CQJP July Block

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday Tats June 28

Here's the first motif of the table mat pattern completed.
I think I must have been mistaken about the size of the cord since the motif is so large.
It measures 4 3/4" from point to point, and makes a nice snowflake, too.

I found the cord very hard on my hands, as it requires a lot of pulling to tighten. Consequently, I may switch to a different thread to continue the table mat and, if the size fits, use this as the center motif.

There's been other tatting going on, but I can't share yet.

Hope you are having a creative day.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I love that shade of blue (the same as my Kindle cover!), and the motif is very nice!

  2. Thanks Diane! Boy, you are quick! It looks a bit darker in real.

  3. Yes, it does, Annet. I almost didn't do the last point, so I could try the 5-point star. I think it could work, too.

  4. Very beautiful Suz, love the blue color.
    Hugs Anni

  5. I checked your post from last week and discovered this pattern came from a book I didn't even know existed - Macrame and Tatting! Somehow I never realized there was ever a book that had patterns for both!

    Of coursse, macrame was big in the 1970s, although I never tried it myself. And I never realized until I started tatting in 1989 that tatting was related to macrame - so why NOT a book mentioning both! I hope I can be as lucky and find a copy to add to my library!

    As popular as macrame was in the 1970s, it seems that tatting was in a state of decline. Fortunately, that is no longer the case!

    Does the book mention the designer of this pretty motif? You've done a great job, and I like the color!

  6. It's lovely, Suz. Hope your hands recover!

  7. Your poor hands! Yes, good idea to have it be the middle... great colour.
    Fox : )

  8. WOW - That DOES look exactly like a turtle! LOVE IT!
    Fox : ))

  9. Me again! Just realized you changed your header photo, and how much that island really DOES look like a turtle! Do you see this from your window, too?!!
    Still envious, here in Pittsburgh, PA!

  10. Thank you Anni & Decoromana.
    Kathy, I hadn't thought of macrame and tatting as being similar either until I found this book, but they're both just knots, aren't they? I remember macrame being very much in during the 70's, but I hadn't heard of tatting. I'm so glad that has changed.!
    Sadly, no designers of the tatting patterns are identified in the book.

  11. Yes, we see turtle island from the livingroom window seat, the kitchen window, and the south window in the sun room. Not only does the island look like a turtle, but the turtles climb up onto the rocks and lay their eggs in the sand-filled crevises there.
    Thanks for the healing hands wishes. They're working! My hands feel better after a rest and liberal applications of hand cream.
    Thanks for all the lovely comments.

  12. very lovely snowflake (i'd prefer to think it is). try this in another thread?!

  13. Yes Val, I've already started this is another thread. I was hoping it might match in size, but it does not. We'll see what happens. Thanks.

  14. This pattern in blue is simply lovely. Joyful July to you...

  15. Thank you! May you have a wonderful Fourth of July Holiday!

  16. Looks really pretty! Looking forward to seeing more on the project as it progresses! :)

  17. Thanks TattingChic. unfortunatelt, the different thread created a different size, so it may take some doing to get things to work together. Hugs


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