Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ides of March 2016

Yes, it's the middle of March. Already.
There has been a bit of stitching over the past week:

3 more Dorset Buttons were added to the stash
 Although there was a bit more added to flower #2, it's not enough to show. I did, however, add a darker green to the three top leaves in flower #1. I used whip stitch into the back stitch edging, and I think those leaves no longer seem to disappear.

The wrapping cloth piece in progress. Lots of bullion knots, some french knots, and buttonhole stitch has happened. I shaped the tag and buttonhole lace into a cup. 

There's a bit more stitching to add to this piece.
a closer look at some of the bullion knot edging. Although not shown in this photo, the lace on the wild fabric pocket has now been edged with buttonhole stitch.

I did play with my gelli plate and made a series of gift tags. Unfortunately, the irridescent paint doesn't really show up in the photos.

I may add stamping to some of the tags.

The red amaryllis finally bloomed! 4 large blossoms on this stalk. Isn't she a beauty?

It certainly brightens up the living-room on grey spring days.

That's my week. I hope yours has been a creative and blessed one.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suz you are getting some wonderful play creative time. Love your Dorset Buttons. Fun Whitecloth and great stitches you have added. Love your Gelli Tags and it makes me want to get mine out and spread some paint around. Beautiful Red Flowering bulb and it definitely will brighten a gray day. So happy to see you posting...

    1. Thank you, Sherry. It's good to be back posting again. Soon it'll be gardening season!


  2. dorset buttons look good not seen one done like the big one before. Wrapping cloth is pretty bullion knots are so even great job, flower is coming along beautifully do not know much about jelly plates but what you have achieved looks pretty special and good to see the amaryllis has flowered

    1. Hi Margaret! The gelli plate is fun to play on and I like to muck about in acrylics from time to time. The big dorset was supposed to be a heart. It's done with buttonhole lace variation, but wouldn't work well for an actual button.....it's more decorative. Thanks.


  3. Your wrapping cloth is looking amazing! I almost want to make another one, but I really have no reason to so will have to thing of something else to use up my leftover white scraps. Love that heart-shaped dorset button creation!

    1. That's Magpie! You could always make fabulous pillow shams to go with your Folly to use up those scraps.....hmmmm? This piece is almost done, and then I'll have to see about putting some of the finished pieces together to know how many more I'll need.......Of course, I could go on forever, I suppose...... ;-)


  4. I love the idea of the embellished Dorset buttons with needle lace around.
    Your tags remind me again of my Jelly Plate - it is a good thing to be reminded!!

    1. Thanks Anneliese. I love to play with the gelli plate, don't you? I can spend hours making lots of colourful prints.


  5. hello!!!! So wonderful to see you back!!! xx

  6. Hello Suz,

    Good to see your posts again.
    Happy Easter to you and yours..

    1. Thanks Deepa! Best wishes to you and yours.



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