Tuesday, March 29, 2016

March Wanes

Even though March roared in, it doesn't look as though it'll be creeping out in a lamb-like fashion. The weatherman warned that more snow and an artic vortex is coming our way. !
Aw, c'mon! It's almost April!
My DH shared his cold with me. Sometimes I think he takes that "share and share alike" concept just a little too far!    lol      So that means I've just been doing some simple stitching.
Lots of buttonhole stitch, buttonhole lace, and a few french knots on the wrapping cloth so far.

I laid out the completed wrapping cloth pieces (and 2 awaiting tacking) to guage just how large my wrapping cloth might be when all the pieces were edged and joined together. The measure on the tape is at 48". I suspect the finished cloth will be ~ 3.5' x 4.5' if I don't add more pieces (except to fill in holes)
This piece of lutradur was painted with metallic paints. I then drew a pattern onto the surface with a brown sharpie.
Using 2 of  Lorraine's threads, in variegated green/yellow/blue  I began to backstitch.
(#8 perle cotton colours #28 and #158)

The metallic paint made the surface glow beautifully and the result reminded me of  beautiful verdigris on copper.

 I began to stitch on a second piece of painted lutradur. I used another of Lorraine's variegated threads for the fancy stitched hexagons.
(#8 perle cotton colour #6)
I love how rich this looks.

 I wanted to play with some paints, so I made several background pieces. These will turn into cards, or doodles, or maybe backgrounds for stamping or gelli prints.
 I love the drips and watching them merge to create new colours.

Wanting a bit more play with paints, I made a pile of small doodle-bits. Some may be a bit dark, but I'll have fun experimenting.

a small selection
 Using gel pens, markers, gelatos and paint, the following 3 pieces took shape. I may use them on cards or in a journal, or as a tag. They are fun!

You can see the shimmer of the metallic paint

These doodle-bits could become addictive. ;-)

Will I add stitch to some of these?

That's my week. I hope yours has been a fun and creative week, too.

Hugs from Suz


  1. What a wonderful cover cloth this will be - and large! You are so brave. And your colour experiments are super. I like the stitching on Lutradur. Really rich and beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Anneliese! Those wrapping cloth pieces just seemed to multiply..... ;-) . It has been just about three years since I began working on the cloth. It's been fun. I too like the lutradur. I won several pieces in a giveaway, so I think I'll have to buy some.


  2. Your wrapping cloth is a work of art! It makes me want to make another one but I have to be good and complete some other projects before I can contemplate it.

    1. Ah, MA, the wrapping cloth seems to pull at me, too. It will still take some time for me to do all the seams and add beads before I'm ready to start putting the pieces together. It's been a fun journey, as you know. Thanks.


  3. Wow on your Wrapping Cloths as they are such an interesting bit of stitchings and pieces connected to one another. I adore all of your metallic painted pieces upon which you are adding beautiful stitches. The sheen is really lovely and shines light on the variegated threads you are using in your stitchings. Healing Energy to rid you of your cold. Happily Stitching Along...

    1. Thanks Sherry! I'm a little eager to see how the wrapping cloth pieces will come together, and also a little sad that I may be near the end of this creation. But, I can always make another one, can't I? It seems I have lots more white cloth in my stash........hmmm, how did that get there?! lol


  4. the wrapping cloth is going to be a real beauty and the lutrador painting and stitching has worked beautifully, have some somewhere maybe it is time to play. Metallic paints and gel pens certainly create lovely pieces

    1. I think you'd have fun playing with the lutradur, Margaret. Hmm, I wonder if the gel pens would work on the painted lutradur? Maybe I'll experiment and see........ Thanks!


  5. I love this post for its richness of colour.

    1. Thanks Jane! Since we're just at the end of winter, we have to make our own colour...lol. No spring blooms yet to add to the grey gardens, so I have to paint my own.


  6. Busy days in your world! I love seeing all these wonderful creations of yours and can't decide where to begin... love the drips - they look fabulous and the cards you will make will be just lovely. I also love what you did with the lutradur. I've never played with it but it looks rather intriguing.
    It's so nice to see you back doing things - I hope you're fully recovered?
    Take care,


    1. Thanks Jillayne. The lutradur is fun, and can be painted, stitched, bubbled, and burned, although I haven't tried the last two as I don't have a heat tool. Not yet fully recovered, but I think I'm well on my way. It's good to be back. Happy spring.


  7. Well, I HAVE enjoyed catching up here!!I remebered you were in recovery mode last year & by the amount of work you've done I'm hoping it means you're getting better! Beautiful work & you remind me I'm a mixed media artist too - I've been stitching loads lately but I need to get my paints & crayons out, so thank you!!

    Thanks too for your kind words on my blog .

    1. I'm glad, Emma, that you enjoyed catching up. Yes, fingers crossed I'm on the mend. Finally. I've been creating on those days I feel well, but not blogging much until lately. Hope you have lots of fun mixing it up. Thanks.


  8. These are delightful Susan. Love the backgrounds :) Thanks so much for sharing. Lorraine


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