the cut-out which has been embellished with thread. It says Christmas to me: a sparkly tree, braids, fancy ribbon, gold stars, and red and green colours.

A second package appeared in the post, and this was a complete surprise!
three wonderful items from Sherry 

 a packet of stamped images on card stock that I shall enjoy colouring, and then, perhaps, use to make cards or bookmarks

I love the images
a tissue holder Sherry made so beautifully
This will sit in my studio, so tissues are always in reach.....
and this wonderful little book! It's filled with happy and inspirational stories all shared over a cup of tea.......
Thank you, my friend, for this delightful gift. You have indeed filled my cup, and it runneth over..........

the stories have inspired me to hold little tea parties with my beautiful granddaughter! She's arriving with her mother later this month for a long visit! I'm so excited!

 As things settle down a little, and organizing shows some progress, I've felt relaxed enough to stitch regularly (hmmm, or could it be I'm hiding from the organizing behind my needle and thread? nah!) lol    Actually, this week I've been doing some exterior priming and painting......
August Block
 variegated pink thread created some accents on the crocheted butterfly
then added some V's

 playing with the idea of pink flowers....
here's August so far

I like the delicate subdued feeling of this block.......

I completed piece #7 for my 'wrapping cloth' with a border of braid, knotted at intervals,
 using 6 threads of Coat's Opera, size 5.
It feels more balanced, now.
piece #8 all pinned and ready for tacking! It's ~ 8"x 15" but will end up a bit smaller. I like all the layers of lace allowing my wild fabric to peek through.......and I'm looking forward to more titivating!

I hope you'll have some time for creating in the coming week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. What a wonderful eye candy for me, and anyone else who is looking. I have done some squares too, and need to make them into pillows or blanket. Just don't know what. you Have done a fine job. And these gifts are cute and fun, thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you, Madtatter. I am having so much fun with my blocks. I thought the restricted palette might be boring, but I think now that it's calming, and allows for more texture and experimentation. Happy stitching, and tatting, too.


  2. what lovely gifts you have received, all of which I as sure you will treasure. You have been busy too with the needle.
    Have a lovely time with your family when they come for the visit.

    1. You're right, Margaret, I shall treasure my gifts, and enjoy my DD and DGD during their visit. I might not be posting very often, though....but I'll be having fun! Hope you do, too.


  3. Gorgeous gifts, I am sure you will treasure them for a long time to come.
    Your gorgeous stitching is as always a joy to see.
    I hope you have a great time with your family

    1. Thanks, Margaret. I plan on having lots of good times together!


  4. Oh, the tea parties with your granddaughter sound like such fun! And your gifts and stitching are so lovely. I'm amazed that you still get so much done in the midst of setting up a new house!

    1. Starr, I bought some fairy wings, a wand and tiara so we can have fairy tea parties! We can also have craft tea parties, too, with crayons, colouring books, paint-by-water books, and a slew of new story books,........fun ahead!
      Stitching is the sanity that helps to keep the craziness of moving from making me totally mad! lol


  5. Lucky you, the book is gorgeous. I'm sure that you will fill it with treasured moments at Christmas.

    1. Thank you, Maggi. Originally, my granddaughter was to come for Christmas, and I would have filled the book with photos and memories to give her when she was a bit older. She's coming next week, instead, so I may save it in hopes of a future Christmas visit to record, or I may use it for our first Christmas in our new home. Either way, it will be treasured.
      Have a good week.


  6. Dear Suz,
    You have surely been gifted with those wonderful post.
    I love the books Jillayne, so dearly made for all of you taking part in the christmas card swap- and the gift from Dherry, holding stamped paper pieces and the lovely tissue holder and book, was also a beautiful gift.
    Your embroiderings are just so wonderful, dear !!

    1. Dorthe, I have truly been blessed with wonderful friends and gifts. Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead.


  7. Hi Suz: Your book from Jillayne is gorgeous! We are very fortunate to be recipients of such treasures. You are very welcome and I can imagine how much fun you will have with your DD and DGD and the tea and craft parties. How beautiful your CQ block and white cloth are. I agree stitching is a way to stay sane as you make your new house your home. Priming and painting is a big job...we did our home years ago so I know from experience. May you enjoy your Summer days and prepping for your DD and DGD my friend...

    1. Hi Sherry. I saw your post about your lovely book, but found it late, and wondered how I missed it. Your book is beautiful. Jillayne is such an accomplished artist with her painting, sewing, embroidering, and book-binding, too.
      Luckily I'm just doing some spot priming and painting, just to protect the wood around the windows until we can afford new ones, and in a few areas where the paint is chipping and/or peeling. We need to address some woodwork that may need replacing, but that will have to wait until spring. No doubt there will be some priming/painting indoors this winter, too, as we make our new home our own.......
      Thanks and have a wonderful week.


  8. Your gifts are lovely, they will bring you a lot of joy and good memories.
    That butterfly is gorgeous did you make it yourself.
    Your blocks are coming along.
    I can just picture you having tea parties with your lovely grandaughter it will be so much fun to have them all visit.

    1. Thank you, Shirley. I'm really looking forward to those tea parties! The butterfly is from a crocheted doily I found at the second-hand shop. There's a whole row repeating around the edge. Sadly, the doily is damaged, so I am planning to rescue more butterflies to use on my CQ blocks.
      Happy stitching.


  9. you're a very lucky girl...gorgeous packages and it won't be long until your beautiful wrapping cloth is finished and draped somewhere in your new home

    1. Hi Karen. I'm enjoying those goodies, but I think it will be a while yet before my wrapping cloth is finished. That's okay, as I adore working on my cloth pieces!


  10. Suz your gifts are all so lovely,the book is gorgeous and så are your embroideries.

    1. Thank you so much, Anni! Hope you're having a great stitchy week.


  11. Lovely,lovely,lovely and so glad you are going to have a wonderful visit soon

    1. Thanks Linda, I am so looking forward to our visit! Tea parties....colouring....running around the yard.....swinging in the schoolyard.....
      I know you'll be missing your sweet little William. Hugs


  12. It`s definitely fun when the mailman brings something that isn`t junk or a bill! I`m really enjoying seeing your progress with your wrapping cloth - like the little bits of colour here and there.

    1. Thank you! Yes, i love getting lovely surprises in the mail!



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