Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Paint and Needles

I picked up the paint brushes to add a few more details to the autumn cabin by the lake.
Here's how it looked last time:

a few light washes added here and there......

a bit more colour and some shading, which will fade a little as it dries......

Summer is waning. The cooler weather has returned, and mornings are feeling crisp. The leaves are beginning to change colours, and I feel autumn's approach.
Still, in the garden, some plants are just beginning to bloom:

I'm not sure what this plant is, but I like it's shape and colour

the basil is still growing well. It's yummy with all my tomatoes

another mystery plant is in bloom. Strangely, my clematis has flowered again.

On the stitching front, two of my designs were chosen for the September HEX LABS at StitchMAP.

Autumn Tree is based on an old, misshapen maple that grew near my home many years ago.

Oak & Acorns
fabric painting, couching, satin stitch, padded satin stitch, weaving, buttonhole stitch

I'm stitching this September HEX LABS. There will be shisha!

 The challenge this month was a Fun Friday Tute to create a folded fabric first aid kit.
I didn't need another first aid kit, so instead, I modified the design so this roll could carry art supplies, stitching supplies or jewelery.
The following photos show four sections, each having 4 pockets. Re-using and re-cycling a couple of faded pillowcases made the pockets easy to do.
A wee bit of dimensional embroidery decorates this side.

 Reversible.  A bit of tatting adorns this side of the roll.
I can fold over the top pocket to create a flap and help keep smaller items from falling out of the fabric roll. This was a fun challenge.

I hope you have a creative week ahead.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your works always delight me x

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! Hope you're receiving more shirts every day.


  2. Your flowers are gorgeous, your needlework amazing, and I love seeing your watercolor come to life.

    Your crisp cool weather sounds oh so nice. It is still very warm and humid down here in s.e. FL.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, out west they are receiving white stuff for the third day in a row, so I won't complain about the cool temperatures. ;-) Thanks.

  3. Really love this watercolour. Then the stitching...I am making banners(fabric) at the moment and am thinking some hand embroidery as well as machine. Love the maple leaf and tree.!!
    Judy xx

    1. I'll be 'round to check out your new banners, Judy. Thank you!


  4. What an amazing post - filled with creativity! I love your painting - love it! And so glad to see you are painting again... these are always my favourite posts of all. But the maple tree stitching is sublime, truly wonderful. No wonder it was chosen - I love how you did the trunk!!
    Summer is waning here as well - still getting hot days but the nights are cool, which is so lovely. Summer blew by at a rapid pace but I am hoping fall will go a little slower now.... hoping...

    1. Yes, it would be nice if fall took a slow, lazy path. I think it's my favourite time of year, so I like it best when it lingers. I have missed my painting, so I hope to be painting more often. Although the mixed media is fun, I always seem to return to the watercolours--I think it's because I find it more of a challenge. Thanks for your lovely comments, Jillayne. I shall be popping over to see what you've been doing.


  5. some lovely things here today, your painting is beautiful so life like and well your stitching is always lovely, Much better to make your folding fabric into something you will use, very nice. Autumn is on the way here too just hoping for a mild one and dry is possible.

    1. Thanks Margaret. I hope your autumn is a pleasant one. Right now there's been 3 days of snow out west, so I hope it's not coming our way! Too early for snow..........


  6. These are all just lovely and the watercolour is super! I love the tree and the acorns too, beautiful colours and the textured trunk is great. Happy early Autumn!

    1. Jules, yes, autumn is early: I hope winter is not.....lol! Thanks for your lovely comments. I'm still learning how to manipulate watercolours (I think it may always be challenging) but I have fun playing with them.


  7. Dear Suz,
    Your stitchings for September HEX LABS at StitchMAP. are both fantastic, I understand so ,they choosed them- the acorn leaves so beautiful!!
    Here autumn is also very close, and colser it is,- but now and then...like this afternoon, we have a beautifull weather, still!
    Hugs from Dorthe

    1. Dorthe I hope those wonderful weather afternoons linger for some time. I love autumn (winter?-not so much...lol) so it's nice if the cool weather and sunshine stick around for a long time. Well, I can hope, right? Thank you.


