Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Middle of May

Hi everyone. I've made some time to stitch over the last week, even though the gardens have been calling to me.

I finished my May stitching of "Shady Lady", which was created by Ellen Mosbarger, who kindly allowed StitchMAP to adapt her design for our HEX LABS project. I found the applique to be challenging, but had fun with the rest of the stitching. I added some dimensional tresses, just to see how they'd look, as well as some shading on the lips, and along the chin and neck.

 On wrapping cloth piece #11, the hole has been filled, and is hugged by a Josephine knot garland.

There is more stitching to be added to this piece
lots of room for more embellishing!

I found some treasures at my favourite second-hand shop:

4 heavy cotton napkins
2 pillowcases to match the double-sized bed skirt
 a dresser scarf
another doily
 a queen-sized bed skirt
the eyelet on the queen-size bed shams

as well, I found a patterned tablecloth, plus a delicate crochet-edged handkerchief.
Most of the items are either stained or have some issued with the fabric wearing, so I shall probably use the good parts for my wrapping cloth.
There's lots of wonderful eyelet!

On Mother's Day, we went for a short hike at the conservation areas near the University.
Lots of happy birds singing.....

 pasing the pond, we spied something ......
two turtles sunbathing on a log.....

the sun created sparkling diamonds

 in the front garden, the magnolia tree is blooming
 aren't they beautiful?

I hope you've had a good, creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Just love your shady lady! Love magnolia flowers.We have lots in the streets near us.When they flower it's a spectacular sight!

    1. Thank you Judy! Those pesky @#$! squirrels were eating the buds off our magnolia before they bloomed, or we'd have had a lot more pretty flowers.


  2. Your shafy lady is wonderful..and the curls are so effective. Love magnolia trees the blossoms are so beautiful...you are lucky to find such wonderful treasures. Will be home at last at the weekend...hope my computer still loves me.....

    1. Hope you're having a wonderfully relaxing time away, Shirley, and that all is going well. I was almost jumping for joy finding those fabric treasures. My fingers are itching to add eyelet to my wrapping cloth. Safe journey home! Thanks.


  3. Your shady lady is very pretty! Your magnolia blooms are wonderful and it is always neat to see turtles sunning on logs or rocks in the water.

    You found some lovely bits and pieces and I can just imagine your mind working already on how to use them.

    Happy Creating ~ FlowerLady

    1. Oh yes, FlowerLady, I am itching to use some eyelet on my wrapping cloth! It's funny, but, since moving to the city, we've seen a lot more wildlife than we did in the country. Thanks.

  4. I love seeing the way your wrapping cloth evolves! I haven't given up on the idea, I just haven't started!

    1. Thanks Diane! Sometimes it's good to let ideas percolate for a while. Have you started gathering cloth yet? I get a real thrill finding such fabric treasures. Good hunting.


  5. Good finds! And I love your shady lady.

    1. thanks so much, Jane! I can't wait to play with the eyelet.......


  6. I am never failed to be amazed by your talents. You really are an artist as well as a crafter. Beautiful from beginning to end x

    1. Gosh, Linda! *:"> blushing Thank you kindly!


  7. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mad! She really appealed to me, too. It's fun to have a choice of monthly projects to do.........now, if I only had more time .....lol


  8. Love the addition of the hair to the Shady Lady, she has turned out well. I haven't heard of Josephine knot stitching but it is really cool. Gorgeous magnolia!

    1. Thanks Dianne! Josephine knot is a tatting term, but it's like a cast-on stitch circle. I think they're fun to make, and they look neat in a cascade. Happy weekend!


  9. Hi Suz! How glorious to see no snow. Spring has finally arrived and your walk looks to be a wonderful way to enjoy the sunshine and all of Nature. Your lady with the hat is lovely. Very interesting how you added the dimension of hair and shading. Lots of White Cloth treasures from the thrift & gift. You will be embellishing lots more. I adore your pop of color and the Josephine knots surrounding it. May you enjoy both the outdoors and your stitchings. Spring Sunshine Bliss...

    1. Definitely nice that the snow has gone! Yay! I've been spending hours in the gardens, planting my vegs, and then found almost all my pepper plants destroyed, grrrrr, so I shall need to have a different strategy to deal with the critters..........and buy more pepper plants.......We're having days of rain and the yard is soggy, so I may spend the afternoon stitching.........hope you get some rains to put out the forest fires in your area. Thanks Sherry!


  10. your lady looks superb and good to see you have personalised it. What great buys at your charity shop

    1. Thanks Margaret. I was lucky to find all those treasures, and plan to make good use of them. Happy stitching and happy weekend.


  11. Your shady lady is beautiful Suz,love the purple hat :) The hair curls looks interesting. Your wrapping cloth is gorgeous,love the josephine knot garland around the cutwork circle.Oh my! you have found lots of goodies again, lucky girl!

    1. Yes, Anita, good luck has been shining down on me! I shall make use of those treasures in my wrapping cloth, for sure, and maybe in other creations, too since the eyelet is so pretty. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.


  12. Looks like you found some special treasures at the store - will be fun to see what you create using them. Just as a little aside note - a group of my friends meet for lunch once a month and we call our group the 'Shady Ladies'.

    1. That sounds like a fun group, MA! Are there shady goings-on? Eyelet for my wrapping cloth, plus I've been contemplating a dress for DGD Jewel using all that lace...........


  13. I have been absent for a while but I love catching up on your blog with your wonderful embroidery - your lady is really eye catching. How nice that Spring has arrived at last with beautiful magnolia flowers. Great finds at the op shop too. Cheers

    1. Robin, thank you. I have been having very good luck in the op shops lately, and having a lot of fun with the HEX LABS. Hope you're having a nice creative week.


  14. Gorgeous lady, beautiful finds of embroidery and lace, Plus your wonderful pictures of your walk and your lovely magnolia tree, all in all a very interesting post.
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. Thanks so much, Margaret! I hope you have a good weekend, too. It's been raining here, so the yard is soggy. All my tulips are bowed over and look drowned so I hope the sun arrives tomorrow to dry things up a little. I hope you're having sunshine.


  15. I think the bed skirt was possibly the best find ever. There must be yards and yards of useable cloth in that!

    1. Yes, and I found two of them! One is double-size and the other is queen-size, so many yards of eyelet to add to my wrapping cloth! Oh boy! Thanks, Karen.


  16. Love your Magnolias Suz!
    Great doilies and linen from thrift store to use in your wrapping cloth. You have created such a great affect of color near the Josephine knot circle. Beautiful work!
    I created the lace and doily quilt so the doilies could be seen all together rather than trolling through a basket full. So much fun to arrange and layer to create a pleasing effect.

  17. Thank you so much Suzy for your visit and lovely comments. The thrift shop finds were very lucky.
    I loved how you layered all the lace and doilies.



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