Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January Ending- Stitching and Snow

It would seem my large Christmas cactus doesn't know what month it is, as it's just begun to bloom........ it always bloomed in October in previous years, but maybe it's just adapting to the new house......
we had more snow this weekend..............another 5" or so, blowing all over and making the roads slippery, and with lots of cold temperatures.......very unusual for this area, so we're told.......but a lot like where we used to live.......
these goldfinch were gobbling up the bird seed.....even in the blowing wind
I love the shadows on the snow.....

see the pathway? it's almost all filled in again, just an hour or two after I shoveled it........
in a calm moment, I caught these 'arms' reaching out......
 even the baby cactus has begun to flower
the pelargoniums like the light from the livingroom window......  I have several pots I dug up from the front garden bed and decided to overwinter indoors.......

As January comes to an end, I realize I'm still behind on my tree skirt.

This layered tat was added over a poinsettia flower. I love that fabric!
french knots all along this edging. I like the bits of colour and design peeking through those openings......

and 1 lonely cast-on stitch was added (more to come)

and that's all the progress I made on this first portion of the first quarter piece

I did, however, finish piecing the second quarter of the skirt

It's ready for stitching......whenever I get that far ....lol

There was other stitching for StitchMAP which I can't show just yet......

We've just received our first pdfs for our HEX LABS ( this will be a year-long project with a choice of 3 designs each month to stitch on a hex piece. Minimum is 1 choice/month.) so I shall also post my progress on the HEX LABS stitching.

Here's the second piece of the TIAS as of day 8. I still don't know what it will be, but I'm having fun trying to solve the puzzle.
Do you have a guess, too?

With all the snow and blowing winds, and unseasonably cold temperatures, it's a good excuse reason to stay indoors and stitch!
Wishing everyone a Happy February!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. This is just beautiful piece of work love the red and white theme too! and the Christmas cactus what clear pictures should be in a "Photography Today" magazine. I love the tatting is it needle tatting it is so thick like the look!

    1. Thanks Mad! Yes, it's needle tatting with Lizbeth size 40. It's a bulkier finish than shuttle tatting. I have been trying the shuttle, but I need lots more time and lots more practice!!


    2. well both kinds are slightly different and I feel I need to try the needle tatting for that "look" you have going, I have checked it out but afraid it would confuse me my brain can only hold so much information ha ha!

    3. LOL! Well, I've been trying t o shuttle tat, and I'm getting frustrated--my fingers are all 6's and 7's. lol

  2. We have Christmas cactus here too. Ours flowers in the Spring when it's warmer. It used to be called Zygo Cactus, but now has a name like "Schlombergerer". Love your stitching.How are you liking the new house.It must be so much better than being alone and a bit isolated in your prev home.Do you miss the lake etc.
    Judy xx

    1. Thanks Judy. Funny enough, I haven't really missed the lake very much, though I imagine come summer's heat waves, I probably shall. We do like our 'new' home and feel quite comfortable here as it's nice to have all the conveniences a block away, but still have a quiet and peaceful spot. We're gradually making it our own, but it will take some time.........I am hankering for the gardens and an early spring so I can work, play, and create outside in the fresh air.......Hope it's not too hot in your neighbourhood.


  3. Hiya Suz!! So good to hear from you. Looks like your potted plants love the new house. Hard to believe, but we have snow here too. Piles and piles of it, and we are all so excited. Love your tree skirt so far and all of your stitching looks great. Stay warm and take care :))

    1. Hi Starr! I guess snow is a bit unusual for your area, so I hope you enjoy it while it lasts. I bet the boys want to toboggan, and build snowpeople, and make snow angels, and build a snow fort to have a snowball fight....ah, those were good days! Have some hot chocolate to keep warm. Thanks.


  4. I finally gave up on my cactus plants after living here for two years and them refusing to grow or flower. Obviously they heartily dislike the light conditions here. Gave them to my SIL and they're much happier and blooming merrily. Your tree skirt is progressing beautifully!

    1. What a shame your cacti didn't have the right light conditions.....my large one must be 25 or 30 years old! and the baby is about 5. They seem to like it here better than at the lake-- there aren't as many trees about to filter out the light....Thanks and happy stitching!


  5. Slow but sure with your tree skirt. i enjoy watching the progress of your tatting pieces.

    1. I had a slow start, Shirley, waiting for those wonderful snowflakes from Debra. Now I'll have to scramble a bit to catch up! I wish I had more time to do all the tatting patterns I have waiting in my to-do pile. It seems to grow larger every day haha.
      Are you doing some stitching? Hope so-- you know I love eye candy! Thanks.


  6. You are making wonderful progress on your tree skirt. The red tatted flower on that beautiful poinsettia fabric is perfect. I also love your tatting with the blues and purple thread. Lovely Christmas Cactus blooms. Yes I think your move might have changed their blooming patterns. Stay Warm and Safe with Hot Chocolate Hugs...

