CQJP July Block

Friday, June 11, 2010

Tat Days Quilt Square #2

Here is the second quilt square I embellished for the Tat Days Fundraiser:
The before shot shows a lot of bright colours that do not seem to go well together, and that created a challenge. The central motif, while perhaps allowing for a certain direction, became a hindrance, as many hours were spent in vain trying to find its meaning.
So I decided to embellish this square using the colours of the materials, and trying to blend them into one another.
This meant that the central motif had to disappear, and it was by luck that I had some colorful knitting ribbon in my stash that picked up most of the fabric colours.

It's pretty colourful and busy, isn't it?  I had attempted to blur the lines between the different fabrics, taking colors from one to the next to make the square more harmonious. I'm not sure I succeeded, but it was an exercise that I enjoyed, and a different focus since there was no theme to the square other than colour. I think that right now, I prefer to have some sort of direction for embellishing.
What about you? Do you prefer a theme, or do you like the freedom of working without one?
Thanks for visiting. Hugs from Suz.


  1. Wow - what a difference your beautifl embellishing makes - just gorgeous!
    Val's Musings

  2. Congratulations on your perseverence with this square to end up with a lovely piece of embellished craziness - will it become part of a quilt?

  3. Thanks, Val!
    Yes, suziqu, most of the squares are to be made into a quilt, and some will be framed separately. All are to be auctioned as a fundraiser.
    Thanks for visiting, and taking the time to comment. I love comments!


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