Tuesday, September 13, 2016

UFOs to FFO's and Another Fabric Card

Although there aren't too many flowers left blooming in the gardens, I did find these:

annabelle hydrangea

garlic chives

golden glow

I had two CQ projects that were UFO's. All the blocks were completed, but they hadn't been put together for the wall hangings I had planned. Well, one was almost together, but then I had to rip it all apart to fix a block which was slightly larger than the others.........and I hadn't noticed the size difference until then. Frustrated, I put it away in the closet, and it sat there waiting and waiting..........
They sat there, one for 3 years, and another for 2. (hangs head in shame)
So, when we finally had some rainy weather, I decided it was time to turn those UFO's into FFO's! (finally finished objects)
Here is my Christmas wall hanging all ready to put up on the wall for this Christmas:

Although I made 12 blocks, I decided to use just 9 of them for the wall hanging.

Crystal and glass beads create icicle dangles

Sorry this is a little blurred. It's also a little pouffy, too, but this is the one I've put together twice. Will I let the pouffiness bother me? I'm not sure. I may tighten up the blocks a bit with some edge stitching and see if that solves the problem.  sigh
This is my Lace and Roses CQJP project. I do like it.

The newest fabric card is for my granddaughter, Jewel. She turns 5 next month, and she loves the colour blue.
On the right is the card front, with laces, a variety of fabrics and trims, and a blue lace butterfly I dyed.
On the left is the back of the card. It has a mesh pocket over a fun, flowery fabric.

This is the inside of the card. On the right is a layer of turquoise organza over some blue and white fabric. It's a pocket to hold some goodies I'll be sending Jewel.

Here are some of the goodies that will go into the pockets for Jewel, along with hair ribbon and some stickers.

a close-up of the organza flower with a tatted stem and leaves

A box full of new books are headed her way, too.

Some goodies arrived in my mailbox! The silk threads and gimp were a birthday gift from my DH. ;-)

That's all the stitching I have to show this week. Hope your week was a fun and creative one.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. That's all?! 😉 it sure looks like you've been busy to me!

    1. LOL! Thanks Diane. I guess I was thinking of all the other UFO's I have waiting in the wings, as well as PIP's (projects in progress) Tell me. If you have a project waiting, but you haven't started it yet, is it a UFO or just a USO (un-started object)?


  2. You have been busy, love the stuff for your granddaughter, my Internet has been playing up with all the wet and windy weather we are having. I thought it was warming up but not today.

    1. Thanks Penny. Our weather is cooling down, thankfully. I've had enough of sultry humid and hot days! I hope your weather will soon be more pleasant, and the sun will come out to shine. I've had problems loading photos to blogger, but I hope it's fixed now.


  3. Good work on putting the crazies together, Suz. I have some CQ blocks languishing as UFO's as it all looks too hard!, can't believe Jewel is 5 already. She is sure to love her card and goodies.

    1. I sure hope you're right Dianne. I'm happy I took the time to finish the CQ hangings, Maybe next time I'll make a book with my CQ blocks Thanks.



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