CQJP July Block

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Paying It Forward

I found out about it here, and Wanda found out about it there. It's paying it forward, doing a little something to say thank you, and gifting it to have it snowball.
To play, be one of the first three people to respond to this post, and I'll send you a hand-made gift. In so doing, you also agree to pay it forward, and send out three hand-made gifts, too. Okay?
Who wants to play?

Here's what Wanda sent me:
a postcard and a package.........wonder what's inside

 a lovely little traveling tin decorated with Wanda's beautiful tatting. Isn't it pretty?.........hm, there's something inside that tin...........
a pretty, decorated shuttle, needle threader, sewing needles, and a ball of tatting thread!
I love it all, Wanda! Thank you!

Hmmm, this is the second tatting shuttle I've received as a gift. Maybe somebody's trying to tell me something?

Hope you're having a creative day.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. It's lovely getting little surprises in the mail.

  2. Well, I came visiting from cqjp2012 page and so guess I will comment to participate in PIF.

    Cathy L

  3. Read your blog all the time. Have just gotten into tatting but also quilt,and knit. Really have tried a little of everything. Love the little box with the tatting on it. Would love to play PIF. Thanks

  4. Judy, Cathy and Margie, welcome to Paying It Forward! I'll send you each an email. Thanks for playing!
    Hugs from Suz

  5. Love that pretty shuttle! I've tried tatting, but have difficulty in following any patterns and keeping consistent sizes. My great-aunt did beautiful work, and I treasure the cap and booties she made when I was born.

  6. Lovely sentiment pif, (great movie, did you see it?) Lovely painting below - get better soon!

  7. Well, it seems there was a wee misunderstanding, so there's now 1 spot left if anyone would like to play PIF.
    I would expect that by the time I've made the gifties going out, and they've arrived through the extra seasonal mail, it will be the New Year before you'll be posting and making your PIF's. Just FYI in case you're interested. Thanks, and have a good week.
    Hugs from Suz

  8. It's a very pretty shuttle, Max. I've been admiring it.

  9. Just wanted to drop back in and say "Thank You". Now that I have the knitted hand warmers finished for Christmas I can maybe sit and tat some. Don't have that many books with patterns. Being on a limited income I try to find used books, but people don't seem to want to part with them. Tatting here I come!!

  10. Margie there are lots of free tatting patterns available online. Let me know if you'd like some links.

  11. What a wonderful thing Suz.
    A Bit late to join but I guess with Paula I am playing alone!

  12. Glad you liked the tin. I hadn't even thought that you might not be a shuttle tatter :0 but glad you like the shuttle anyway. I had fun putting this together, enjoy!

  13. I know, there aren't so many needle-tatters around. It's such a pretty shuttle, and, you never know, might just tempt me to try shuttle-tatting.:-O surprise We'll see, as I have quite a bit on the go for the next little while...........

    Thanks for letting me play........!



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