  8. Fun eye candy to see today! I especially love the watercolour - how I wish I had that sort of talent.

    1. Glad you enjoyed, MA. The watercolour painting is not so much talent as it is practice. And colour theory, too. I painted every day for five years to get the little bit of control I have, and I still make mud regularly! lol! Hmmmm, maybe that makes me a slow learner..? Anyway, it is fun to experiment. Thanks. Any time you want to play with paints, I'm game.


  9. Hello Suzie
    My heart just stopped a beat ! Such lovely embroidery ... like how your water colour is progressing, too :-)
    The tree & acorn are simply spectacular - the tree trunk & roots are very clever indeed & extremely effective !

    The top inflorescence seems to be Snapdragon or Dog flower as far as I can tell. Antirrhinum majus : http://www.flowersofindia.net/catalog/slides/Dog%20Flower.html ... I have a better photograph (of purple inflorescence) in one of my books & it appears pretty similar to your photograph.

    I've seen the lower ones too, but haven't been able to loacte the name or any info. It resembles the Flame of Forest but has a much softer & smaller contour.
    Both these are probably tropical plants.

    1. Thank you, Muskaan! I'm so glad you like my work. Snapdragons are a favourite flower of my childhood, and I've been thinking of planting some in my gardens next year. But the top flower looks more like a foxglove, though I thought they were all tall. Apparently, I was mistaken. My plant is only about 18" so it could be one of the shorter varieties........ I'm still looking for the bottom flower. I live too far north for it to be a tropical plant, though, so the search continues. Thanks for your help.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I am thinking the top unknown flower is fox glove...maybe. The water colour is simply fascinating and I like how you showed the progression of the layers of paint. The stitching is stunning the gnarled old tree...wow!

    1. Hi Deb. I thought the flowers looked somewhat like foxglove, but at ~ 18", I thought it was too small. It was my understanding that foxglove grew to 4 or 5 feet. But it seems I was mistaken: I looked it up and some varieties are only 2' tall, so maybe..........Thanks for you help and your lovely comments.


  12. Your watercolor painting is coming along beautifully Suz,lovely cabin! The autumn tree is so beautiful,am sure all the girls will like it. Ah! the shisha hex :) hope you like it

    1. Thanks so much, Anita, for your nice comments. I just finished my Shisha HEX last night-it was fun!

  13. I really like how the watercolour is coming to life with each stage. You are a very talented artist.
    The old oak tree is amazing and so creative. Your embroideries are always a delight to look at Sue.
    I am very jealous of your basil though, I can never get it to grow so thick and lush.

    1. Shirley thank you for your lovely comments. I have fun puddling with my paints and trying new things. The funny thing about the basil is that I found it grew best in semi-shade rather than the full sun recommended. You have to pinch it regularly to get it bushy and full, too, but that's the fun and delicious part using all the pinched bits in a sandwich or on a tomato slice........


  14. I love your painting Susan and congratulations on having your work selected. No surprise here though, your work is stunning. I saw on our news that some areas of Canada have unseasonally early snow...brrr!

    1. Yes, that snow is out west, in Alberta. They received 3 days of snow and it got to 2 feet deep! I'm hoping it doesn't come east to Ontario. It's way too early for snow! I still have tomatoes and peppers on my plants waiting to ripen. And fall peas growing........
      Thanks, Karen.


  15. Love your stitching. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I think you are right and that's why I can't decide on the quilting-stitch perhaps.

    1. Thanks so much, Sandy!
      I sent you another comment...... ;-)

  16. Your watercolour is coming along so beautifully Suz. Love your tree and leaf & acorn embroideries. The basil is amazing, so lush.

    1. Thank you, Dianne. I think the basil grew so lush because I had it in partial shade. The ones in full sun didn't do as well. Plus, it's near the end of our growing season, so it's had all spring and summer to fill out. i pinch it regularly, too. I have pesto in the freezer for eating during the long winter.


  17. and I meant to say....please can you save me one of those cookies?

    1. Oh, sorry, too late! Besides, I thought you preferred cake?! lol



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