Thursday, January 9, 2014

January Beginnings: CQJP and TIAS

Hi everyone. Hope you're all warm and cozy. We've been in an Arctic Vortex here, which means the cold arctic air is flowing down into Ontario. The other night it dipped to -28C, and with the wind chill factor it felt like in the -40's. Brrr.
I ventured out to feed the birds, but I plan to spend as much time indoors as possible! Maybe I'll stitch.............
Yesterday there was a little blizzard in my mailbox. That's because the gorgeous snowflakes Debra embroidered for me arrived. Yay! Now I can begin to plan my tree skirt around the snowflakes.

Aren't these just wonderful?
Thanks so much, Debra!
I love the white against the red fabric-- so crisp
Debra sent some beautiful metallic snowflakes, too. They really sparkle, but it's difficult to see on the photo. I've only shown you a few......

here's my pile of cottons for the skirt-- mostly red and white with maybe a bit of green thrown in, too. I'm not sure about that yet.
some small pieces of fancy red fabrics might also be included
so I went through my stash to see just what might be appropriate for embellishing the tree skirt
 yah, more stash......... I told you I'm a thread junkie, didn't I?  lol
oh, yes, and a bead junkie, too, though I have yet to go through my bead stash........ oh, fun!

So all this is packed into a shoe tote.
I usually place each project's supplies in its own tote so I don't forget what I have......... ;-D
This piece is still hanging around, and I've almost finished the second attempt at a tatted border.
I decided I didn't like the way the tatting looked. hmmmm
It's going to come off! (again)
As it's a gift for a friend, I can't send it if I'm not happy with it..... sigh.

I'll have to decide what to do instead of the tatting and get this project done.

Well, I changed the mat edging to this:
I think it looks so much better, don't you?
I'm wondering if it all comes down to scale-- if the tatted edging was too insubstantial for the size of the mat.
What do you think?
 I did add little tatted poufs of blue to the corners though.......
 This will soon be on its way.
I haven't been idle, though, while waiting for my snowflakes to arrive...........I've begun tatting some snowflakes, and.........
 I've been stitching these..........(shhhh, it's a secret)
I've been asked to create a few projects over at StitchMAP  and these photos are just a little tease.........

These are the first work-ups as I'm playing with different techniques. They may or may not be the
final choice for the projects........but I thought Id give you a little peek......

tease #2........

I've also begun Jane E's TIAS -- Tat It And See. Here's day 1 of the pattern. Jane releases it in bits and pieces and tatters around the world tat it up and try to guess just what the pattern will be. It's my first time doing the TIAS, and it should be lots of fun!
TIAS day 2
I'm needle tatting with Lizbeth size 40 in colour 122.
There's extra ends.....I had a dreaded knot in my thread (argh) that I couldn't tonk, so I had to cut and add more........I hate when that happens!
My guess is:- a circus clown holding a helium!

Hope you've had a creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I don't know where to start every thing looks so good. Tree is my favorite I may try that one some time. Pillow does looks better with the eyelet border I like it blue is fun. And the needle tatting looks so good in the chunky I bought some of that too it works up well and thick looks so perfect!

    1. Thanks MadT. Lizbeth 40 is a bit bigger than I usually use, but i do really like that colourway. Are you doing TIAS, too? I'll have to pop over and see. Happy tatting.


    2. oh I got that mixed up with that size 3 ooops, your picture is a very nice close up and I need to read better,instead of looking at pictures, and you needle tat very well, I use all size threads. No, I didn't do her TAIS, I got to many irons in the fire right now, I enjoy guessing what it is gonna be on everyone blog and there colors.

  2. That tree is magnificent!! Wonderful 'pickings' for your tree skirt and such pretty snowflakes (much nicer than the real sort). As for the tatted border, I agree that the lace looks a little more balanced. I do love the tatting though and I'm sure you will find another use for it in another project...perhaps your tree skirt?

    1. Thanks, MM, I really like the tree, too. Aren't Debra's snowflakes wonderful? Maybe I should hit her up for a few more? heheheh They are going to show up really well on the skirt. Good idea for re-using the tatted edging, even though some of it was destroyed....guess I sewed it on too


  3. just love that tree. have only done one of Jane's TIAS...not enough time to do it all. love the color thread you chose.

