Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Glitzy Gecko and Picking Up the Paintbrushes

I finished my August HEX LABS from StitchMAP, and he turned out to be a flashy sort of guy. Perfect for going out and looking for a Gecko Gal.

The curve on his body made things a little interesting. I used bullion knots, french knots, cast-on stitch, buttonhole stitch, stem stitch and straight stitch, plus lots of beading.

Think he'll find his lady love?
I decided it was way too long since I'd done any watercolours, so I picked up my palette........I know some of you may cringe at its messy state, but it's actually pretty clean.....well, for me, anyway...lol
The inspiration is  a photo I took of the neighbour's cottage at the lake where we used to live.

 I don't try to copy the photos exactly.
I began with a simple sketch, then  added light washes of colour. I have a tendency to put too much paint on too early in my paintings, so I tried to carefully and slowly add layers, letting the areas dry before another wash was added.

 At this point, I put it aside to dry thoroughly.
 I usually paint on cold-pressed watercolour paper, but I found this sheet of hot-pressed paper in my pile and thought I'd play, practicing some washes.

I was looking at this photo of Georgian Bay. I love all the rocks, the shadows and the intense blues of the water
Almost dry. I've added more blues to the water.

Monday was a little hot and sunny so we went to this quiet little beach for a quick dip. It's been over a year since I last went swimming, and I really enjoyed it. I think we'll be planning another trip with a picnic lunch if the weather gets hot again.

Hope you have a sunny, creative week ahead.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I do love watercolor and have some I should put on my blog someday, you did an excellent job with the color match, might I say :) and the painting. And that is one sexy gecko, it's the eyes I like best :)

    1. Thanks Mad! I'd love to see your watercolours! That gecko is a sexy swain alright. I like those eyes, too.


  2. Love your gecko he is so stunning!

    1. Thanks Wendy. Somehow I picture him on the disco dance floor. Those crystals and gold beads would really sparkle then! ..lol


  3. I adore that gecko!! Yes Suz he does look like he's dancing.Do you miss the Lake home? Not in Winter I bet!! How are your knees. I have 2 new ones now, and oh my..the difference in my life with no knee pain!! I didn't realise how tired I used to be all the time.
    Judy x

    1. Thanks Judy! I do miss the lake home sometimes, especially the forest, and also the lake on hot, humid days. But I am happier now that I'm not so isolated. My knee.....well, I've decided that it's stopping me from doing the things I enjoy, like walking, so I've decided to call the doctor and see about getting things rolling in the direction of a new knee. Wish me luck.


  4. Wow, that gecko is really neat!!! You did a fantastic job with him. You've got my mind working on creating an anole from a picture I took the other day. Time will tell. That would be different from my hearts and flowers wouldn't it? :-)

    I think you've done very well with your water color of the cottage. I look forward to seeing the finished work of art.


    1. Thanks Lorraine. Isn't blogland a great resource for sparking new directions? I'm so glad if my gecko gave you an idea. I didn't realize that creature was an anole. I learn so many new things. I sure hope the cottage doesn't turn into a bomb......wouldn't be the first....lol... Hugs

  5. your gecko is so colourful and exotic, very nice water colour painting too, you can certainly turn your hand to all sorts of crafts and excell in them all.

    1. Thanks Margaret. That gecko guy sure is blingy. I do like to try different types of art and crafts as it keeps life interesting.


  6. Hi Suz,
    I love your paintings ,and the way you use the paint so soft . Lovely, dear.
    The gecko is funny and so exotic, what a work ,you did.
    Hugs, Dorthe

    1. Dorthe, i'm trying to do the soft beginnings with my paintings and slowly building up the layers of washes. I usually put too much, too dark, too fast, so this method takes more thought and restraint. And it takes longer to finish a painting, too. Thanks. My gecko want s to go dancing, i think......


  7. Brilliant gecko, Love your painting, hope to see if finished

    1. Thanks Margaret. I think gecko guy is a throwback--he wants to trip the light fantastic (am I aging myself, or what? lol) I hope to do more work on the paintings next time. If I don't make mud........ ;-)


  8. you really are very good with watercolour.....I envy you that skill.

    1. Thanks Karen. All it took was 5 years of painting an hour each day! And now, sometimes I don't make mud!.. lol...And you're no slouch with watercolours either, you know.


  9. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Jane! He was fun to glitz.


  10. Beautiful water colours !!! You have successfully captured the beautiful scenes. Hope to see the completed version :-))

    1. Muskaan, I hope to have more progress to show next time. Thanks for your kind comment. The one thing I can count on with watercolours is not knowing the outcome. lol


  11. Your glitzy gecko is sure to pick up a gecko chick I reckon, Suz. He sure is pretty and you did a great job of lining up those beads too. I admire your watercolour skills very much.

    1. Thank you so kindly, Dianne! Maybe one of these days I'll stitch up his gecko gal. I suppose she should be blingy too. lol


  12. Your gecko is stunning! Maybe you can help him finding his lady :-)

    1. Thanks Annet. That might happen one of these days when things slow down a little bit......


  13. Looking at Mr. Fancy Pants Gecko and reading your words made me laugh. We have had geckos, and I wish some of them would have left homel and gone looking for a lady love instead of sitting behind pictures on the wall and making messes.
    What I should have done was make them some blingy clothes and maybe they would have all left home and gone a' courting.
    One of them used to sit on top of the door and wait till I went out and use my shoulder as a springboard as I walked through .....

    Your hard work over the years of practise have certainly paid off now with your paintings Sue ...they are terrific.

    1. That is so funny, Shirley! I can just picture that gecko landing on your shoulder! My son's cat did that to me once. I returned from a walk early, and after i closed the door, I was startled by the weight of the cat landing on my back and clambering to my shoulders! He's not a small or skinny fella, either.
      Thanks for those nice comments, Shirley. One difficulty with watercolours is that I'm only 1 brushstroke away from making mud! I want to jump in and slather paint around, so I have to restrain my natural inclinations.


  14. Mr. Bling Gecko is Uber Dabber! Your use of sew many different stitches and beads really bring him to life. Look Out Lady Geckos! Lovely watercolors you are working on. The photos are gorgeous and such amazing inspiration. Summer is waning and it feels like Fall here. Creative Bliss Dear...

    1. Sherry I had a lot of fun playing in my bead stash searching for just the right beads for Mr. Gecko. I hope to get back to the paintings this weekend. Thanks. It's been cool here for the last 3 weeks, and has been more like autumn than summer temperatures. Have you had any rain of late? I hope so.


  15. Your gecko is just fabulous, I'm so in love with him! Wonderful to be shown the progress of your watercolors, too - I can never 'see' the layers in a finished piece, but I usually can in mixed media or textiles! Your wedding piece is absolutely stunning, what lucky people they are ;) great to finally catch up here.

    1. Emma, I think Mr. Gecko is a rather attractive fella....lol..Thanks. I can't see the layers in others' watercolours, either, so perhaps that's part of the allure- the magic for me is to see another painter create a painting step by step. I wonder with each application because the answer is a mystery until the painting is completed.


  16. I love your watercolour paintings! As for the state of the palette: I say, the messier the better!

  17. Thanks so much, Zsuzsa, for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!



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