Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April Snows

Yes, snow in April! When the rain should be falling to herald spring, turn the grasses green, and the flowers to burst forth from the earth, we've had two days of snow.
I'm happy there's not been much accumulation, since the snow melts quickly on the roads and gardens, but it's too cold to work outside and plant my spring bulbs. I guess I'll just have to stay indoors and stitch. Woe is me.....  ;-D   lol!
Last week was a busy one with three days out and then company, so not as much stitching happened.
My new thread order arrived!
Aren't the colours yummy?!
I can't wait to use them!

One road trip found me at The Creative Festival in Toronto, where I bought these threads

and these beautiful beads!

 A second road trip took me to my favourite second-hand shop. I found some lovely treasures for my wrapping cloth fabric stash!

hankies, doilies and a small table cloth.....or square runner

hankies with stitching, with crocheted edges, with lace inserts, and even a tatted edging

cutwork hankies, too.

How many hankies?


this pretty lace is on each of the 4 corners

so delicate

prettily edged with tatting

filet crocheted edging on the table cloth

Wouldn't this make a gorgeous gift bag? There is a large stain, but I'm sure it could easily be covered with some embroidery.........and that way I could keep this cloth intact.

  I did make some progress on the wrapping cloth piece.

The blouse pocket flap has been adorned with buttonhole lace. The tab on the flap side has multiple rows of lace.

a different angle

a row of cast-on stitch chains

the beginnings of a row of clustered bullion loops

and my progress so far

some road-trip tatting might find its way onto the wrapping cloth

That's my week. I hope yours has brought you many happy moments and lots of creativity.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. You've had an amazing week! All that stash enhancement has to be exciting and I have to admit to a massive case of thread envy!

    1. Thanks Mary Anne. I had to restrain myself when it came to the thread--so many wonderful colours! I was sad to leave so many behind....... lol!


  2. I tend to agree with magpie mumbling comments. Such a lovely collection of stuff.

    1. Thank you Penny! I always hate leaving so much nice thread behind......it seems to call my name! lol


  3. some lovely buys in the charity shop and the treads look very colourful I so like varigated threads

    1. Yes, I was very lucky, Margaret. Variegated threads are my favourite.


  4. drool...and that feeling of envy ;)

    1. I was drooling all over the threads at the show, Deepa. There were so many wonderful ones I wanted to take home.


  5. I am jealous, but do have little stash myself, those thread colors are wonderful and the progress you have made is fantastic as always :)

    1. Thanks Mad! I could have gone crazy amongst the threads, but my budget always reins me in.........drat. hee hee


  6. Wow, fabulous fabric finds! Are the threads sparkly? Lovely array of colours.

    1. Some of the threads I bought online are a sparkle chainette. Very pretty. I did get lucky on my fabric finds. ;-) Thanks Jane!


  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Eliz, I'm still super excited about my finds. Can't wait to play with them.


  8. Suz Dear you have really found some wonderful threads and white cloths and hankies for your amazing stitcheries. Snow for you and really cold here with rain predicted. Enjoy every hour of your Creative Bliss My Friend...

    1. Ah, Sherry, I seem to find the most wonderful pieces at that second-hand shop! Some of the hankies are so beautiful, I'm loathe to cut them, so I may use them in a way I can keep them in one piece......Hope the rain was gentle. Thanks


  9. About 16 "ohs" for each photo one, beautiful. Those hankies, how wonderful I am excited that you can find such treasures - It is a pleasure to look at them. And your threads are gorgeous. You really did good shopping!

    1. I was lucky, wasn't I? And, you know, I left many other hankies there in the shop, too. I hate to see such beauties get tossed out or thrown aside, so some of them had to come home with me. I must have been there at just the right time. Oh, yes, those threads--I love them!


  10. Oh what treasures Suz.Love those lace goodies, and beads..sigh!
    It feels like Christams to find those 2nd hand treasures doesn't it.Nice that they can live again in something new.

    1. Yes, it does, Judy! I'm pondering how best to use these beauties: a hanky wall hanging? some small gift bags? A Christmas hanky stocking? a hanky wrapping cloth? More thinking needed. Thanks.


  11. I have just been having a marathon catchup of your posts Suz - you have b been so busy and as usual you have produced some beautiful work.
    I hope the spring/summer arrives soon for you - we have the opposite problem, the summer is not going away! Seems we are never happy with the weather wherever we are.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. Cheers

    1. Thanks so much, Robin! You are so right about the weather.... ;-) It must be difficult having the heat stick around for so long. At least I can pull on another sweater to stay warm. Happily, though, the weatherman predicts more seasonal weather arriving soon. It'll be nice to be able to plant my garden...........


  12. such a beautiful blog post Susan, so much to envy and drool over. Thank you so so much for the constant support and encouragement over the past, hectic few weeks. I appreciate it so much xxx

    1. Thank you, Karen! I've been enjoying your posts of Paris, and your beautiful embroidery.


  13. Goodness what wonderful treasures. I love going into antique shops. The colours of your threads are gorgeous. Hope it warms up for you soon. Our autumn is late coming this year.

    1. Enjoy your extended summer, Shirley. I'm ready for spring to arrive here with sunshine and warmer days. Going into t he Op shops is like a treasure hunt and one never knows what will be discovered. Thanks


  14. So many lovely goodies you have scored there Suz. Hope your Spring has arrived. We are still having very warm weather and it is almost winter time. The weather seems to be all out of whack.

  15. Thanks Dianne! The weather is weird here, too. It's the middle of May and it should be fully springtime, but yesterday was really cold with snow flurries! I hope it warms up soon. Hugs


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