    1. Thank you Deanna. I've been saving that ball of thread for something first TIAS seemed I didn't know that you tat, too! That's super!


  4. some lovely things here, the tree is so full of life and all the bits and pieces for your tree skirt look very tempting. Shame your tatting did not work on the pillow but the tatting maybe a clown looks interesting, will pop over to the blog and check it out.

    1. Thanks Margaret! Did you check out TIAS? It's quite fun, so maybe you'll like to join in. Happy tatting.


  5. Great projects, the blue mat is looking better with the lace around instead of the tatting and quicker.
    The tree skirt is going to look beautiful with the lovely snowflakes, I look forward to seeing how it goes.
    We have rain the storms you have are coming over on the jet stream as the Atlantic is warm it's turning to rain, we have a lot of floods and high winds.
    Keep warm and safe

    1. Hey Margaret, i hope the storms have gone on their way. We're now expecting warmer temperatures and rain, so I hope you get the warm stuff too. (not the rain) Yes the lace was MUCH quicker than tatting another, larger edging. whew! Stay dry and warm.


  6. Oh my goodness Suz - can't imagine how cold it really is where you are. I did laugh about the blizzard in the mail box! Gorgeous snowflakes and beautiful red fabrics
    and trimmings to choose from for your tree skirt!

    1. It's been cold, Suzy--not the coldest weather we've ever had, but certainly cold enough, methinks. Thankfully, warmer weather is on the way and instead of colder-than-normal, we'll enjoy a bit of warmer-than-normal until it returns to more seasonal temperatures. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to playing in the mailbox blizzard (tee hee) as I begin working on my tree skirt. Have a great weekend.

  7. I do hope that it has warmed up for you by now. I can't imagine what those temps must be like.

    Love that wrapped tree and the heavier edge is far more balanced than the tatted one.

    1. Thank you Maggi. Warmer temperatures have arrived, thank goodness! So glad you like the tree.
      Happy weekend.


  8. Looking at all your stash I'm sure that tree skirt is going to be gorgeous.Those snowflakes are pretty.Are those little projects for Hex LABS? Don't tell Shari that I'd asked you :)

    1. Now, Anita, you know I can't spill the beans about the secret They wouldn't be secret if I told, would they? I'm eager to get working on the tree skirt. Thank you!


  9. Lots of lovely stitching and colour going on there, Suz! I hope things are warming up for you. I agree with you about the lace edging on the blue mat - it looks much better!

    1. Thanks, Janet. Yes, it's warmer today, and will be for a few days yet. It's funny I couldn't see why the tatting didn't look good on the mat until I tried the lace. I wonder how many more edgings I might have tried........well, I'm stubborn, but maybe not THAT
      Hope you have a sunshiny weekend.


  10. Hi Suz! I will send you my warm sunshine if you send me some rain. Your snowflakes on the red are stunning. I am in love with your blue sampler and how sad you have begun over and over with the tatted edging. It does look good with the lace and tatted poofs. Your tree trunk is amazing!!! You are really doing sew many varied projects and I am green with envy. I must get busy. Sending you warm hugs...Happy New Year and Creative Blessings Dear...

    1. It's a deal, Sherry! Umm, no rain today....will slush do? lol It's warmed up enough that the ice and snow are getting soft in places.....maybe rain on Sunday.
      Thanks for your lovely comments. Some days I'm very pleased with my varied projects, but there are other days when I worry that I've begun too much, and will be drowning amongst the thread and the best antidote to those worries is to just get busy, I guess. It doesn't bother me that it took several tries to get the blue sampler just right---that's often how I learn-- by my errors. I'm just so pleased it did work, and now I hope my friend likes it. All the extra effort is worth it to create something unique for a special friend.
      Hope you'll find lots of creative time this weekend. With all your traveling lately, there probably wasn't enough time for your bliss.


