Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May But Not Spring Yet

Although the calendar says it's spring, the warm temperatures have yet to arrive. So, instead of gardening, I've been stitching.
The Embroidery Guilds are creating roses in different stitches for the Embroidery Guild of Canada to use as a visual teaching tool. The rose pattern is of a simple wild rose with 5 petals. Here's what I've been doing:

Using a perle cotton #5, I outlined the rose shape in a variation of an outline stitch.

Then I began to add rows of a buttonhole lace variation. You know how much I love buttonhole lace, don't you?

My progress so far. I should have this rose completed by bedtime tonight. ;-)

I'd previously completed a rose in cutwork, but I can't find any photos of it, and it's already been handed in........ silly me

On the crewel piece, I've almost finished all the petal sections of padded satin stitch! Yay!  Just a few more to go.........

You can see the shimmer of the floss in this earlier photo

 I've finished up this wrapping cloth piece! On the pocket that sits on top of the pocket of my favourite blouse, I added a cutwork circle with reverse applique. A bit of tatted frill surrounds the circle.....

The row of packed bullions morphed into some flowers.......

and the pocket button sports a few beads

some lace and beads make a pretty trim

and the finished piece goes into the pile!

On the new piece, (and last of the pieced wrapping cloth pieces!) mother of pearl beads play on the circle theme of the lace.

Three prairie point tips have been opened to allow for pretty titivations. More bullions will  be added to the third one.
There are little crystal beads in the circle beads, reflecting the light.

I love how the beads catch the light.

This lace is so pretty with the flowers and leaves pattern. I'm pondering outlining the shapes and maybe adding some beads here and there.

The wrapping cloth piece in progress.

The magnolia is just about ready to burst into flower.
Ah, the promise of spring!

I hope you've had a wonderful and creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. First off, I have heard from other bloggers that your spring has yet to come and so weird, but fun to get more embroidery work done and wow lot that button hole stitch on the rose it is fantastic and love the white work and the pearls too all of it is great and you always get lot of work done on your posts great pictures!

    1. Well, I do hope spring arrives soon. It was nice today, so maybe the start is here.... ;-)
      Thanks, Mad! I like to do several things at once as that keeps the excitement flowing. Have a great week.


  2. I love the first rose in the buttonhole lace, but the crewel one definitely makes my heart happy. I love the colours. Of course you know I'm fascinated by your wrapping cloth!!

    1. Thanks Mary Anne! I do like the colours in the crewel rose, and can't wait to get to the next part of the flower. I wonder what colours I'll use? Hmmmmm. The wrapping cloth is an addiction, I fear..... ;-)


  3. Oh, my! You are really giving me the itch to stitch! Your work is lovely as always. Hopefully spring will arrive soon. It's still a bit chilly here, but that's okay... it makes it easier to go to work! ;-)

    1. Soon you'll have extra time for stitching, Diane! Today was a fine day weather-wise, so I hope spring is finally here. Thanks.


  4. the rose is lovely all the flowers you have stitched beautifully, spring has arrived here today they say it will be a lovely day so fingers crossed they are right. In awe with your wrapping cloth such creativity you have

    1. Thank you , Margaret! Maybe one day you'll try a wrapping cloth, too. It's fun, and somewhat addictive..... ;-). It turned out to be a splendid day, so perhaps spring has arrived. Here's to warm and sunny weather.


  5. Fabulous work! I hope Spring arrives soon.

    1. Thanks Jane. Fingers crossed it did.


  6. pretty rose. Crewel project is coming along beautifully! love your wrapping cloth,embellished prairie points with cutwork lace and mother of pearl button looks awesome.

  7. Thanks Anita! I'm having lots of stitchy fun. And now the sun is shining, so I may go out and work in the gardens for a while.


  8. wow Susan....the padded satin stitch is beautiful. I hope you were safe from the fires?

  9. Thanks Karen!
    We're in Ontario, so quite far away from the fires in Alberta, thankfully. Our hearts go out to all those who've been affected by this tragedy. It must be terrifying. Our son and daughter-in-love are in Alberta, but further south of the fires. So we've been watching the news. I hope the fires are soon brought under control. Thanks for thinking of us.



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