Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Suz: Back to Stitching

Hi everyone! It's been quite a while since I've posted here. I'm getting a bit healthier, so I thought I'd show the last 2 posts from the Tuesday Stitchers blog, where I've been posting weekly.
Now that our family has returned to Australia ( we had a wonderful whirlwind time!!)  there's been opportunities for more embroidery, painting and creating.
Two weeks ago at our Guild meeting, we painted on fabric and then began to embroider the painted designs.
 The first test painting produced this cathedral windows design. I'll add some stitching in a variegated thread.
I used a stencil to create this painted design, too, and began adding thread as soon as the paint was dry. I really like the movement in this piece, and plan to use it to make either a bag or a book cover.

 The following week, I received a blank dishtowel to stitch for the upcoming Fiber Fest. I used an old iron-on stencil and added two roosters to the dishtowel.
I used my fabric paints to add colour.
The two roosters are similar, but not exactly the same.
Adding a variegated red Valdani thread makes the design pop.

I finished both roosters on the tea towel.

Rooster #1

Rooster #2
The tea towel is now ironed and bagged ready for the Fiber Fest.

Then I completed the stitching on the flying plant. I may add a bit more colour, perhaps in a red- orange.

Now I added more paint to this piece with some fabric paint markers. Add a bit of outline stitch variation in a variegated pink floss and this is the result:
On the left is the original stencil painting in one shade of a greyed pink. This was done in a dry-brush technique.
 As you look from left to right, you can see the different stages of painting with the markers.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks with all the stitching completed.

Next in the pile for stitching:
Two initials await needle and thread. They may become wee pin cushions.

I hope to get back to my wrapping cloth pieces soon, but there are a few projects I've been working on that must remain secret for now.

This sunset was outside my kitchen window a couple days ago. I love the warm glow!

Hope you've had a fun and creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. love your cathedral window painting. i've always loved that quilt design.

    1. Thanks Deanna. It's become a favourite stencil.


  2. Wow that is very interesting to embroider over what you painted like an out line. I love cathedral window design and use to teach how to make that kind of quilt. I am glad you are feeling better and I can see by the fun things you have posted!

    1. Thanks Mad! I'm glad to be feeling better and, hopefully, back to posting regularly.


  3. Nice to see you back, hope you are feeling better now.
    Wow a very interesting post love your embroidery, and your lovely painting and then embroidering the outlines,
    Keep up the wonderful work

    1. Margaret, it feels good to be back. I've missed everyone and blogging. Thanks.


  4. Good to see you back, Suz, and I'm glad your health is improving. Your designs look great and I especially like the colourful roosters!

    1. Thanks Janet! Me too. I think that tea towel would look great in a red and white kitchen. It's been fun to do.


  5. (waving madly)...hi Suz! Glad to hear you're feeling better. Looks like you've been busy doing some interesting things!

    1. Hi Magpie! (waving madly back!) It's good to be feeling somewhat normal (?) again. I've been having some fun. Thanks


  6. I check your blog regularly and how wonderful to find this post. Very thankful you are feeling better. So fun to see your projects you are working on. The stitching really brings each design to life. Embracing Stitching Bliss...

    1. Sherry, it's so good to be back posting, and feeling better again! I was surprised just how much difference the stitching has made to the fabric painting. Thanks.


  7. Glad to read you are feeling so much better and so good to see you back and what creativity you have shared, loving the pieces here, the painting is so well done and the stitching really has made every design pop. Good I am still able to comment with blog changes have lost both followers and blogs I follow.

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret! It feels good being back. Looking forward to seeing what you've been up to.


  8. Glad to see you posting again. Your work is inspirational. I love the combination of painting and embroidery. Not something I could do, so I'm going to admire yours!

    1. Thank you, Jane! It's really fun and easy to do, and everyone at the Guild meeting was trying their hand at the painting. It just adds a bit more depth once the stitching is done, I think.


  9. I am happy to see you again here and with very interesting stitching on printed and painted fabric. Its inspiring!
    Your kitchen view is gorgeous!

    1. Anneliese, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get back here again, but so happy I am. Painting fabric is so easy with the new paint markers. Thanks


  10. I am so pleased to see you back Sue, and to see you painting and stitching again. Hope your health conti8nues to improve. Have thought about you a lot since you have been gone.

    1. Thanks Shirley! It's good to be back here posting again--I really missed it. I just have to be careful not to take on too much. You know how that is, I know. Hope things are going well with you--you haven't posted lately on your blogs, but I've seen you on FB. Hugs

  11. welcome back Suz! I'm glad to know that you are feeling better now. Love those roosters...


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