Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Merry March

Happy March! So why am I merry? Firstly, because it is March, and we're that much closer to spring! Secondly, March is roaring in like a lion, with storms expected all over Ontario again today. Even though I'm not looking forward to the storm,  and more snow, maybe the remainder of March will be lamb-like?........ Well, I can hope, can't I?
On the stitching front, I've made some progress on the crewel project. Considering the number of times I've pierced myself with the needle, maybe that should be cruel project, instead? lol

I'm pleased with how it's coming along, and with the colour choices I've made. 

More buttonhole lace was added in several places,
and now this wrapping cloth piece is finished! yay!

The new piece is already tacked.

I've even begun the titivations with a frill and some bullions.

 Last weekend was all about colour as I used my fabric paints to define some vibrant, and some subtle, laces for upcoming projects.

It was an experiment, and I'm very pleased with the results!

I especially like the soft, mottled look of these pieces.

some of my favourites

 More colour was happening on the back porch as I tried my hand at snow dyeing for the first time.

Don't the colours look wonderfully rich?

It got cold again so the snow hasn't all melted.  I think I'll have to bring the tub inside for the process to finish. I'll post the results next time.

My amaryllis has bloomed ( I was late re-potting it) with 2 flowers on the stalk, and cheers up the living-room, even though the snow can be seen through the window behind it. 
My red amaryllis should be in bloom soon.

I was drawn to the window this morning by a rumble of raucous sounds. These young starlings were fighting over the suet!  I'm happy it's finally being eaten.

I hope you've had a creative and fun-filled week.
Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz


  1. Wow! You've been very busy. Snow dyeing? That's a new one to me. I look forward to seeing how it comes out and shall have to do some research.

    1. Thanks Eliz! I've read about snow dyeing, and since we have lots of that white stuff, I thought it would be nice to use up some of it in a positive way..........If I have to shovel it, I might as well shovel it on top of fabric and dye powder, right? lol


  2. Wow snow dying ever heard of that. How did it work out?
    Lovely Amaryllis mine is still in leaf, and the new bulb has given me large leaves and nothing so far.
    You are keeping busy and look forward to seeing your new pieces

    1. Hi Margaret! The fabric is all placed into a plastic bag to batch and hopefully some colour transfer will happen as it I won't have the results for a couple more days. It's looking good so far, though, I think. I hope I don't lose much colour.......Hope your amaryllis produces some nice flowers for you.


  3. Beautiful coloring and with snow, it has so many uses and all are lots of fun. love your other pictures and lace coloring too it would be fun to hang out with you :)

    1. Yes, Mad, we'd have fun hanging out together, no doubt! Snow isn't all fun--at least the shovelling isn' I used up a little in a positive way......*;) winking Thanks


  4. Loved seeing your wrapping cloth! I am sort of returning to that too with my current project. Your dyed pieces are such pretty coloursure and I'm anxious to see the results of the snow dying.

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to seeing the dyeing results, too. I saw your return to white cloth, and I'm looking forward to seeing more..... ;-)


  5. so many lovely projects on the go and your died lace is so delicate, now if you did not get the snow you would not be able to snow dye!Crewel works is coming along well and your wrapping cloth is beautiful

    1. That is true about the snow, Margaret, although I have heard of people using ice cubes and ice dyeing instead. *;) winking lol Thanks!


  6. Gee Sue you have been busy I like what I see.

    1. Hey Shirley! Yes, a fun and busy time experimenting with colour. I'll have to go downstairs soon and turn and churn the snow dyed cloth. Tomorrow may find me hanging it all up to air dry...........fingers crossed it turns out full of rich, saturated colour. Thanks.


  7. It's been a while since I said g'day Suz. Loving your crewel work and can't wait to see your snow dyed fabric. It has me intrigued. Would be a bit hard to do it around these parts LOL. Hope your spring springs into action soon and hope you are keeping well. xox

    1. Hi Dianne! Are you back from your travels? The snow dyeing might be a challenge, but I've heard of people doing ice cube dyeing instead, so you might want to give that a try.......*;) winking Still working on getting back to being well, but I am making progress, which is good. Thanks.


  8. looking forward to see your snow dyed fabric. Gorgeous laces.. Love your wrapping cloth especially the ladder lace and bullion combo at the top.crewel project is coming along beautifully..

    1. Thanks Anita! I'm ironing all the snow-dyed pieces today. Some of them are fabulous!


  9. Wow I have never tried using dye on anything, can't wait to see how it turns out. What a lovely collection of projects.

    Hugs Diane

    1. Thank you Diane. It's my first time dyeing, too, but it was lots of fun and the results? Well, some were fabulous and the rest were okay. I'm planning to use them all.........


  10. I love your fabric and lace dying and using snow looks like fun...especially since you have lots of it. Sweet little birdies. I am so happy too see you posting once again. Embracing Creative Bliss...

    1. Thanks so much, Sherry! I've been having fun. *:) happy



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