Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April Ends

There was a large maple tree in our backyard. The arborist told us it might survive a few more years, but it's days were numbered. Branches were dying, the bark was off one side, and it had a large split in the middle. We decided to remove it before it fell down on our new-and-not-yet-put-together large tool shed.
 It was leaning towards the neighbour's yard, too.
 DH limbed it.

 and cut
it fell true
chopping up with the help of a neighbour

then I went out to help move and pile the small amount of wood we kept, and the rest went to neighbours who burn wood

we gathered kindling for another friend
I hate to see big beautiful trees be felled, but safety first. I think we should choose another tree

As for my Christmas skirt, I'm a month behind, and I think I could probably stitch on this skirt quarter for a few more weeks, but, in the hopes of finishing my CQJP on time, I'm calling it done!

Tatted, beaded, ribbon, and thread snowflakes were added
and this section of the skirt will be put away while I work on section #2

I may add to or subtract some of the snowflakes once more skirt sections are completed
what I have learned from this first quarter:

1) while providing contrast, the green fabrics take away from the red and white theme, so any new quarters I make may be void of green

2) small snowflake motifs get  lost in the skirt, so I shall go Big

3) too many different styles of snowflakes may be taking away from the overall look

4) I may decide to simplify the number of fabric patterns in new quarter pieces in order to get closer to the picture in my mind

5)  conclusion: I need to Simplify, simplify, simplify!
And that's all the stitching I accomplished this week.
I spent a happy evening or two playing with my gelli plate, and found out just how easy it is to get ugly!
The flowers look blurry because I was going for a tone-on-tone effect, but blew the placing
 I love the blues in this one
some of the items I use to create texture and patterns
dots and grids.......

I need more practice to get the results I see in my imagination. Oh, boy, that means more play time!

I was down for a couple days under-the-weather recuperating from doing too much, but I'm feeling much better now.
Wishing you Happy Stitching and Creating for the upcoming week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh I hate that, to see a tree go we lost ours a couple years ago this man told us when you see the large ants traveling up it they are killing it! I am sure that's what did this one in, but I know other things affect it too. love the play with textures and my favorite is the blue one too!

    1. Thanks Mad! I know, our neighbours had a beautiful maple removed from their yard, too, as it was dying, but they're not planning to have it replaced, even though the city does it for free........I like trees and wish there were more.......


  2. Hope you are feeling better, sad to see the tree to go but now you have an excuse to plant something different.

    1. Thanks, Penny, I am feeling better. Not sure if we'll plant another tree there.......the ground is full of roots and it backs on a tall, cedar hedge, so not much light gets through. We'll see.........


  3. So sad to see the tree go, but better to be safe. At least you have found a good use for the wood so hopefully that will help you feel better. Your tree skirt is looking wonderful - wonder if, in the green area you aren't so happy about, you could put some large red tatted snowflakes to bring it back to looking more red?

    1. That's a good idea, and one I may try if/when I have a bit more time to play with this piece. Thanks. I'm just thinking that the green is too heavy.......

  4. Hi Suz, yes the horrible thing about losing a tree is the sound of the buzz saw.Guess all things have a limited life. Lovce how that skirt is coming along.Hope you're back on top soon.
    Judy xx

    1. Judy, I've put the skirt piece aside f or now, and will re-visit my ideas after the next piece is completed. We'll see if I can simplify things a bit more on quarter #2. Yes, I'd much rather hear the birdsong than the roar-whine-sputter of the chain saw! Thanks


  5. It's always sad to lose a tree. Were you able to salvage any of the wood for tatting shuttles? ;-)

    Your tree skirt looks great! I see what you mean about the green taking away from the red and white, but I do love a touch of green.

    I hope you're feeling better soon!

    1. Feeling much better, thanks Diane. Shuttles? Well, I have the wood, but, as shuttle tatting aggravates my carpal tunnel, I have no need, and I don't know any shuttle makers in the vicinity .......but we've shared the wood with our neighbours and friends, and kept a little for backyard fires, once we get/build a fire pit. The branches go to be recycled into humus by the township, so none of it is being wasted. I'm even planning to use the stump to hold a large planter.......


