Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The End of August

It's been a funny month, weather-wise: cooler than normal. It feels more like September than August, so I wonder what next month has in store. Summertime is waning, and the students return to school next week.
In my garden this week:

This furry visitor didn't seem at all interested in my flowers or the lettuce, but did nibble away at the weeds growing along the garden edge.

I'm still stitching items that can't be shown, but here's the stitched sample for my project which was accepted as one of the July HEX LABS designs for StitchMAP. It was great fun creating and stitching the design, but challenging in writing it up in the proper format. Still, it feels good to be learning new and different skills
This butterfly has organza wings.

 A big boom drew me to the art room window last night to see what was happening.


I was able to catch some interesting shots with my little camera.

Only the ones high enough to pass the tall trees in our backyard were seen.

 Looks like a jellyfish

Isn't it interesting what the camera sees compared to the human eye?

Sharing a Blog Post
I am blessed and have a good life, having all my needs met. But some people are not as lucky as I have been. My heart cries, especially when those in need are little children. If you have a too-big stash, and would like to find a new home for your treasures, or if you are down-sizing and need to empty your shelves, perhaps you might consider giving to the children in Africa.
You'll find all the information here on Vicki's blog. I hope you'll be able to help. Thank you.
May you have a wonderful week ahead!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Great firewrorks....so difficult to get photographs and you did well. (btw - I had thought I had left a comment about your handsome wee gecko from the previous post but evidently it is one of the many comments I seem to be leaving that are disappearing into the ozone layer...had said how handsome I thought he was and that he needed a mate).

    1. thanks MA. The fireworks happen so quickly, I had to click before I heard or saw it to get a photo. Blind luck.


  2. a beautiful butterfly you have created here.

    Like you august has not been so wonderful here and the other day even had my winter coat on! How lovely to have rabbits visiting your garden and even better they eat the weeds. Fireworks have photoed very well.

    1. Thanks Margaret. Yes, August has been weird--well the whole summer has been that way. Yesterday we had temperatures of 30C, but the high humidity made it feel like it was in the low 40's. It was the first day we reached 30 since June. July is usually hotter than June. Today there's little humidity, and the high is expected to only reach 23. So, we're yo-yoing about from day to day.
      I was lucky with the fireworks, and surprised that my little point-and-shoot camera captured them as well as it did.


  3. Well done on having your pretty butterfly accepted. Great fireworks photos.

    1. thanks Jane. It was a thrill, for sure. I was very lucky with those photos.


  4. Fantastic fireworks photoes, dear Suz, and you have just as many rabbits as we have here, I can tell... they eat everything in the bvegetabkle garden :-(((
    Your organzawinged butterfly, looks wonderful.

    1. So far, Dorthe, the bunnies have been well behaved. The butterfly's wings are singed, which made it fun and different. Thanks. Take care.


  5. Suz--
    Precious bunnies in your garden--- they eat our stuff!! The fireworks photos are pretty amazing!!

    Thank you so so much for sharing the needs of the children with your devoted readers-- you are so kind-- and I am so grateful.

    1. Vicki, I'm so glad I could share about the children and all that you are arranging. I hope you are totally inundated with offers to help! Bless you for all you do for those in need.


  6. The weather is the same here, really cold for August, then a mini heatwave for a few days now back to rain with lots of wind promised - exciting! Love your butterfly. I am having a clearout - we have a wonderful organisation here who helps adults with mental health issues thru the power of making. How lucky for Child to have found your friend!

    1. That organization sounds wonderful, Emma. I wish we had something like that nearby, but all my clearing out stuff has been going to the local Salvation Army Store. Vicki is amazing, and the little children will benefit. Thank you.


  7. A beautiful butterfly! You've done a great job Suz! Not a day passes without us learning something new,isn't it wonderful? Lovely firework pics.. the first one looks like your gelli prints :)

    1. You are so right about learning new things every day, Anita! I love it. That photo looks to me like fishflying through the night sky.......lol Thanks


  8. Yes about the weather here too. We have "Jackalopes" and they eat plants and bird food I threw out on the ground. Who knew? Congratulations on your Bluetiful Butterfly design. I used to live 3 miles from Disneyland and there were nightly fireworks I got to enjoy for free. Your photos are fabulous. Happy Birthday My Much Younger "Twin" Sister...

    1. Ah, Sherry, we have chipmunks and squirrels that eat the bird food, groundhogs, and skunk, and rabbits......I've heard of jackalopes.....i guess any food is fair game if they want to survive. Happy Birthday to you too, Birthday Sis!


  9. you have fireworks for evening entertainment!! Lucky you.

    1. It was a real cracker of an evening. The whole area was booming....lol! (groan!) Thanks Karen.



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