    1. Thanks Sherry, I'm hiding indoors and stitching to stay warm! I'm wearing long undies under my clothes and a quilted bush shirt overtop! Not fasionable, but toasty. lol


  7. not sure what I do right but my cactus flowers every Christmas. Yours is looking lovely. Tree skirt is coming along and you have over 11 months to finish it so no pressure. I love the tatting, have not tried any from your link yet but I am following the blog.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I'm enjoying working on the tree skirt: need more time! There are a ton of patterns on that site so I'm sure you'll enjoy some of them: I have 2+ large binders filled with patterns I want to tat. And there's new ones each week! Happy stitching and tatting.


  8. I don't why they call them Christmas catus at least yours is nearer Christmas, mine flowers in October.
    I have seen the Us and Canada have a lot if unusual cold weather and snow, it flies over the Atlantic and dumps rain on us.
    Your tree skirt is lovely and your Christmas is going to the best dressed in the neighbourhood.

    1. I think it's because they bloom right around Christmas here (what a great marketing ploy!) and it's so nice to have bright sparks of living colour in our homes during the grey days of winter. The pinks and reds contrast nicely with the green Christmas tree.......
      Yes, it's been very cold here, unseasonably so with the polar vortex happening.....more snow than normal for this area and some places in the US that almost never have snow are getting hit, too. Makes travel dangerous at times. Well, I sure hope it all stops here, and your rain stops there. In the meantime, it's a good reason to stay indoors and create. Thank you.


  9. Your tree skirt is coming along nicely. As we live in the southern hemisphere, my cactus flowers in May/June. Yours looks lovely, I hope you have finished with the snow by now. Cheers

    1. I wish, Robin! We're just half-way through the winter and snow often continues into March and even April. (why do I live here?...lol) so, we're likely to get dumped on even more, especially if the cold system stays around.....May-June is when our spring has arrived and the garden begin to grow. Thanks.


  10. I am not sure why they call them Christmas Cactus....mine seems to bloom most any time other than Christmas! The tree skirt is going to be beautiful, I love all the lace you are adding. The snow will be gone soon (fingers crossed) and soon we will be talking about how hot it is!

    1. I hope you're right--I'm wanting an early spring so I can get working in my 'new' gardens, and plant vegies and herbs, too. That likely won't happen until April-May. It seems so long to wait.
      I've been saving my found and gifted laces, so it's nice to have a project where I can really pile them up and enjoy them every year. The tree just might be up longer.....lol
      How are your angel dresses coming along? They are so beautiful. Thanks.


  11. Lovely to see birds on your feeder. And the bright sun on your snow.

    1. I love to watch the antics of the birds as they come to the feeders every day. There are shy birds and bully birds, and ones who will share. What fun to watch the aerodynamics, too. We have a pair of cardinals in the area. The bright red of the male is easy to spot, but he's quite timid, and isn't out feeding for long. Thanks.


  12. gorgeous pictures Susan. The snow looks so pretty although I know how much trouble it can cause...

    1. Thanks Karen. Yes, the snow looks pretty on a postcard: slogging through it is a different matter. lol Ah, but it's worth it to feed the birds.......


  13. Your tree skirt is looking wonderful and of course I love seeing what you're tatting!

    1. Thanks, JPP! I'm having fun with the skirt. Itching to get more stitching and tatting on it........darn that housework! It gets in the way all the time.....lol


  14. Lovely things going on in your world. I have enjoyed a peep. Thank you x

    1. Thank you, Linda. Are you Spain bound, or have you already arrived? Hope the sun is shining.


  15. I know about all the trouble but the snow looks pretty for me because I live in a place where there is no snow at all,only hot and humid climate most of the year.
    The baby cactus looks beautiful! The tree skirt is coming along beautifully.Sorry, can't guess the TIAS pattern .Lovely color and your tatting is very neat Suz.

    1. Thanks Anita! I guess the snow photos would look nice and cool, too. It would be strange for me to live in an area that didn't have changing weather with the different seasons, though it might be fun to garden in year-round warmth and sunshine. I could grow my veg all year round then.
      Really like your Chikan embroidered bag.


  16. I love the shadow play in your snow pics...so very pretty...your tree skirt is going to be stunning when finished...the poinsettia fabric is so pretty and looks so good in the skirt...how big will this be when you are finished? I have thought of making one to go with the blue crazy wall hanging I am working on now...

    1. Thanks Wendy! The skirt itself will be~ 25" long, and an oblong shape, with a 10" center opening to go around the tree, so covering about 5' of area. I really like that poinsettia fabric, too! It's one of my favourites. I bet a blue one (with silver?) will be beautiful!


  17. Suz, I love how you have used the Anglaise lace edging with the little holes showing fabric beneath. Your Christmas skirt is going to be stunning and the blue tattings is gorgeous. Your cactus are beautiful, you must have a 'green thumb'. Good to hear you have settled in nicely to your new abode. Stay warm - Di.

    1. It's nice having those colours peek out through the lace, I agree. It always makes me want to look a little closer. Thanks for your lovely comments. I better go do some more stitching.....lol.....Hope you've had some stitching time too!



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