Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ring In The New Year!

Hi everyone! I hope those of you who so celebrate had a wonderful Christmas!
There was ice:

 more ice
and snow!

We had a fun time with family, but now it's time to get back to 'normal'.
The tree is down and away in storage until next year, and the house will soon be put to rights with vacuuming and polishing........well, unless of course I'm distracted by stitching. Lol

 I'm happy to report that I finished the cable blanket, and even made a faux sheepskin blanket as well as a teepee for DS's cat. He'll be purring in cushy comfort. (The cat, that is. ;-)   )
For my 2014 CQJP, I plan to create a red Christmas tree skirt, and the theme will be snowflakes. Debra of the Tuesday Stitchers, has already machine embroidered a pile of snowflakes for me (thanks so much, Debra!!) and I shall be waiting until their arrival before piecing the skirt. In the meantime, I shall tat some snowflakes of my own and work on other projects in the wings: my wrapping cloth, a pink/blue/purple wallhanging with 'silkies' of my darling granddaughter, projects for StitchMAP, knitting, wool sculpture, painting, and I may just get to teaching myself how to crochet..............maybe. I might return to finishing the Lace and Roses wall hanging if time permits.
As for the Christmas tree skirt, I plan to have an opening of 12" around the tree base and two triangles' sides trimmed, but not joined, to allow room for easy placing after the tree is decorated. The total circumference will be ~15 1/2 feet with each triangle measuring 24" x15", not counting any trim I may add.
Well, that's the plan right now, anyway..........
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!
May you and yours all be well,
And may there always be some spare time for stitching! and tatting! and creating!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Beautiful Pictures and a wonderful list of things we will be viewing on your blogs next year! :) You have a wonderful day and new year it's been fun blogging with you!

    1. You too, Mad! All the Best for 2014.
      Sending you an email........


  2. Happy New Year to you. What a list. I shall work your progress with such interest. Enjoy every stitch x

    1. Linda, I hope you and yours had a marvelous Christmas! May the year ahead be filled with new adventures.


  3. Hi, it's me again and I know you already know I have a blog, but I was wandering how to place the stitching fingers add that you have on your side bar, to my side bar on my blog? Is there an easy answer to my question I wonder? Let me know if you can?

  4. Happiest of good year blessings to you and yours Suz!

  5. You have a list of interesting projects lined up for 2014.looking forward to see your progress on all of them.
    I think I should borrow your journal idea Suz..hope you don't mind,it is truly inspiring and a great way to keep us optimistic.I don't know if I can add 10 things but am sure there will be 4-5 at the end of the day!
    Wishing you a very happy new year Suz!

    1. Anita, I think you may find it a bit difficult to list 10 things every day, but I found once I'd gotten into the habit of looking for the positives, sometimes it was hard to stop at 10! The idea isn't mine--I can't say now where I first heard about it, but it's a good way to train the mind to see the haves instead of the have-nots, so please do share it.
      I wish you a New Year brimming over with positives!


  6. you certainly had a white Christmas it looks so very pretty. Well you are organised with what you plan for 2014, apart from signing up for CQJP I have no idea what I will be doing, probably not much!"

    1. I'm sure once you get started on your CQJP, the ideas will be flying about, and you'll have plenty of creative stuff going on. I'll be checking in to see what you're doing!


  7. Happy new year, you have a white one, hope you have a great new year with all the things you have planned I hope it will be a creative year. I look forward to seeing the tree skirt.
    You have the snow we have rain and gale force winds.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I hope the New Year is a fully creative one, too, for everyone. Hope the winds have calmed down.


  8. Susan, I hope that you and yours had the best of Christmases.......sending lots of good and happy wishes from England x

    1. Thanks, Karen, we did. All the Best for 2014!!


  9. I'll swap your snow and ice for our rain and wind. I don't have a list for 2014, but I do have a plan to find more time for stitching.

    1. I hope you find more time for stitching in 2014, Naida. If you do, please let me know how you did it--I'm always looking for more time, too. lol Rain and wind would be much nicer than the -27C mornings we've had lately........


  10. Your tree skirt sounds wonderful Susan - red, and with snowflakes.... delightful!
    I see you survived all the nasty winter weather that hit the east, and am so glad of that - I hope 2014 continues with that good luck for you!

    1. Thank you, Jillayne. Yes, we were hit with the ice storms and the snow, but not as severely as Toronto and other areas. It was a scary Christmas for many, and I hope the New Year is a better one for all affected.
      Here's to happy creating for 2014!!


  11. You have a great plan to start the new year with Suz!
    I have one resolutuion - to try and use the stash I already have before buying more (that's the plan)*#*#!!
    Wishing you ‘health, happiness and JOY in 2014".
    Love and blessings
    Shane xox

    1. Shane, thank you for those lovely wishes, and I hope they come true for you and yours, too!
      That's a good plan for stash-busting. I'm trying not too buy very much, but somehow had very little red fabric in my stash (probably because DH chose the colour! lol and then he couldn't really begrudge the purchases, could he? tee hee! ..but I shall be using my threads, and ribbons, and other items from my stash to embellish the skirt, so............I feel better now...lol
      Here's to a fun and creative New Year!


  12. wow, all this ice !!!
    Here, in north of France, the weater is relatively sweet (between 5 and 10°C). It a bit hot for the season.
    I wish you an happy new year.

    1. I think I'd like to trade weather for a while, Isabelle. We're expecting rain, snow and freezing rain overnight, and then it's going to get colder. Thanks for the good wishes.


  13. Hi Susan....just checking you are ok because of this awful weather. I hope so!!!


    1. Thanks, Karen, yes. We have the arctic vortex here after the latest ice storm and it was -28C overnight. Brrrr. So I'm hunkering down indoors for most of the day (dr apptmt this aft) and hoping to get some stitching done. It feels like I haven't touched my wrapping cloth since before Christmas-- I feel the pull.
      Hope your weather is better. Take care.



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