  11. What a wonderful tree skirt you will have with those lovely snowflakes and all your stash! I agree the lace is a much better balance, a shame we have to learn the hard way though, isn't it! I am glad you are having slightly warmer conditions now, I had been wondering how you were getting on in the cold - we have been cooking in exceptionally high temps while you have been freezing - a crazy old world! Cheers

    1. I'll have to up my game to match the precision and beauty of those snowflakes, Robin, but I hope I'm up to the challenge. Learning the hard way, hopefully means the lesson with stick with me for a sometimes is the best way for me to learn. Humbles me a bit, too. haha It is a crazy world, and I try to think of our daughter and her family in Oz having such different weather than we do, and imagine her on the beach while we shovel snow, but it's difficult to get my head around it sometimes, and the fact that it's night when we have day.....upside down and backwards...comes to mind weather and time-wise. Hope things cool down for you. Thanks.


  12. Hi Suz, it is funny hearing of your -28deg while we here we have been having 40 and over deg Celsius days.

    Your xmas skirt is going to be a stunner with those gorgeous snowflakes and extras from your amazing stash.

    Yes I like the lace around the blue border too it ties in with the lace on the top.

    that tree is so creative. I am dying to see what the 2 teases turn out to be.

    1. I know, I often think....oh, I'll phone my daughter, and then realize it's 16 hours difference and she's probably sound asleep......and to imagine her on the beach on Christmas while we're shivering's a boggle sometimes. I sure hope it cools down for you soon-- it seems there's wild weather everywhere, but we're lucky to be safe (and have good heating systems!) and not having to deal with fires, hurricanes, or floods. My heart goes out to those who've been so affected.
      You'll have to wait on those two teases, Shirley, as I promised not to tell.....yet. I'm not even sure these will be the final projects as 1 has already been changing......
      Have a great weekend!


  13. So good to catch up with your lovely work. I agree, the new cushion edge is a better scale. You've got some wonderful projects on the go. Keep warm & a happy new year!

    1. Thanks, Emma. Hope the New Year is good to us all.


  14. I adore the snowflakes and the cloth you plan to use in the tree skirt and I can see you have been busy. This post is crammed with gorgeous images.....stay warm!!

    1. Thank you, Karen. The temperatures have warmed up for now, so that is nice. I'm trying to keep busy (and have fun!) Hope your weather is not too cold or windy.


  15. The polar vortex we experienced has ended thankfully. Hope it has for you too now. The snowflakes and all your Christmas material and stash look great. Loads to choose from. Love the tree and leaves tease and looking forward to seeing more!! Ah - tatting - not sure if I have room on my plate to try it again this year. Curious to see what your tatting project will turn out to be. Stay warm.

    1. Thanks, JPP! Thankfully, the vortex has blown elsewhere, and we have some warmer than normal temperatures. It means we'll be able to clear off some of the ice.......I'm glad you're no longer having the debilitating cold. I'm having fun with all my projects. What else are you creating?


  16. you have so many projects in course ! how can you do so many things. it's wonderful. About you're addiction, don't worry, me too, I am thread junky, with a preference for silk... aaaaaahhh siiiilk !!!

    1. Ah, Isabelle, yes, the silk thread is so soft and smooth....and it looks so rich.
      I tend to jump around from project to project as some take extra concentration and can't be done while watching T.V., or at least, shouldn't be done while there are distractions! helps me to rest my brain, hands, etc., and also gives me a chance not to get caught up in the details rather than seeing the whole effect (I tend to do that) and then when I return to a project, I see it with 'fresh' eyes. I learned to do this when I was painting watercolours. Walking away after a few minutes of painting helped to keep me from making too much mud too often. lol.....And when I came back later, I could often see what areas needed work. It gives me perspective on my work, too.


  17. So many lovely things - I can't wait to watch your snowflake project progress!

    1. Thanks Kerry! I've been piecing the 1st quarter of the skirt and having fun! Soon I'll be able to add some surface embroidery. Yay! I guess I should get to work on the snowflakes, though........


  18. I love the choices you've made here for your next project!

    1. Thanks Lorraine. It's a bit of a challenge as red is not a real favourite colour, but it may be once I'm finished! lol!



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