Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Walk and Stitching

Hi everyone. Hope you all had a nice Easter. Sunday was a pleasant day, and we all went walking in the local park.
The creek is running a little high and rough after the snow melt and the rain
 I am fascinated with the look of water as it rumbles along, roiling over rocks
foaming, bubbling, churning
reflecting the colours around it
creating fabulous layers of dipping sediment,
thick foam
always moving, gurgling
and sometimes roaring
cascading over boulders, gathering broken bits and damming them together
 the covered bridge witnessing the flow
and the peaceful, reflective surface of the pond
tree roots reaching outwards. I like how they look.
we walked around the pond and headed home for tea and a game of bid euchre........

Even with the holiday I managed to get some stitching done.
 I'm really pleased with my "Umbrella & Flowers".

The Embroidery Guild made $920.00 from their sale table to donate to charity. WooHoo!

On my wrapping cloth piece #11, I secured this corner of an old hanky with french knots and cast-on rings.

The bullions along the gathered lace morphed into cast-on circles, and french knots were added at intervals to create little pockets along the billowing lace.

piece #11 has lots more french knots added, too

ooops, there's a hole!

I wonder what's going to happen there?

 bullioned and french knot snowflakes are appearing on the Christmas tree skirt
wee red snowflakes
 french knots to secure the trims
and the skirt is still not filled with enough snowflakes......yet

I have decided to add red snowflakes as well as the white, so more wee and large ones will be tumbling down the skirt

I hope to have this 1st quarter finished by the end of April.

Hope you've had a good stitching week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suz, Uyour stitching is more than awesome. The umbrella and flowers stitchery is truly beautiful. You are a master of stitching. Your "wrapping cloth piece" is so very creative and lovely. Hugs judy

    1. Thank you so much, Judy! I must admit I do love the handwork-- so meditative. I may even finish my wrapping cloth this year if I can keep stitching regularly. Then I'll probably start another one! lol!


  2. Absolutely beautiful .. As ever x

    1. Thank you, Linda. Hope all is well with you and yours, and wee William.


  3. Wonderful post about the water. And the umbrella is adorable.

    1. Thanks Anneliese. I love having the park and creek so close to our home, and plan to walk there often. It'll be interesting to see how the water changes over the next few months.


  4. I bet that creek sounded so good.Running water is soothing.Love your stitching umbrella.
    Judy x

    1. It did sound good, Judy. The only time I don't like running water is in blackfly season, so I shall have to avoid the creek then. Just looking at it is soothing to me, but I bet the ocean sound is like breathing.....
      Happy creating!


  5. Your umbrella is perfectly wonderful! Thanks for sharing pictures of your walk. I have yet to walk along our river but hopefully will find time later in the week.

    1. Now's the time--before blackfly season! I shall avoid the creek while they're about......probably have several weeks before that happens. Thanks and happy stitching!


  6. I always enjoy photographs of nature..lovely..embroidered umbrella is too good..what is the stitch in red for big flowers!?

    1. Thank you Lakshmi! The big pink/red flowers are done in a kinky thread. I think it's chenille thread, but, as it was a gift, I'm not too sure. I used the twisted detached chain stitch, according to the instructions, and it really is effective, especially with that thread.


  7. It sounds and looks as if you enjoyed the outdoors. I too enjoy watching how the water travels over the rocks. LOVE the embroidered umbrella. Enjoy your week.

    1. Oh, there's noting better than being outdoors soaking up the peace and quiet, listening to the birds sing, and creating-- whether it's digging in the gardens, painting, stitching, or beading -- it's more fun outdoors. I think that's one reason I've been so impatient for spring to finally arrive. Thanks, Lorraine.


  8. you have caught the movement of the water beautifully in these photos and the tree roots look great for design inspiration. The umbrella is a real beauty and your other projects are coming along so well.

    1. Luckily I had my camera with me to capture the beauty Mother Nature created. The park is a wonderful spot for soaking up peace and quiet. Thanks Margaret for your lovely comments!


