Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April Wanes

As April draws to an end, we're finally getting some nice spring weather, so I've been spending some time out in the gardens.
We had a Guild Workshop to make bowls for our fall window display. I finished three during the day, and have some more in progress.
 This was a gorgeous scarf that was accidently put through the washing machine and dryer, so the knitting became matted. I cut out a piece, shaped it, and gathered the top edge, then added some beads for a bit of bling.

This looks more like a nest. It began with three long, narrow, knitted strips which were tightly braided together, then wound and sewn into a bowl shape. The ends look like tails, so I beaded the longest one and wound it around the shorter ones.

Four chords braided, wound and stitched into a wee Christmas bowl.

On the Wedding Piece, there's been a bit of progress.
Remember this?  I thought the large curlicue in the middle looked too much like the name Lee. Since Lee had no place in this wedding, and looked too heavy beside the delicate roses, it had to go.
I added more leaves, branches and roses. I think it fits much better, don't you?

There's still a bit more stitching to do. I'm hoping it'll be finished by next week!
I hope your week has been a creative one.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

April's Happenings

There has been stitching going on during the rainy, cold days of the last week. And a special little visitor came to stay.
Wedding Piece progress:

not much further to go.......!
a gelli plate printed fabric

adding embroidery to the pattern with a variegated crochet thread

6 more wrapping cloth pieces have been pinned

two more are in the works
This little Hedgehog came to Canada all the way from Linda in the UK!

I decided to call her Honey. Isn't she so cute? Thanks Linda! Love my Honey Hedgie!

She's checking out another of my gelli print fabrics. I think she approves.  ;-)

I took another walk to the park

I was surprised to still find snow here and there in the woods and the marshy areas

This Mallard Drake was on the path with his lady 

This amaryllis was re-potted a little late and is just blooming. It didn't bloom last winter, so I'm pleased it's doing so now

Now the second flower is opening. There are 4 buds on the stalk. I've had this amaryllis for about 7 years. The red one bloomed last winter, but I only have green leaves this year.

Hope you've had a fun and creative week.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Friday, April 10, 2015

And Then There Was Paint

There was paint gathered on my art room table: I'd been fabric painting with my gelli plate. In the corner was a canvas. It had some paint on it and an idea struck.


adding some texture with stencils and moulding paste

all dry and awaiting some colour
 oooooh, colour!

squirt, and swirl and smoosh

coming together.

I like it and almost stopped here.....

knowing when to stop is often difficult for me--I want to play some more

adding more turquoise and taming the yellow

some white to create the look of foam

the pouring medium adds a glossy surface

that's better--no glare in the photo, but the colours are not quite true.....

That's better. The colours are more true in this photo.
The texture created with the moulding paste can be seen and adds a bit of interest to this bold painting.
We're remodeling our basement bathroom. The walls are white paint, white subway tile with a thick row of glass tiles in browns, beige and black. The tile floor is a medium dark brown. The accessories are brushed nickel, and the new towels are turquoise.
I think this painting will add a nice, intense splash of colour. Do you?
Anyone for a day at the beach?

I sure had fun playing with my paints!
I hope you've had some fun creative time, too. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Walk

We had a lovely Easter weekend and walked down to the local park on Sunday afternoon.

there is still a bit of snow here and there

I could hear the water rumbling and went to investigate

swirling and frothing

bouncing over boulders

this ice is still thick along the banks of the river

the pond wears a layer of ice, too

it was a little windy, so we returned home for a hot tea

A little stitching was accomplished over the last week:

a few more leaves and roses

on wrapping cloth piece #12, I added stitching to the rose and leaf pattern on the fabric

a row of bullions and french knots

and a few more long bullions

This piece is now finished!
wrapping cloth piece #13 is awaiting thread and needle

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter.

May you have a creative week ahead.

Hugs from Suz
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz