Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Winter, TIAS and CQJP

Mother Nature is still blasting us with winter weather:

Another 5 inches of snow landed over the weekend

with more in the forecast
 I hope everyone in hotter climes feels a bit cooler looking at these photos

Taken through the window.......

enough snow, I say.........

Oh, well, it does afford a nice excuse to stay indoors and stitch......

Even so, I've not managed much stitching on the CQJP this past week, but I did add a little:

silver snowflakes cascading across the fabrics

a pretty, clear snowflake on a thread dangle and silver beads on the white, lacy trim

a medium-sized tatted snowflake with a crystal center and silver sparkles

and this is how the 1st piece of quadrant 1 looks so far.........with a special button added to the embroidered snowflake......

As Debra suggested, I did a couple of mock-ups:  white and red on red, and white on white in this photo.....a bit crowded and busy-looking
 on this photo I added white on red and red on white.....there are fewer elements, but it's difficult for me to tell how busy this might look overall. I do like how this 'reads'.....

 So, I've decided to do the white-on-red snowflakes and embellishments for now. When completed, I'll decide then if I want to add red on the white fabrics.

The TIAS has reached day 11 of the pattern, and we've now completed two pieces, and will begin a third or begin joining these together--I'm not sure which........
I'm still stumped!

I hope today to begin my HEX LABS stitching.
That's all for this week.
Have you had a stitchy week?  I hope so.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Soo where do you live you don't have to be specific. that's lots of snow! oh yea all your items looks so nice looks like you have plenty of time for finishing things up :0

    1. Hi Mad! I'm in Ontario, about an hour-and-a-half outside the big city of Toronto! I've been working on some projects I can't show right now, so that's taken up quite a bit of my time. Soon I should get more done. Thank you.


  2. Oh Suz your snow is beautiful and ethereal but ever so cold looking. It is very cold here but still no moisture for rain or snow. Red on White and White on Red your CQ skirt is beautiful. Love the crystal accents on your stitchings. TIAS looks like it could be small upper and larger lower butterfly wings for one side. I do hope you are warm and cozy inside dear...

    1. Oh, yes, Sherry, I'm warm inside with my flannels and the heat on! lol It's been a bit warmer today with -5C high, but the sun has gone to bed and it's getting colder now. Just in time for more snow, they say. argh! I wish I could send tons of it your way. You could be right about the butterfly..........thanks.


  3. Oh, you poor people over there. I would die from the cold. What about the global warming thing they are bleating about....doesn't look like any global warming to me with all that snow.

    Try swapping the flower with the trail with the one above it and see how that looks.
    You have lovely colours in your tias.

    stay warm

    1. Well, Shirley, it is winter in Ontario, and that usually means snow and cold. I'm just moaning. Every November (or October or December..lol) the first snowfalls are greeted with pleasure, but by the time February rolls around, we're a little tired of all the white stuff--especially if it keeps coming and coming and.....well,'nough said. We do get t he global warming in summer, though....lol!
      Thanks for the idea, Shirley. I think both flowers may have to go, though......we'll see. That way I'm keeping with the theme if they're replaced with snowflakes. I'm warm with my woolies and the heat on........maybe I'll toss on that throw, too... ;-)


  4. Staying inside and stitching is a perfect past time as far as I'm concerned. Anything is better than having to be out in that awful snow!! Love your little tatted snowflake, btw.

    1. Thanks MA. Yep, I was out in it shoveling again today..........sigh.......I'm staying in and stitching tonight! There may be more tatted snowflakes turning up..... ;-)


  5. you say it looks a bit overcrowded I am not so sure, with crazy I say the more the better, love the variety of snowflakes you have got there.
    Some more great tatting, must have a go at some still not started and you are on no 11. Still no snow here, maybe we will get through winter without any this year. It does look pretty but it must be so very cold, I do hate the cold.

