Thursday, September 15, 2016

Painting Fun and Flowers

I was having difficulties uploading photos in my last blog post, so a second post this week. Paint has been dripping in the studio.  ;-o  But that's a good thing. And fun. Starting with a sky and some water:

adding in the trees and some rocks

The rocks around the island disappear in the morning mist, and everything looks a little magical.

ink and watercolour

a revisited painting
I added more rocks and sand, and dropped some rain

This was an old painting with just the leaves. I added some darks in the upper right corner

and some along the bottom.
Is it finished?

Hmmm, I don't know yet.

maybe it looks better this way?

no sketch, but a few pen lines

the road is out of perspective with regards to the figure and the dog

The perspective is better, but still not correct. I lost the freshness of the greens, I think. I wonder  if I can bring it back?
My mother-in-law's tongue has flowered again. It must like the south window shaded by the large maple tree.
In the gardens, the rose of sharon are blooming. Since this is their first year, I was surprised that 3 of the 4 are in flower. So far they're all the same colour.
The petals look so soft and delicate.
 pretty purple blooms

The marigolds are planted around the tomato plants to help keep pests away. Because of the summer drought, the tomatoes grew poorly: the marigolds, however, have done very well.  hmmm
I hope you've had a fun and creative week.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh the trees and the mist that is a beautiful one you are really getting good at this :) I used to show drawings with my tatting I should try again. and the flowers are lovely too all are very beautiful pictures :)

    1. Thanks Mad! Painting mist can be a challenge for me, but I was really pleased with how this one turned out. I would love to see your drawings with your tatting!


  2. Wow, what you do with dripping paint!

    1. LOL! Thanks Jane. I love playing with paint.


  3. gosh Susan....awesome painting!!

  4. I love your style of painting and revisiting them to ask if they are complete. You really do make it sound so effortless. Lovely flowers. So happy you are enJOYing creative time. Sweet September...

    1. Thank you so much Sherry. Yes, soon the flowers will be gone and buried under mounds of snow, so I shall enjoy them while they remain.



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