  6. you were right to chop the tree, it would have been a disaster if it fell and caused damage or even injury. I am sure you will catch up on your Xmas skirt, you have at least 7 months to get it completed. Your jelly play looks interesting, wonder what you will produce with these bits

    1. Thanks Margaret. I love trees, but, yes, safety first. I think I may make cards with some of my gelli play results, or use them as backgrounds in my journals. I'm having fun seeing what happens with my experiments and finding new ways to make mud! lol


  7. You have definitely done the right thing but I understand why you were so sad to say goodbye. Stitching,as always, wonderful x

    1. Linda, thanks for your lovely comment. Trees are so important, especially in the city, so it's sad when they have to be removed. But, perhaps we'll replace it with another. Hope you are well, and good to know that wee William is recovering.


  8. Yep,I too hate to see the trees go but you made the right decision comes first.For me your tree skirt looks pretty as it is.I agree with you that the small snowflakes get lost but I don't think the minimal amount of green fabric is taking away your theme.

    1. Thanks Anita. I've put the skirt piece aside for now and will re-think the green etc. once I complete quarter #2. Perhaps with larger snowflakes the green won't nag at me as'll see. Simplifying the snowflake design might help with that, too. Have a great weekend!


  9. Sorry about the tree. Interesting what you've learnt so far - simplify, perhaps we need to remember that more often.

    1. Hi Jane! Yes, simplifying is a good thing to remind myself to do! I find I sometimes make things more difficult/complicated/busy than is necessary. Less is sometimes better, and more is often just too! Thanks, and happy Friday.


  10. looks like you're busy busy!! as always you are creating gorgeous cloth and you ever stop?

  11. Better to be safe than regret the tree when it falls and does damage. I can see how you overworked yourself and thankfully you are feeling much better. Love the tree skirt panels. How fun to see your Gelli results and I had to smile when I read how easy it is to get ugly results. If you have pages you don't like so much just cut them into smaller pieces and they will have all new lives for cards and such. Playtime is always good for the soul. Creative Bliss Dear...

    1. That's true, Sherry, and I plan to use some for cards, but some are just too ugly, so I need to over-paint them. I did find one thing out that made a huge difference: I had been using my good, artist quality acrylic paints on my gelli plate. Apparently, they don't work as well as the cheap stuff!! Who knew? I picked up 1 bottle of frugal paint at the dollar store (which is now a and tried a few prints last night. I worked wonderfully! So, I'll be making another trip there for some more paint..........
      Happy weekend!


  12. Dear Suz,
    Yes it is alwayes a little sad to see an old tree fall,-but also here we had to cut down some, which was dangerous to let stay!
    Your christmas carpet is a fantastic crazy quilt ,-and the gelli prints are so wonderful, I haven`t used my plate for long, but hope I will soon be there !
    Hugs from Dorthe

    1. Thank you, Dorthe! I hope you're having a good weekend. I've been out in the garden, then came inside to create some stamps for my gelli plate-- what fun! Hope you get to have some gelli fun soon.


  13. It is always a shame to lop a tree, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. At least some of the wood went to good use. Suz, your Christmas skirt is going to be spectacular. Love your geli prints - I think they are wonderful even if they are not quite what you were trying to achieve. It seems like the process is very serendipitous anyway. Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Hi Dianne. Except for the stump, which will hold a planter this season, all of the tree will be recycled, in one way or another. I'm just starting on skirt quarter #2, but haven't made much progress yet. I found out one secret to better gelli prints-- using the craft acrylic paints rather than my artist acrylic ones! The craft type has more water, so they spread better, lift easier, I get at least 2 prints, and clean-up is faster, too. So I went out to the 'dollar' store and picked up a dozen bottles of the craft paint, and now I'm looking forward to some gelli fun! Thanks.


  14. Yes it is always sad when an old tree dies, wonderful crazy quilt you are working on, love you gelli prints.

    1. Thank you so much, Anni! I love having fun creating!
      Happy Sunday.


  15. Glad to hear that the tree came down where you wanted it even though it is rather hard to see a tree come down. Your tree skirt is looking awesome and the red and white theme is beautiful. Neat examples of your gelli plate. Looking forward to seeing more. Take care :)

    1. Thanks JPP! I shall be playing with my gelli plate, new paints, and some stamps that I made. WooHoo! It's going to be fun.


  16. I also don't like cutting down a live tree - it really dies seem sad, but as you say, sometimes these are the things that just have to be done.
    I like your tree skirt. Very much. I understand all of the things you wrote about doing differently, but it like it anyway....

    1. Thank you, Jillayne. I suppose I'm trying to match that picture in my head rather than being happy with what I've created.......Hmmmmm, there's probably a lesson in there, somewhere........ ;-)



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