    1. Well, Margaret, I shall have to wait to see how busy each section looks with the white before I add any red tattings. I don't want it to get too busy. When it's a themed CQ, I like to err on the side of 'less-is-more', as I find too much detail is unsettling (and I can always add more, later, if I choose....). But, that's just me, and a lot of people like the encrusted look. I've loved some of those I've seen, and I did some encrusting on my 'pebble adventure' and really loved that, too. I'm going for a harmonious look.......
      You want some of my snow? The banks are getting rather high now, almost too high to throw more on top......


  6. Lots of lovely tatting going on & oh the snow is beautiful.....we had half an inch last week which managed to last for a day, not surprising by the sea. so I'm a little jealous but I agree I wouldn't want too may months of it! Spring will come when it's ready ;)

    1. Thanks Emma. I hope you enjoyed your snow. You want more...lol? I wish spring would come when I'm ready......it would be here. ;-)


  7. these photographs are beautiful Susan...snow is pretty but I do know the problems it can cause. Embroidering snowflakes however is very appropriate!!

    1. Oh, I agree, Karen! Embroidering snowflakes, and sewing and tatting and stitching snowflakes........much nicer then shoveling the real thing, which I spent over an hour doing this afternoon......sigh........oh, well, spring will come.....won't it?


  8. Beautiful photos as usual, Suz. I am in my flannels, looking out at yet another blizzard. Driving today will be an enormous treat....

    The red and white piece - a foreign language to me - is very pretty!

    Stay warm.

    Fox, signing off from Your Old Fashioned Winter In Ontario!

    1. Ah, staying in one's flannels is the perfect way to spend a day......tatting and sipping hot chocolate.......Did you have a snow day today? I heard the traffic reports about all the accidents in and around TO. Hope you didn't have to go out driving today. Stay safe, and warm-- cuddle with Gian.


  9. We have escaped to the sunshine in Spain after relentless rain in the Uk. Happy stitching lovely lady x

    1. Oh, lucky you, Linda. I am green with envy. Hope it stays warm and sunny!


  10. Hi Suz
    Well from here in Australia I must say those photos look so inviting as we swelter here. What a perfect excuse for you to catch up with your stitching and crazy quilting.
    Keep rugged up,

    1. I shall, Suzy, thank you. Had more snow yesterday to plow through.......I'm glad the photos look so appealing, but I'm sorry things have been so hot for you ....hmmm, roasting in Australia, freezing in Ontario, and raining rivers in England........atrocious weather everywhere, it seems. I hope Mother Nature gets back on track soon. I did get some fun stitching time.........


  11. As you know already snow looks very pretty for me.I felt the cold by looking at your pictures :) The blocks are coming along beautifully,Lovely tatted snowflake ! the first TIAS piece of yours looks like a snowman to me :) All the best for your HEX labs!

    1. Thanks so much, Anita! I am having some stitching fun. Sometimes, ya just gotta stay inside and stitch, right?


  12. wow, you have got still so much snow. here we haven't saw a flake since the winter begin. your work is wonderful. red, white and silver, it is gorgeous !

    1. Oh, yes, Isabelle--lots of snow. And more is on the way says the weatherman. It's lots for this area, but is actually less than what we've become used to living by the lake. We might have snow well into March or April, depending how warm it gets this spring......I hope spring hurries up and gets here, soon! lol Thank you.


  13. Goodness- your tatting is simply gorgeous. Those snowflakes are amazing:)

    The snow pictures are lovely--- but I hate winter!! This one has been eternally long--

    1. You're right about this winter seeming very long, although it does seem to me that I feel that way about every winter now that I'm getting older, and can no longer play in the snow as much with my bad knee.......*:)) laughing.......it has been a colder-than-normal winter for sure!
      Thanks so much for visiting and leaving such a nice comment!


  14. Brrr! We got our taste of winter yesterday, but it's just about gone now thanks to the rain. Love your tree skirt!

    1. Thanks so much, Judy! Gee, would you like some more winter? I've got lots here I'm willing to share...... ;-D)))



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