Tuesday, December 17, 2013

It's Almost Christmas!

Hi everyone. Hope you're all ready for Christmas.

in the foyer
Here's a pic of the cotton tape I'm using for the sashing between my blocks. It ties in with the colours nicely, I think.
The first step of the sashing. I then trimmed the sides, and added the long strips of tape, then layers of lace.

And that's when I noticed a problem..........and had to rip the hanging apart......  :-(   ...there was wailing and moaning, and the air turned blue........

Time was getting short, so I've tucked the pieces away until after Christmas........

After all, I still have the cabled blanket to finish, and a sewing gift to finish, and baking to do, and some visiting, and one more present to buy......

My other projects are also on hold........
Our Christmas tree is up and filled with memories and history, including the lights and many ornaments from our first Christmas as hubby and wife! Those items are now 40 years old!

And, they still work! wow.

All lit at night.....well except for the lights that are blinking....

See that empty space under the tree?
It's the perfect spot for a Christmas tree skirt, don't you agree?
So, guess what I'm making for CQJP 2014?   
 In red!!

ooooh, ...pixilated.....

and a bit more playing in Picasa........wouldn't this make a neat card?

I shall be taking a break from now until after the New Year.
Wishing you all a wondrous, safe and very


        and All the Best for 2014


Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz


  1. Pretty tree! This is your first Christmas in your new home, yes? Time flies...
    Have a Wonderful Holiday.
    Fox : )

  2. Love the cool pictures of the tree so modern :) and It's okay to put off that beautiful quilt, I guess we can wait.

  3. Have a lovely Christmas. Love that tree,

  4. Merry Christmas Suz Dear. Your wreath and tree are lovely. 40 years of memories is quite the treasure. Very sorry you had to take apart your CQ project. Spending time on it after the holidays will be much calmer and enjoyable. May you and yours have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Peace and Joy and Magic my friend...

  5. I loved your photos, it was an eye-candy for me this morning.
    Wishing you a glorious Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Rengin, in Istanbul

  6. good to see all your blocks together and I am sure you will have it finished in no time. Your tree looks wonderful, have to own up to not having one myself.

    Have a lovely Christmas and look forward to your next blog in 2014

  7. Your tree is beautiful, I still have my new one to finish and put in place.
    Your blocks look lovely together and will be gorgeous when sewn together.
    I wish you and your family a very happy Christmas and a very happy new year.

  8. Dear Suz. Firstly your tree looks so bright and cheery,gentle and warming.
    Thank you for a year of friendship and support. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas in your new home and all the best wishes to you and yours for 2014!

  9. Love that tree, and the photos altered in Picasa. I must take a photo of our antique decorations too. Don't they bring back wonderful memories. Have a lovely Christmas. Cheers

  10. Hi Suz, Your tree looks fab. I have enjoyed following your Crazy quilt blocks throughout the year. A Christmas tree skirt is a good idea! Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a peaceful and safe holiday season. All the best for 2014 Di.

  11. Oh Suz, your tree is BEAUTIFUL! I love the old fashioned lights and the wonderful icicle tinsel…we always had that on our tree when I was growing up, but I can't have it now because of the cat!!

  12. Hello Suz,Your tree looks fabulous.. I look forward to see that Christmas Skirt.. I would like to wish you and your family a Very Happy and Healthy New year. Hugs Judy


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