Tuesday, April 19, 2016

A Little Progress

The weather has been fabulous the last several days, and in spite of spending several hours in the gardens each day, I've managed to make some progress on my projects. I was absent last week. My sister was here visiting for several days as we celebrated her birthday. One of her gifts was this fancy wine bottle holder I made just for her. Blue is her favourite colour.

Sis loved it! I had fun creating this and then making the beaded dangles for a touch of bling. I wonder if she will gift it away, or keep it for display.

I added lots of blue thread to the silk panel.

and some purple, too.

There is some altering in the size of the panel as I stitch. I'm not too unhappy about it, as it creates an organic feel to the piece.

Lots more stitching and other additions are in the plans for the silk panel. I expect this will be a slow piece evolving over the next several months.

 The wrapping cloth piece has seen some additions, too, over the last 2 weeks.
french knots, Josephine knots, a dorset button

more french knots

a beaded Josephine knot cluster, and a tatted frill

dangly bits with buttons, a shell sequin, and a sparkly bead

a row of bullions on the pocket top

and another on the pocket bottom

beads added to the frill

more beads added to the dorset button and the Josephine knot cascade

and some on the pocket, too

The edges have been buttonhole stitched, and this piece is now complete.

Next is this wrapping cloth piece. It includes a pocket from my favourite white blouse. Once the tacking is finished, I'll be adding some fun embellishments.

I hope you've had a pleasant, sunny and creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Wonderful looks like lots of progress to me:) At first I thought the bottle was a little dress to decorate a room

  2. Wonderful looks like lots of progress to me:) At first I thought the bottle was a little dress to decorate a room

    1. Thanks Mad! Mind you, that progress was over two weeks, so not as much as I'd hoped, but every little bit does add up, right? I guess it is a dress, but for a bottle! lol


  3. You are a stitching artist. It is so great what I saw here. Absolutely stunning.

    1. Aww, gee, thanks Anneliese. *:"> blushing I keep learning and experimenting, and having fun along the way. ;-D


  4. They look lovely, a lot of beautiful work.

    1. Thank you, Penny. I'm having fun playing. ;-)


  5. I always love reading your posts Suz - so many things to see and admire. Your wrapping cloth is coming along beautifully!

    1. Has it enticed you to create another one? I'm not yet finished this one, and I'm already thinking of the next cloth.....! I'll have to finish this one first, right? Thanks.

  6. Sister time is such precious time. I LOVE your wine bag you created. Any plans on releasing a pattern/tutorial? I do think you have a serious addiction and one I would welcome hitting me...your white cloths are amazing and I adore how you have included a favorite blouse pocket.

    1. Thanks Sherry. I don't really have a pattern-- I was winging it and creating on the fly.......sorry. I can tell you I started with 18 pieces of 2" strips 10 inches long, sewed them together along the long side to create a large cylinder, then folding (from left to right ) the tops of the gold fabric width-wise in half between the blue strips, before stitching. I then repeated the process for the bottom edge, but the stitching and folding were in the opposite direction. I used a heavy duty interfacing and placed a circle of blue fabric folded over the interfacing, and tucked underneath, then stitched circles from the center outwards to create the base of the bag. I cut two strips of the blue fabric ~ 6" depth and long enough to fit the pieced cylindar, one for the top and one for the bottom section. I sewed them to the striped piece, stitched on the bottom circle, then added seam binding for the cording. I made a lining and stitched it to the top of the bag. Hope this makes sense. If not, email me and we can chat about it, okay? Thanks.

  7. what a great and prettyvidea the wine bottle holder is. Wrapping cloth coming along at a pace and the silk fabric is looking very good

    1. Thanks Margaret! I do seem to have quite a few projects on the go........ oh, well, mixes up the fun.

  8. Frills, and beads, and dangly bits... every picture is beautiful! Your wrapping cloth is truly an inspiration!

    1. Diane, I wish I could embroider as quickly as you can tat! Have you been discovering some found cloth for your wrapping cloth? I'm looking forward to seeing what you do. Thanks.


  9. Very inspirational post, Your wrapping cloth is looking love and when you finish it, it will be a real piece of work

    1. Thanks so much Margaret! I'm coming to end of all the prepared wrapping cloth pieces. It won't be long now before I start putting them together.



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