  9. As usual your stitching is gorgeous. I love the photos of your walk along the creek - and the poetical way you have described it all. Cheers

    1. Thanks Robin! It was a lovely day, so I grabbed the camera on my way out the door. I did slow up the other walkers, though....lol.... stopping to take photos every few minutes. Hope you're enjoying perfect fall weather.


  10. your creek looks beautiful Susan, you live in such a beautiful country, one I am desperate to visit one day. I am so pleased that you continue to be excited by your wrapping cloth.

    1. The park is a beautiful place for walking, contemplation, and picnics, Karen. We are lucky to live so close to it. Hey, any time you're in my neck of the woods you'd be most welcome for a visit! Of course, I may be prejudiced, but I think Ontario is a beautiful province!


  11. Love the photos of the creek, what a nice place to sit and think. The umbrella of flowers is beautiful and WOW how much money the EG made during the sale!!!

    1. Thanks Deb! There's something about gurgling, rushing water, isn't there? that stimulates the mind. I love being out in the bush, so the park is a nice second, now that we moved so far from the forest. Still, it's nature, and there are some areas that are still wild. The EG did quite well at the sale for a 1-day event, and we're pleased to have a nice bit to donate. The response was great since it was just before Easter, and people were looking for unique gifts. Happy Wednesday!


  12. Love your pictures, they really caught the moment of the water, I almost hear the water rushing over the stones.
    Beautiful stitching, I look forward to seeing what you do with the hole

    1. Thank you, Margaret, it was a good thing I thought to grab the camera on the way out the door! I haven't quite decided about that hole, yet..... ;-)


  13. Love all the photographs especially the one with the covered bridge..looks like an oriental picture.Your wrapping cloth looks gorgeous Suz. Is the honeycomb patterned fabric which is just above the gathered lace a cotton one? it looks so pretty but not as pretty as your stitches.

    1. That covered bridge does look oriental, but I have no idea why it might have that design. I like all the decorative elements, though.
      The honeycombed bit is a piece of open 'lace' from a reclaimed window treatment, I believe, on top of the base muslin, so I don't know it's content. I have a feeling it's not cotton, but I really liked the effect, so I'm using it on a few of the pieces. Thank you!


  14. Hi Suz. What a lovely walk you experienced and enjoying the water dancing along the way. Thankfully your snow is melting. Your little umbrella stitchery is precious and looks like Spring in Stitches! Good for the Guild Charity sale. Looks like lots of progress is being stitched on your white cloth and CQ tree skirt. I do believe you will complete all in record time. Blissful Stitching and May Spring Bring You Blooming Flowers Dear...

    1. Thank you, Sherry, it was a lovely day for a walk. I've been madly stitching on the tree skirt, so I hope to have some progress to show soon. My tulips are coming up, so spring must be here! Yay! Hope you got lots of rain for your gardens........


  15. Lovely pictures of your walk Suz, thanks for sharing them. The brazilian embroidery on your Umbrella & Flowers looks wonderful. How great to have made that much for charity. Your wrapping cloth is also looking terrific. Love all those bullion knots and the hole too. Your tree skirt is looking fabulous!!

    1. Thank you JPP! I haven't decided yet just what to do with that hole in the fabric......so many options.... ;-)


  16. Sue,the photos of your stream are amazing. I love that little covered bridge.
    I am very impressed with your wrapping cloth it is going to be a wonderful family heirloom.
    I just love the embroidery of the umbrella and am thrilled to see the progress of your xmas tree skirt.
    Your creative juices are certainly flowing well.

    1. Mother Nature is wonderful, isn't she, Shirley? There is so much beauty around us every day. I really like that covered bridge, too, and I think it's probably the site for many wedding photos during the spring and summer months. I can picture wedding party photos on the grounds around the pond, too.
      Now that spring has finally arrived, I find myself out in the gardens working, weeding, raking, tilling.....well, you know how it is, so I have less time for stitching. Oh, well, I must make room for all the fun stuff. Thanks


  17. Great photos, Suz, and you know already that I love your stitching!


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