Tuesday, April 5, 2016

As April Arrives........

I spent some time painting with water colours and stencils last week. Onto a piece of watercolour paper, I layered a stencil, added wet watercolour washes in various colours, then added a second piece of watercolour paper on top. As I pressed on the sandwich, a positive (bottom piece) and a negative (top, natch) painting of the stencil design were created.
Once they were thoroughly dry, I added black outlines to the paintings to define the shapes.

both negative paintings
the left is the negative of the painting on the right
the top right is a positive painting

 in the negative paintings, the paint surrounds the design

a very soft positive painting
positive painting on the left

I had such fun creating these stencil paintings!
I'll probably make tags and cards with these.
 Then I decided to paint directly onto watercolour cards...........

I think I prefer the negative paintings for their softer, watercolour-like effects.
I'm sure I'll be making more of these!   ;-)

Our April showers have been pretty snowy so far, but there's a warming trend on the way.  ;-)
On the wrapping cloth, a few additions have been made:

starting to add some pearly beads

a prairie point

lace over wild fabric strip

 and a beaded JK cluster below
did you see the raised centers on the flowers?
such a pretty fabric

how the bottom half of the wrapping cloth piece looks

the 2nd lutradur piece is now finished

with the metallic paint beneath, the threads seem to glow

I hope your week has been filled with fun and creativity!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. The flower images would be so beautiful printed onto fabric! I can 'see' yardage in these. Love seeing the closeups of your wrapping cloth too!

    1. That's a good idea MA. Actually, I bought some fabric transfer panels for just that! You must be a mind-reader, too! lol
      I was thinking of adding stitch to some of my cards (and I might still do that) but fabric is a lot easier to stitch through....... Thanks.


  2. Beautiful water color prints. Lace on printed fabric with prairie point looks fabulous..

    1. Thanks Anita! I'm having fun with both projects.


  3. your papers are lovely so creative, wrapping cloth is coming along beautifully and so impressed with the lutrador really love what you have done with it as you say it glows

    1. Those papers are growing quite a pile, and I found some more lutradur to play with! ;-) Now, where did I put my metallic paints? lol. Thanks Margaret.


  4. This morning is filled with fun looking at your creations. So beautiful, the watercolours and negatives ! I simply love your stencilled papers.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed looking at my playtime results, Anneliese! I've been spending some time adding the black ink, but I'm itching to make more papers. It's a good thing I have a stash of w/c paper. Thanks.


  5. Your watercolor cards are fabulous! I've been dreaming of my wrapping cloth, and I am eager to get started... organizing all my "stuff" has to come first, though. I can't find anything!

    1. Thanks Diane! I can't wait to see what you'll be creating with your wrapping cloth. Just a warning: it can become addictive and leads to many hours scouring second-hand shops and yard sales for no-longer-loved fabrics. So much fun to look forward to having!


  6. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Jane! I do envy you your spinning and knitting skills. Maybe one day.........


  7. Your watercolour art is beautiful and lovely designs
    Your embroidery is looking lovely,
    Our weather is not much better and is going to get colder towards the weekend

    1. Thanks Margaret! We had more snow this morning, and are expecting near freezing temperatures for the next little while, but after the 15th, we might get some seasonal temperatures. Won't that be nice? I hope things warm up for you, too.


  8. aaha..colors,colors...Suz,you're too good.Ilove the negatives. Try the same on plain fabric and make them into wearables,Suz. They'd look gorgeous.

  9. You're right, Deepa! I think they'd look fabulous on fabric. Ah, if I only had more fabric paints, and more fabric! ........Maybe I'll try it one of these days when I have more coppers in my pocket. I think I'd need to place the fabric in a hoop to keep it taut. I could try a sample with a positive print on paper and a negative on fabric, perhaps......the only thing I'm considering is how much spread there might be on an absorbent fabric, and whether the shapes would be as crisp. Guess there's only one way to find out........

  10. Hi Suz. I love seeing all the wonderful creations you make. My jobette at the Chamber is keeping me from being creative...other than cards, letters and postcards ths month of April. You truly are Embracing Creative Bliss...


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