Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Well, according to the calendar, spring has arrived. Someone ought to have a wee chat with the weather about that because it's still stuck in winter. We had a few snow flurries yesterday with more snow in the forecast over the next few days.........grumble......
I've been stitching a little on the wrapping cloth piece.

3 pretty lace flowers were added to the top of a small pocket with buttonhole stitch.

French knots fill the openings in two of the layered prairie points, their flaps held open with bullion knots.

3 shell sequins are attached and joined with bullion knots.

another pocket edged in buttonhole lace.
The lazy daisy half-flower on the left echoes the flowered fabric

another look

Now that all the edges have been buttonhole stitched, this wrapping cloth piece is now finished.
 This next piece has been tacked and is awaiting embellishment with thread and needle. I love that strip of lace running along the width of  the broderie anglais, repeating the look of open eyes.........
The large piece of wild fabric is a pocket.

Work on the Crewel Piece continues. Flower number 2 shows a little progress. Each little shape is layered satin stitch, so it takes a bit of time to embroider.

a bit of a closer look

I need to use a magnifier and bright light to see clearly enough to stitch such small sections. It's a bit fiddly, but my hope is that it'll all be worth the effort once it's completed.

I hope your week has been a pleasant and creative one.
Happy Spring!

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Love seeing the progression on your wrapping cloth - so many little details to admire. I think the fiddly part of your flower is going to prove to be so worthwhile in the end. I can almost picture it in my mind!

    1. Thanks MA! I sure hope you're right about that fiddly stuff. *:) happy


  2. I also enjoy seeing your progress on your wrapping cloth. I hope to begin mine when I get my sewing room in order... retirement, here I come!

    1. I'll be watching as your wrapping cloth comes to life, Diane. Thanks.


  3. your wrapping cloth is so beautiful and now you are starting on another. Crewel work looks good too, with the spring the light will improve and hopefully make it easier to stitch those small areas

    1. Thanks Margaret! I wish the spring light would help me see clearly but, unfortunately, i'm having double vision in one eye and that creates a problem. But the magnifier and bright light does help, and I'll be trying it out on the Blackwork Butterfly (I gave up on it last year due to vision difficulties) one of these days to see if it helps there, too. Hope so.

      Hugs from Suz

  4. Wonderful wrapping cloth, we have started the day in sunshine but it's still cold here, Rain is forecasted on and off for Easter, hope your weather improves

    1. The wrapping cloth is sure growing, Margaret, and I think it's soon time for me to get out all the pieces and see about joining them together. That'll be fun. I may just do that over the next couple of days since we're expecting freezing rain, and I won't be going anywhere when there's layers of ice about........ Thanks.


  5. Hello Suz Dear. Yes the calendar says Spring, but Mother Nature is continuing Winter here also. It is very cold and yesterday while some had sunshine we had hail and rain and very black clouds. Lovely whitcloth you have completed. Every stitch you put into the cloth make it such a treasured heirloom. I like that you describe each stitch and section or I might very well miss them. Your work is stunning and the Crewel piece is gorgeous. May you have warmth and sunshine very soon.

    1. Thanks Sherry! I hope we do get the sun to melt all the freezing rain we're expecting. Maybe the ice will miss us. But, if it does arrive, I'll be hiding indoors and possibly doing some more stitching. Happy Easter!


  6. I haven't visited your blog in such a long time and I do apologize about that. Your stitching is looking wonderful and the lace flowers on your wrapping cloth are very nicely done. Your crewel piece is going to look absolutely marvelous when finished and nice and colourful. Hope you had a lovely Easter.

    1. Hi JPP! I hadn't posted for quite a while (since June 2015) as I was dealing with an autoimmune flare-up, so I really wasn't around to be visited, but I'm happy to be back! So nice of you to leave this lovely comment. Hope your Easter was a fun and Blessed one! Thanks.


  7. Your wrapping cloth is lovely. I liked the 3 lace flowers they are so pretty. Your crewel may be a bit of a challenge, but I am sure the effort will be worth it Sue.

    1. Thanks Shirley! I am enjoying all my projects, but find having to use the magnifier for the crewel piece makes a bit of a problem for set up, and that decides where I can stitch. Right now it's in the art room, but I have to take it all down whenever I want to work on anything else. Oh, well.


  8. Both your wrapping cloth and crewel project are coming along beautifully Suz. I like the prairie points filled with french knots idea.

    1. Thanks Anita! It may be that my wrapping cloth project will be finishing sooner than I'd thought!



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